Plan E

Maer looked at Zach. It was a good offer. Too good to be true. But it didn't matter. He didn't have anything to lose. He was loyal to the Great Ugor, but his loyalty didn't stop him from saying anything. It would have if revealing anything could interfere with their plans.

No matter what Maer told him, there was nothing Zach could do that would let him stop that.

The only problem was where he should go after spilling the beans. It was a non-issue.

So, Maer spilled the beans. He told Zach everything he knew about what the others were doing, which wasn't much. He lived up to the spirit of the broken ceasefire. He wanted to live.

There was nothing wrong with that.

He could have tried fighting for it instead. He could have tried his chance in a fight against Zach and his familiars.