Chapter 2: God's Blueprint

As Ajita and Reginald entered the small house, Reginald couldn't overcome his captivation as the Obsidian Chamber unfolded like a clandestine sanctuary, devoid of windows to the external world. Its walls and ceiling, swathed in an enigmatic shade of black adorned with intricate golden borders, whispered of both the void and celestial opulence. The spatial power arrays concealed the room's true expanse, creating an illusion of vastness from its unassuming exterior.

In the heart of this obsidian cosmos, a small globe of Earth levitated, a microcosm of the vast web of time intricately woven around it. Threads of cosmic essence spanned the space, crisscrossing like ethereal silk, forming an intricate network that seemed to hold the secrets of existence. Notes, like ephemeral butterflies, clung to every surface—the walls, the threads—each one interlinked in a cosmic dance.

These notes bore witness to the eons, detailing significant historical events with meticulous precision. Each entry, a celestial annotation, chronicled when the tides of time shifted, narrating the what, the why, and the resonance of each occurrence. Secretive notations at the room's terminus hinted at the potential for temporal interference—a dance with destiny awaiting its cue.

In this chamber of shadows and gleaming borders, the past was a tapestry, its threads woven into the very fabric of the room. The air hummed with the weight of history, and the small globe of Earth floated at the nexus of it all, a cosmic oracle surrounded by the silent whispers of notes, a testament to the owner's mastery over time's delicate threads.

Reginald gulped and asked, "What is this, Lord? This... this is beyond comprehension." His eyes still scanning the notes that seemed to tell the story of the universe, he continued, "You've not just chronicled history; you've harnessed it. It's like standing at the crossroads of time. How did you come to possess such knowledge, and what on Earth do you plan to do with this celestial tapestry?"

Ajita, with a quiet smile of satisfaction playing on his lips, replied, "Reginald, this chamber has been my life's work for over two millennia. Witnessing Temporians traverse time, hearing tales of races with temporal powers sending thoughts to the past—I became determined to join their ranks. I've been meticulously preparing, biding my time until I'm powerful enough to send my mind back to guide my past self through the eons. These threads are not just history; they are my journey toward a future only I can shape."

Ajita, his eyes carrying the weight of centuries, continued, "Reginald, when we both embark on this temporal odyssey, our roles are crucial. You, my trusted companion, will journey a century further into the past than me. Your mission is intricate but pivotal. In those extra hundred years, you must lay the groundwork and create the circumstances that will allow me to seamlessly enter the tapestry of time a century later. Your actions will serve as a beacon, guiding me through the epochs."

Reginald, still in awe of the chamber's revelations, nodded solemnly. "Lord Ajita, I am honored by your trust, but what specific tasks must I undertake in those earlier years to ensure your arrival?"

Ajita, fingers delicately tracing the threads that linked events across time, replied, "Your responsibilities are twofold, Reginald. Firstly, establish a network of allies and resources that will be indispensable for our endeavors. From discreet contacts to hidden caches of knowledge, your meticulous groundwork will be the scaffold for our grand design. Secondly, plant the seeds of knowledge and wisdom in key individuals, whispering insights that will eventually shape the course of events. Your actions, subtle yet profound, will echo through time."

Reginald, with a newfound sense of purpose, acknowledged, "Master Ajita, I shall embark on this mission with unwavering dedication. To think that our actions will ripple through history—a daunting yet exhilarating prospect."

Ajita, a gleam of anticipation in his eyes, concluded, "Indeed, Reginald. The tapestry of time awaits our touch, and together, we shall weave a narrative that transcends the bounds of this universe. Our journey begins with the steps we take in this very room, where past, present, and future converge in a dance that will save humanity."

The air in the small room resonated with shared enthusiasm as Ajita and Reginald reveled in the audacity of their temporal endeavor. Laughter echoed, and the promise of shaping destiny imbued the room with a unique energy. However, as joy lingered, Ajita's expression shifted, a serious countenance replacing the mirth.

"Reginald," Ajita began, the timbre of his voice carrying both ridicule and curiosity, "as we embark on this extraordinary journey, I must inquire—what is your understanding of the intricacies of our plan? What exactly will you do when you go back in time? What would you have done on Earth in the past? I want to hear what you will be doing, as you quite readily agreed and accepted this mission with such enthusiasm. Can you articulate the steps?"

