Heroine's Husband with Her Now V (18+)

"But it was also about not rushing it." Ruring continued. "That first night, we'd gotten home after a club and we stayed up almost until dawn. There was no hurry, no clock to watch, nobody had to be anywhere and we knew we could sleep in if we wanted. We were freer, just going with the moment, however long that moment was going to last, you know? But the second night, man, we all felt it, that impatience, that knowledge that the fun was coming to an end and we all had normal shit to get on with the next day, so we didn't enjoy it as much. We didn't allow ourselves to enjoy it, you know what I mean?"

They did know what she meant. In fact, Maris had already decided that Ruring had passed the interview. Not just that, but she was both desperate to know when she could start. After all, she was curious as never really did this.