Heroine's Husband with Katie III (18+)

It was a couple hours later that Lucan began to stir. his two companions were still asleep so he decided to let them sleep. He just lay there and looked at them as they slept. Their heads still resting on his shoulders or chest. Just watching them sleep was enough to stir his cock, but he was determined to let them rest. After a while he felt his eyes close and he drifted back to sleep.

Later he dreamed that he was back at the region, and he was in his bed naked and surrounded by all his wives as they took turns giving him a blow job. The dream felt so real. The mouths swallowing his cock so warm and wet.

He looked around the room as each wife took her turn, and then he could hear Katie encouraging a Julia off to the side to try it. Then the other wives joined in and encouraged her.