Reginald, caught off guard, paused, and then, with an embarrassed face looking at the floor, admitted, "Lord Ajita, I... I don't know." He looked at Ajita with pitiful eyes and continued, "In my excitement, I accepted without fully grasping the detailed course of action. I got swept away by the emotion, and now I realize I need your guidance to comprehend the specific tasks required for our success."

Ajita began to laugh loudly when Reginald became embarrassed. After stopping from laughing, he said, "Ha! I was wondering how you accepted my order even without me explaining it. If the Temporal Stargate were open now and you, with your overenthusiasm, went back to Earth in the 1900s, what would you have done there? I can't stop laughing while thinking about it. Ha ha ha."

This time, Ajita really stopped laughing and said, "Don't worry, I was just making fun of you. Listen here. Before knowing what you have to do in the past, you have some important tasks to do in the present. First, we have to bring Celestiums for our help."

Reginald asked in confusion, "Wait, what is Celestium?"

To which Ajita replied, "In the cosmic expanse, the Celestiums reign as beings of divine creation. Masters of the Power of Creation and Life, they effortlessly merge planets and conjure floating islands with ethereal ease. Proficient in magical arrays, their cosmic tapestry weaves realms of enchantment, where each Celestium breathes life into existence." He paused and continued, "They're one of the worst civilizations in the universe," he said, his voice laced with contempt. "Just a bunch of greedy bastards who'd build a golden palace for anyone with enough money but wouldn't lift a finger to help the poor souls whose planets are on the brink of destruction, with nowhere else to go. Still they are very much necessary for our plan, as they will help us form an array for slaying Chronos. Also, as we will be going back in time, will we go empty-handed like a fool? We have to bring as many resources as possible that will be helpful not only to us but also to the Earth, which brings us to our second step. We have to gather everything that is useful for humans, from common materials to the rarest ones. Those materials will help us develop humanity. Sell all our possessions that are only for decoration and use the money from the sale to buy materials we need. Gather mana stones, mana gathering formations, medicinal plant seeds, cosmic metals, cultivation techniques and tools, and martial techniques from the mortal level to the divine. Find anything that will help us when we go into the past and gather them all together in space accessories." He then stopped speaking and looked at Reginald, saying, "The next steps I will tell you afterward. First, let's complete our two tasks. I will be the one inviting the Celestiums and you carry out the gathering task, and remember not to expose our identity, as I don't want anyone to notice our actions."

Reginald tilted his head and asked, "Won't the Celestium you invited know about our intentions?"

Ajita, while walking out of the small house, said, "Don't worry, I will kill him after he completes my job." His voice drifted.

Reginald blankly stood there baffled for a few seconds, then shook his head and went off too.

In the hallowed inner ward of the celestial palace, Ajita, adorned in regal attire, stood beneath the iridescent glow of ancient runes embedded in the towering walls. A hush lingered in the air as he carefully extracted a communication tool from the folds of his ethereal robes—a parchment, radiant with the enchantment of communication magic.

As Ajita unfurled the parchment, the ambient light seemed to bow to its newfound luminescence. The surface shimmered with an otherworldly glow, reacting to the touch of its master. Intricate symbols etched into the parchment began to dance in response, weaving a symphony of magical energies.

Mumbling an incantation beneath his breath, Ajita spoke into the parchment, his words a soft cadence that resonated with the language of arcane power. The parchment absorbed his voice like a hungry echo, and, in an ephemeral blaze, it erupted into ethereal flames that danced with a spectral grace.

From the dissipating embers, a swirling portal emerged, a gateway between realms. Through the magical vortex stepped forth a figure, their silhouette wrapped in the shimmering remnants of the burnt parchment. As the flames subsided, revealing the summoned individual, Ajita greeted him with a regal nod—a convergence of communication magic and mystical passage bringing forth the Celestium.

Ajita began to walk inside the door, and the Celestium followed him. As they walked, Ajita promptly said, "I didn't expect that a Divine Lord Celestium would come when I made a request for the most accomplished personnel from the Celestium elders. May I inquire about your name?"

The Celestium laughed and said, "Well, you requested the best, and here I am. My name is Astrionis. It's nice to meet you. I'm not only the most accomplished but also the finest among the Celestiums. Which assignment will you assign me? Since you indicated in our elders' conversation that this is a very covert initiative that you don't want many people to know about, I am really interested in learning more. Thus, you only requested the most capable individual."

