Heroine's Husband with His Sister VIII (18+)

That evening after dinner Eloise said, "Do you realise I haven't been outside or had a breath of fresh air since Friday evening."

"So you would like to get some fresh air," Lucan replied, thinking of the possibilities.

Eloise immediately realised she had said the wrong thing and tried to get herself out of it. "No …..I was just making conversation"

"No you're right, you should get some fresh air," Lucan responded looking out of the window.

The sun was starting to go down and it was only another hour or so before dark. The ground was very wet and muddy from the rain earlier that afternoon. Lucan thought it would be a fair bet that nobody would be walking around this area at this time of day.

He put his boots on and put the manacles back on Eloise so that her hands were behind her back and then removed the ones from her ankles.

Lucan also attached a rope around her waist, so that it would serve like a dog's lead.