Heroine's Husband Doing Threesome V (18+)

"Well I'm afraid you'll have to control yourself a little while longer," Sarina replied, stepping away from his grasp and taking Katie's arm. "Because we have a date with another pair of hands."

Lucan kissed them both on the cheek and wandered back into the casino to find his golden poker table. Rising up the escalators, Katie could not stand still.

"Nearly three hundred bucks!" she squealed. "I still can't believe it!"

She was sizzling with an electricity Sarina had not seen before. If this was what gambling did to her, then Sarina wanted to move them all to this city permanently.

"Let's go dancing or something!" Katie suddenly said, as they reached the top of the escalator. "I've got all this cash in my hand, I'm on fire, like I need to move..."

She grabbed Sarina's hips and began grinding into her, totally oblivious to their public surroundings.