Heroine's Husband with Her Daughter's Friend IV (18+)

Laira went to shower, as Maris and Lucan watched her as she went to her room, then turned to each other with a knowing grin.

Lucan openly ogled his wife, and pulled her to him.

"Hey," Maris exclaimed, pretending to struggle, "Let me shower first."

"You know it drives me crazy when you come from the gym all sweaty, especially when you're dressed like that."

Maris giggled, "Of course I know... That's why I work too hard to get sweaty, otherwise you know it's very hard for me get sweaty."

"I absolutely love you that you do this for me," Lucan said.

Maris laughed before kissing him. And in her most sultry tone, she asked quietly, "Come shower with me?"