Chapter 12: Echoes of Destiny

In Yggdrasil's realm, the starry sky above twinkled with a magical display, casting a serene glow over the scene. Ajitha and Althaea stood amidst this cosmic wonder, their attention solely on their crucial conversation.

"The Yggdrasil is a living entity," Althaea explained, her tone serious. "It will return your gratitude in equivalent measure. For you to obtain a supernal tier cultivation technique, you must offer an equivalent amount of life force and blood essence. I don't control the level of cultivation technique Yggdrasil grants, so even though I've promised a supernal tier technique, you must provide the necessary value."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "An elf is always present during the ritual to ensure proper exchange. Even when high-quality materials are offered, we typically only grant techniques of the mystic tier or below. Higher-level techniques are forbidden to be distributed in the cosmos."

Althaea's gaze fixed on Ajitha as she added, "We were prepared to offer you a heavenly tier technique because it was the first time a demigod-level being would exchange their life force. A demigod has a significantly larger life force compared to mortals. Now that you've ascended to the divine lord level, even with half of your life force, it wouldn't suffice for a supernal tier technique."

Ajitha nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "That's why I'm going to supplement the exchange with the blood essence of beasts."

Althaea raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Do you have a large number of beasts in your possession?"

Ajitha took a deep breath before responding. "Yes, I do. I have amassed a considerable number of powerful beasts, each with potent blood essence. This should bridge the gap required for the supernal tier cultivation technique."

Althaea looked at Ajitha with interest. "Why did you amass so many beasts?"

Ajitha laughed and said, "I liked collecting them, so I thought, why not? I've kept them on various planets according to their strength. They are wild beasts, not from the Beastia race, so I don't have to face their wrath for capturing them, nor do I have to worry about killing them."

Althaea nodded. "So, when will you return for the ritual?"

"I'll be back in a few months," Ajitha replied. Both of them stood up, and Ajitha followed Althaea back through the magical pathways. As they left Yggdrasil's realm, the chair and table vanished as if they had never been there. Soon, they returned to Elsinore, standing once more at the roots of Yggdrasil.

Ajitha bid farewell to Althaea and then soared through the air, leaving the Elven realm behind. After a few hours of travel, he finally got near to the Sovereign Palace.

As Ajitha approached his sovereign palace, he immediately sensed that something was amiss. The familiar planet that housed his grand abode was nowhere to be seen. In its place loomed an enormous, majestic planet, its vastness dwarfing everything in sight.

Ajitha's sharp eyes quickly spotted his palace, now positioned at the planet's North Pole. The structure stood proudly, unchanged in its grandeur, surrounded by the lush, vibrant gardens of medicinal plants that he had meticulously cultivated. Nearby, the serene lake shimmered under the planet's ethereal light, reflecting the splendor of his celestial domain.

The palace loomed majestically as Ajitha landed in its grand courtyard. The intricate architecture, combined with the serene environment, offered a stark contrast to the bustling preparations within. Ajitha walked through the halls, his mind occupied with the steps he needed to take next. His encounter with Althaea had provided him with the necessary insight and motivation to move forward with his plan.

Entering the main hall, Ajitha found Reginald, his ever-dutiful butler, awaiting his arrival. "Welcome back, my lord," Reginald said with a respectful bow. "I trust your meeting with the Elven Queen went well?"

"Indeed, it did," Ajitha replied, his voice carrying a mixture of resolve and anticipation. "We have much to prepare for the upcoming ritual. I'll need your assistance to prepare a fleet for me. We will need to reach the domain of Chronos where all his believers live. They are spread across different planets, but his true believers mainly reside in the core region near his sanctuary. Before we initiate our attack, we need to ensure that Chronos is kept away from his domain."

Reginald looked thoughtful. "But how are we going to draw him away? And even if we manage that, won't he return as soon as he finds out someone attacked his domain?"

Ajitha's eyes gleamed with a cunning light. "There's no need for us to draw him away ourselves. Chronos visits the Shrine of Chronoarch once a week. And as for keeping him busy, well, that's quite simple."

