Heroine's Husband Doing Threesome VII (18+)

Sarina was transfixed as she watched Katie's wet nipples glisten in the steam, the idea of folding her mouth around those hard, hot bullets almost too much for Sarina to bear. She puckered her mouth slightly, the salt of her own sweat mingling with the imagined sweetness of Katie's breasts on her tongue, then she made her hands do what her mouth could not, sliding them down Katie's shoulders until they were kneading her tits.

Sarina hadn't asked permission, wasn't sure if she needed to, but it was like she wasn't in control anyway, like she'd been taken over by some wicked supernatural force which was going to molest and invade Katie's body whether she liked it or not...

But then Katie turned her head and placed her mouth on the inside of Sarina's thigh. She allowed her tongue to collect a few previous drops of Sarina's delicious perspiration, before arching her neck right back and pushing her plump, open lips onto Sarina's hot, wet pussy.