The Great Ugor

The Great Ugor saw it coming, and he raised his hand to block the Daughter's tiny fist. The Daughter extended her hand and pierced her sharp nails into the Great Ugor's palm. Like a butter knife trying to penetrate a steel plate, nothing happened.

The Daughter clicked her tongue and tried to retreat. The Great Ugor shifted his arm forward and wrapped his fingers around the Daughter's frail-looking wrist.

Not even Jigak would have been able to crush it. But in the Great Ugor's hands, it was like her wrist was a bundle of dry twigs. The Daughter pressed her feet against the Great Ugor's chest and kicked off, tearing her wrist, leaving her hand with the Great Ugor.

The Great Ugor threw it to the side and flicked his hand to get rid of her blood.

He looked at the Daughter. Her hand had already regenerated without a sign of it ever being gone.

"Disgusting." The Great Ugor frowned.

The Daughter's eyes burned with rage.