Reginald raised an eyebrow. "What plan do you have, my lord?"

Ajitha smiled slyly. "The pirates and the chambers of commerce are desperately trying to find the person responsible for destroying many pirate fleets and possibly the Galactic Commerce Guild. We will feed them false information, making them believe that Chronos is the culprit. We will also leak his location when he visits the shrine. This may not stop him entirely, but it will certainly delay him long enough for us to carry out our mission."

Reginald nodded but still had concerns. "Doesn't Chronos have temporal powers? What if he just goes back in time or looks into the future? And what about the temporal powers of those races? Don't they have the ability to go back in time to warn themselves of future threats?"

Ajitha waved a hand dismissively. "As I mentioned before, the future is constantly changing, creating countless possibilities every second. To look into the future, especially at his level of strength, comes at a high price. As for the races with temporal powers, they don't exactly travel back in time; they send their minds back, which only the strongest individuals can do. We will need to swiftly eliminate these key individuals to prevent them from warning others."

Reginald still looked puzzled. "But doesn't going back in time create parallel timelines? How are they still able to warn themselves effectively?"

Ajitha leaned back, contemplating the complexity. "Parallel timelines do pose a challenge, but the essence of their warnings isn't about changing the past entirely; it's about creating ripples that influence decisions. If we act quickly and decisively, we can strike before those ripples have any real effect. It's a race against time, quite literally."

Reginald nodded, the pieces falling into place. "Understood, my lord. I will begin preparations for the fleet and will order to depart whenever you are ready." He then added, "Also, Lord, Astrionis has come to visit you. He is currently waiting for you inside."

Ajitha nodded. "I will go meet him. Ensure everything is in order for this delicate operation."

Reginald bowed deeply. "I will ensure everything is in order, my lord," he said, and then departed to carry out his orders.

Ajitha watched as Reginald left, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. The stakes were high, but with careful planning and precise execution, they could outmaneuver even a deity like Chronos. The path ahead was fraught with peril, but Ajitha was determined to see his vision through to the end.

Entering the palace, Ajitha soon found Astrionis waiting for him. The figure of Astrionis, revitalized and brimming with energy, brightened as soon as he saw Ajitha approach. Without hesitation, he stepped forward and said, "Lord Ajitha, I have completed the construction of the island and the merging of the planets. Only the construction of the formation is left. As you know, a large number of nebula cores with temporal powers are needed for its completion. I can start the initial phase, but the other materials will be needed as soon as possible."

Ajitha nodded in understanding. "Don't worry about the materials. They will be provided to you in a few days. You can start the formation's construction immediately."

Astrionis bowed deeply, showing his gratitude and readiness. "Thank you, my lord. I will begin the initial phase right away and prepare for the materials' arrival."

As Astrionis departed to begin his work, Ajitha felt the weight of the tasks ahead. The collaboration with Astrionis and the precise timing of obtaining the necessary materials were crucial for success.

Ajitha made his way to the grand balcony overlooking the palace grounds. The starry sky above seemed to pulse with energy, reflecting the dynamic and ever-changing universe they were navigating. The vast expanse of the cosmos stretched out before him, filled with potential and danger.

Standing there, Ajitha allowed himself a moment of reflection. The journey so far had been filled with challenges, but also with moments of triumph and discovery. He thought of Althaea and their conversation, the revelations about humanity's past, and the enigmatic role they were destined to play in the universe's grand tapestry.

"Chronos," he murmured to himself, the name resonating with both respect and defiance. "You may control time, but we will outmaneuver you. Our destiny is not written in stone."

With renewed determination, Ajitha turned back towards the palace. There was still much to be done, and battles to be fought. The formation, the fleet, the deception—it all had to come together seamlessly. And with the unwavering loyalty of his allies and the strength of his conviction, Ajitha was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Ajitha walked back into the palace, Reginald set to work with precision and efficiency. He swiftly organized the fleet, ensuring that each vessel was equipped and ready for the mission ahead. Reginald's expertise in logistics was unmatched, and under his direction, the palace buzzed with activity.

