Heroine's Husband with Salsewoman I (18+)

Lucan slept in the next morning since he didn't have to be at the office until later, and even then, it was just to oversee the furniture delivery. With it being a more relaxed day, he dressed casually in jeans and a nice shirt before heading in. When he got to the office, he started some fresh coffee and had some danishes delivered for the employee. He knew that if he treated people right, they'd give him better service.

Right at 10 o'clock, Lucan's phone rang, informing him that the delivery was downstairs. He gave permission to let them up.

About that time, his cell phone buzzed, letting him know he had a text. Looking at it, he saw that it was from Katie.

Katie: Do not reply. I'm sitting in class thinking about your hard cock in my ass. I am so fucking wet!