Ajita nodded, acknowledging Astrionis's introduction. "Astrionis, it's a pleasure to have you here. I understand your eagerness, but perhaps we should discuss this inside. Follow me."

The two walked into a grand hall, whose architecture was magnificent and adorned with symbols of celestial power. They took their seats, facing each other, as Ajita began to speak. "Astrionis, I have three tasks for you. The first is a matter of combining the various planets in my collection into one colossal entity. These planets house a diverse range of creatures and medicinal plants, each at varying power levels, from mortal beasts to divine ones, and essence medicinal plants to ethereal varieties."

Ajita continued, "I envision a new planet where each latitude represents a different power level. The lowest-power level planet will be situated at the south pole, and each subsequent planet will be added like latitudes on a sphere. Build walls along the borders of each region, with four gates for entry into the next power level. At the north pole, I want the current planet we are on to occupy. This planet holds my favorite divine beasts, a medicinal garden, a pristine lake, and, of course, my palace."

He leaned forward, adding, "Additionally, include a teleportation portal in each power level, connecting them seamlessly. There should also be one in my palace for convenience. This new arrangement will allow for controlled access and exploration across different power levels."

Astrionis, with a thoughtful expression, nodded in understanding. "Lord Ajita, your vision is clear. I shall accomplish the project with utmost sincerity."

Ajita nodded at Astrionis, pleased with his understanding. "Very well. Now, let's move on to the second task I have for you. I want you to create a floating island, as vast as a moon, with self-sustaining power. Picture it like a three-layered pyramid. The first zone at the bottom will serve as the residential area. The middle zone will house mansions, production forges, and elixir synthesis chambers. I'll provide you with a list of automated productions that need to be incorporated."

Astrionis, still processing the information, nodded in agreement. "Understood, Lord Ajita. I'll ensure that the production facilities are efficient and cater to your specifications."

Ajita continued, "Now, the third zone will consist of an academy, featuring various buildings like the Ethereal Wisdom Pavilion, Essence Forge, Alchemy Nexus, Martial Echo Hall, and the Celestial Library. This zone will also house a palace, a serene lake, weapon storage, medicine storage, and an administration hall."

He leaned back, contemplating, and then added, "Integrate a mana gathering array into the structure, making it a haven for cultivation, with the mana concentration increasing as we move closer to the middle, where the palace is located. Additionally, implement a gravity control mechanism. I want the island to have twice the gravity as normal, and I want precise control over the gravity's effect on individuals and specific areas."

Astrionis, ever the meticulous planner, took note of every detail. "Your vision is vivid, Lord Ajita. I will also construct the floating island with the utmost endeavor."

Ajita, now with a serious countenance, leaned forward. "Before I reveal the third task, you must swear a heavenly oath that you won't disclose this information to anyone." Astrionis, visibly taken aback, hesitated for a moment but ultimately took the oath. A resonant heavenly voice echoed in the grand hall, signaling the acceptance of the solemn pledge. Ajita sighed in relief and proceeded to unveil the third task.

With a serious tone, Ajita revealed the third and most crucial task. "I need you to construct a formation capable of opening a Temporal Stargate large enough to transport both the newly constructed planet and the floating island back in time."

Ajita spoke of a formidable plan—to build a formation capable of opening a Temporal Stargate large enough to transport the newly constructed planet and floating island back in time. Astrionis, incredulous, insisted that such a feat was impossible. However, Ajita calmly asserted that it could be achieved with a substantial number of cores infused with temporal power and the nexus—comprising the primal hart, core, and crest—of Chronos, the god of time. He also provided him with the array formation he had made.

Astrionis got up in disbelief, Ajita reminded him of the favor Celestiums owed Ajita, and Astrionis, with a resigned nod, proceeded to discuss the payment. He questioned if Ajita could afford the substantial sum of celestial shards required for the task. Ajita, nonchalant, replied, "I'll be departing from this timeline; what use will currency have for me?" He handed over half the sum as an advance, assuring Astrionis that the remaining half would be paid upon completion. Astrionis, now committed, pledged to finish the monumental task within the next 300 days and departed.

