Twelfth Trial

[Prove yourself.]

Zach looked at the message before trying to look around the room that was completely veiled in shadowy darkness. It felt like he was beneath the place where they had taken all the other Trials, but he couldn't explain why. It just felt like he was underground.

The faint light from the message was just enough to read it. He couldn't see anything else.

"Yanael." He didn't know if there was anyone else around, but it didn't sound or feel like it was, so he assumed there wasn't. He used his Angel's name.

She understood what he wanted. Her halo appeared over her head and shed some light onto their surroundings. Thanks to the light, Zach could see that the room was bigger than he first thought.

He was at one end of a large chamber. He could see the silhouettes of a few tall and wide pillars just a few steps away. Beyond that, the shadows still reigned.