I, the grandson of Garp, have a system!

[One more]

This day.

The wind is sunny and the sun is shining.

East Blue Sea.

Goa Kingdom, Windmill Village.

Back Mountain.

A three-year-old boy was sweating profusely, with a determined face, and he was constantly doing push-ups. Sweat beads the size of soybeans were rolling down his forehead.

Tick tock!

Tick tock!

The bright sunlight scattered from the sky, imprinted on the boy's body.

Although he looks young on the outside, he already has ambiguous muscle lines on his body, showing the effective results of his hard work on weekdays.

With a thin body with muscular lines, it contains an explosive power and beauty like a tiger and a wealthy wolf.

I see,

While doing push-ups, the boy kept his mouth shut.

"Nine hundred and ninety-five!"

"Nine hundred and ninety-six!"

"Nine hundred and ninety-seven!"


"one thousand!"

After doing a thousand push-ups, Lucy lay sluggishly on the green grass next to him, and his tired limbs were accompanied by bursts of soreness.

The breeze was blowing, and the white clouds fluttered.

Lucy closed his eyes slightly and looked up at the blue sky.

With his back against the green grass, there was an icy cold touch. At this moment, he relaxed his entire body and mind, and a sense of exhaustion flooded his body, making him wish he could sleep soundly right away.

"It's been three years since I came to this world."

"To this day, it still feels a bit like a dream."

Whenever he was exhausted, Lucy would always think of it.

One day three years ago, he inexplicably crossed into this world and became a newborn baby.


Lucy is an out-and-out traveler.

Of course, Lucy is no stranger to such things as time travel these days.

But what he didn't expect was...

The world that came through is actually the world of One Piece, which is in danger.

Lucy, who learned the truth, was in a complicated mood.


His ability to accept is very strong, and he quickly accepted the fact of crossing into the world of One Piece.

In the days to come,

Lucy gradually came to know his origin.

"I actually became the son of the founder of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D Dragon ? The son of the most Dangerous criminal in the world?"

"I also have a grandpa named Monkey D Garp? Called a Marine hero?"

"There is a younger brother named Luffy who is about to be born?"

With such a prominent background, Lucy should have been ecstatic.

I don't know why...

Just thinking about it, the soon-to-be-born younger brother Luffy, with his nervous personality, will definitely cause countless troubles in this sea of crises.

Suddenly, this gave Lucy a headache.

With such a stupid younger brother on the stall, he could only accept it reluctantly.

Over the past three years,

Except when he was just born, Lucy had never seen his mysterious so called father Dragon.

That is to say.

In the past three years, Lucy was brought up by Garp.

After his grandfather inhuman training method I should call it "torture", Lucy nearly survived in life-and-death crises for many times, thus exercising a strong wildness and strength, as well as tenacious vitality.

Although Lucy is only three years old, he is already an uncompromising 'little' strong man!

In Windmill Village, it can basically be said that there is no rival! For him .

Garp's training method is very simple...

Lucy is often left alone in those barren mountains and ridges, in the name of exercising Lucy's ability to survive in the wild, but in fact Garp is too lazy to take children.

Under Garp's training,

It has to be said that Lucy is very lucky to be alive today.

"After a while, Luffy will be born."

Lucy narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking in his heart.

In the past three years, he has completely adapted to his identity.

It can be said without exaggeration.

He has the most powerful identity background in the world!

at the same time,

This powerful identity background will definitely bring him a series of countless troubles and disasters in the future.


Lucy made up his mind a long time ago to become stronger!


As a qualified traverser, it is natural to have no system!

"I, the grandson of Garp, have a system!"

Lucy showed a bright smile.

He thought silently in his heart.

"System, bring up my current properties panel."

A thought fell.

Immediately after,

A virtual attribute panel appeared in Lucy's eyes.

[Host: Monkey D Lucy ]

[Strength: 4.1]

[Speed: 3.9]

[Physical Strength: 4.3]

[Ghost Back Completion: 9.99%]

[The overall improvement of the training effect: 10 times! ]

[Total obtained in this practice: Strength +0.02, Speed +0.01, Physical Strength +0.03! ]

The system that Lucy activated was called the Ghost Back System.

The purpose is to make him stronger and hone a perfect ghost back!

Through a series of training,

Make your ghost back more and more perfect!

This is the main goal of the system.

While Lucy was exercising, the ghost back system would also bring him some help.

For example,

The overall improvement of the training effect!

In other words.

The overall effect of Lucy's practice can be increased tenfold in all aspects!

This is the power of the ghost back system.

And the ten-fold cultivation effect is only because of Lucy's completion of the ghost back, which is only 9.99%.

Once the threshold of 10% is exceeded,

The training effect will definitely usher in a huge increase again!

By the time...

Maybe fifty times!

Possibly a hundredfold!

Even hundreds of times!

Thousands of times!


Let's imagine,

Lucy, who originally had a very strong physical talent, also has hundreds of thousands of times the cultivation effect.

In time,

How powerful will Lucy be? !

At that time,

The strength that others have Train hard for a full ten years has improved...

Maybe at Lucy's place, he only needs to practice for one day!

At this time,

The system beep sounded again.

[After this training effect has been increased by 10 times...]

[The host can obtain: Strength +0.2, Speed +0.1, Stamina +0.3! ]

Fall with the sound of the system.

A warm current emerged out of thin air, swept through Lucy's body instantly, and crazily integrated into his body's blood and bones, strengthening all aspects of his body's attributes.

Greatly increase his strength!


When Lucy checked his attribute panel again,

The properties panel has undergone a lot of changes.

[Host: Monkey D Lucy ]

[Strength: 4.3 (+0.2)]

[Speed: 4 (+0.1)]

[Physical Strength: 4.6 (+0.3)]

[Ghost Back Completion: 9.99%]

[The overall improvement of the current training effect: 10 times! ]

This is the increase in strength that Lucy has obtained after the tenfold increase.

For each of the three-dimensional attributes, ordinary people only have the value of '1'.

That is to say.

Lucy, who is only three years old now, already possesses powerful strength, speed and physical strength far exceeding that of ordinary adult strong men.

without any exaggeration.

Lucy, who is only three years old, can pick over dozens of ordinary adult strong men with one hand.


"Just break through the 10% ghostback completion progress."

"By the time..."

"The training effect has been improved again!"

"Fifty times? Or a hundred times?"

Lucy's eyes were full of anticipation.

He had a strong premonition in his heart.

This time,

Once the completion of the ghost back reaches 10%, then the ten times the original training effect of oneself will surely usher in an earth-shaking huge improvement! .