As Ajita stood amidst the stillness of the chamber, an ominous determination was etched across his face. In the silence, he whispered to himself, "There is no need for further payment. Once the task is done, the fate of Astrionis is sealed. A silent conclusion awaits, and the celestial shards, once given, will be reclaimed. The fool fails to grasp that even across timelines, currency remains unchanged."

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, a colossal being, Olymporos—the Titan, God of giants—manipulated a galaxy within his grasp, shaping and reshaping its cosmic contours. His divine experiments on evolving life forms, including humanity, came to an abrupt halt as a disturbance in the fabric of time caught his attention. Perplexed, Olymporos pondered, "This is the third time I've sensed temporal disruption. Is someone meddling with the normal flow of time, and if so, who possesses such formidable strength?" As the Omniscient Lord, Olymporos delved into his immense power to probe the disturbance but found the source elusive.

In a celestial conclave known as the Ethereal Conclave, sacred beings gathered to communicate through the recesses of their divine minds. Olymporos called upon Chronoarch—the Time Sovereign—to address the anomaly. In the conclave, luminous figures manifested, including Luminari—the Radiant Sovereign, Vor'thek—the Arachnid Arbiter, Nebulon—the Nebulaic Sovereign, Zypherian—the Skyward Tempestlord, Crystallar—the Prismancer Deity, and Xylox—the Galactic Monarch. Olymporos was astonished to find them assembled, but he noticed the absence of the three mightiest gods.

In a perplexed inquiry, Olymporos questioned the unexpected convergence. Luminari responded, "I also sensed powerful temporal turmoil but couldn't trace its origin. Suspecting one among us, I ventured to the Conclave to investigate." The others affirmed similar sentiments, prompting Olymporos to express his own quest for answers. To which Chronoarch simply responded "It wasn't me". The revelation that Chronoarch wasn't the source heightened tensions, and made him find the culprit for this leading to a ritualistic performance by the Time Sovereign. His incantations unveiled potent temporal power, yet he admitted, "The one causing this disturbance possesses strong temporal abilities, but they are inferior to mine. Unfortunately, I cannot pinpoint the exact identity." A collective frustration ensued among the divine as they grappled with the unsettling realization that the perpetrator remained elusive.

Voices rose, questioning Chronoarch's inability to unveil the temporal saboteur despite his purported inferiority. In response, Chronoarch acknowledged and said, "His power is weaker, yet it bears erratic attributes, entwined with threads of creation and destruction." A collective gasp echoed through the conclave as these attributes aligned with two of the paramount gods among the Omniscient lords.

Suddenly, a resonant voice cut through the tension, drawing all eyes toward its source. "It's not the power of creation and destruction; it's something more peculiar." Emerging from the divine shadows was Nexalith—the Desolator Prime, God of destruction. Chronoarch queried, "What makes this power peculiar?" Nexalith, God of destruction, explained, "My power of destruction is a cosmic might capable of unraveling the fabric of existence, reducing matter to its primal essence. It corrodes the foundations of reality, leaving behind a desolate aftermath where time, space, and matter succumb to the inexorable pull of entropy, and Arcanovus's power of creation molds raw primal essence into intricate forms, shaping reality with the divine touch of imagination. It manifests as an ethereal energy, a luminescent force that weaves through the fabric of reality. When I sensed that temporal disturbance and tried to locate its source, it too eroded into primal essence, but the primal essence was molded into primal disorder. Irregularity was infused into the very essence of primal essence. This feat is inconceivable to us both. It may be similar superficially, but fundamentally, it is distinct."

After that, Nexalith presented primal essence in his hands, and an unsettling revelation unfolded. The essence trembled and turned chaotic, prompting Nexalith's laughter, an eerie sound that resonated through the cosmic chamber. Still laughing, he said, "It's astounding! He really is something else." The revelation of the chaotic essence left the divine assembly in stunned silence, their cosmic senses grappling with the inconceivable. Olymporos, the Titan, surveyed the gathering, witnessing the unease that lingered in the air. Focused on Nexalith, Olymporos raised a query that echoed through the divine chamber: "Do you know the one behind this temporal disturbance?" Nexalith, now somber, ceased his laughter, shaking his head in negation. "I don't know who it is, but we'll all come to know," Nexalith cryptically declared, adding with an air of suspense, "in the future—a realm that eludes even our divine gaze."