Heroine Telling Dirty Story (18+)

Lucan rose and moved to the daybed and sat next to his wife, his cock still outside his shorts. He leaned over and gently kissed her breast.

"MMMMM ..."

Lucan gave Maris a small slap on her inner thigh. "You stopped again."

Maris apologized and restarted. Lucan continued to kiss one of Maris's breasts and pinched the other nipple.

"After a short pause to re-soap your hands, you reach around to my front and pull me close."

[... Oh yes...]

Another small slap brought Maris back to her story.

"While your hands soap up my breasts, you rub your body against my soapy back. This human loofa drives me crazy. Gone is my sensory confusion. This is sensual over-stimulation."

"The temperature begins to rise and so do you. I aid your erection by working my own human loofa action, rubbing my soapy bottom and back against your cock."

Lucan's hands slowly moved to Maris's pussy and he started to play with her clit.