Heroine's Husband Turn to Be Dominant (18+)

Lucan awoke next to his naked wife and to the sounds of the squirrels playing in the attic. Sleeping nude was a rare treat for the couple and very enjoyable. Maris's skin was always soft and warm. He rolled next to her and placed an arm tenderly around her. Maris unconsciously snuggled closer and signed contentedly. Lucan could stay like this for hours he mused, lying next to Maris, feeling her warmth and softness, letting sleep drift over him. However, once awake, Lucan would not go back to sleep, so he let his mind wander.

What a day yesterday had been. Maris totally surprised him with the way she took control and was totally dominant. He had been under her spell the moment he saw her on the stairs in that corset. Oh, yes! That corset. That was a completely different look and a very erotic, sexy look. One he would just have to see again. But, he knew the price for that look. To be dominated and having to submit. Nevertheless, in this case, the ends did justify the means.