Heroine's Husband with Salsewoman IV (18+)

After what seemed like hours, but was actually only about 30 minutes Margeta raised herself and stared straight into his eyes, she licked her lips and made a comment about how nice that was. Then she announced it was time for the main event and she got herself up and was straddling his cock. Looking down at him, she just rocked her hips back and forth slightly.

Lucan's cock head made faint contact with her pussy as she did. Hs was thinking about trying to raise his hips and sliding his cock in, but she read his mind. "Don't even think about it." She said. "If you move your ass off this bed I will start all over again, and there will not be any softness to any slaps I give you this time."

Even if you use all your strength, it won't hurt me. Lucan thought but didn't try to move his body, instead relaxed his body, she resumed her rocking motion. She also lowered herself so that more of her pussy came into contact with his cock.