He also dispatched agents to spread rumors about Chronos being the one responsible for destroying the pirates' fleet. These agents infiltrated various pirate strongholds, sowing seeds of distrust and anger. Whispers of Chronos's alleged actions spread like wildfire, igniting the fury of the pirate factions. The men who were already embedded with the pirates stoked the flames, urging them to take revenge on the powerful deity.

Simultaneously, Reginald directed another group of operatives to the chamber of commerce. These agents circulated stories of a precious treasure that had been in the possession of the Galactic Commerce Guild, now supposedly acquired by Chronos after their destruction. Survivors from the guild, still reeling from the loss, corroborated these tales. They spoke of the intense secrecy and the palpable tension among their superiors during the guild's final days, hinting at the existence of an invaluable artifact.

The chamber of commerce, always eager for profit and power, was quickly drawn into the fray. Their desire for the rumored treasure spurred them to action. The combination of the pirates' thirst for revenge and the chamber of commerce's greed created a volatile mix. Both factions began to mobilize their forces, their focus shifting to Chronos as the common enemy.

Next day, back in the palace, Ajitha convened with Astrionis in a grand chamber filled with maps and strategic plans. The room was dominated by a large, ornate table, its surface covered with holographic projections of star systems and key locations.

"Astrionis, the preparations are underway," Ajitha said, his voice steady and commanding. "We have set the stage. We will ensure that everything aligns perfectly, and you will get the materials needed in time."

Astrionis nodded, his expression serious. "The initial phase of the formation will be complete in two days, Lord Ajitha. The materials for the next stage are crucial. We cannot afford any delays."

Ajitha's eyes hardened with determination. "They will arrive soon. You can start the formation from tomorrow. Reginald and I will personally bring you the materials, so you can rest assured."

Astrionis nodded and went back to rest, knowing he had much to do from tomorrow. Ajitha also went back to his room, but sleep eluded him. As the night wore on, he found himself once again on the grand balcony, gazing at the starry sky. The cosmos seemed to pulse with the tension of the impending conflict.

Before dawn, Ajitha went to the hall and called for Reginald. "Is our fleet ready?" he asked.

Reginald replied, "Yes, Lord. Everything is ready. Even the mothership is prepared. Everyone is on board, waiting for your command."

Ajitha stood and made his way toward the fleet. The ships, now fully prepared, stood ready to embark on their mission. Under the celestial light, they gleamed, their crews standing by with resolute expressions. Each vessel was a testament to Ajitha's leadership and Reginald's meticulous planning.

Ajitha's thoughts turned to the pirates and the chamber of commerce, both now unwittingly playing their parts in his grand scheme. The deception had been sown, and the stage was set for a confrontation that would reshape the balance of power.

He knew the path ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty. But with the support of his loyal allies and the strength of his resolve, Ajitha was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. His vision of a new world, a realm of unity and strength, was within reach. And he would stop at nothing to see it realized.

As dawn broke over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the palace, Ajitha felt a surge of hope and determination. The journey was far from over, but with every step, he moved closer to the destiny that awaited him.

On the fleet, everyone waited for Ajitha's command. Ajitha stood tall, his presence commanding respect and loyalty. He raised his hand, and with a firm voice, he said, "Let's go."

The fleet surged forward, engines roaring to life. The ships cut through the vastness of space, moving toward Chronos's domain with unwavering determination. Each crew member was acutely aware of the mission's gravity, and their resolve was mirrored in their focused gazes.

As they traveled, Ajitha stood on the bridge of the mothership, his eyes scanning the star-studded expanse. The fate of many rested on the success of this mission, and he could feel the weight of their hopes and dreams pressing upon him. Yet, he welcomed the burden, knowing it was a testament to his leadership and vision.

The fleet moved in perfect synchrony, a testament to the rigorous training and discipline instilled by Reginald. They were a formidable force, ready to confront any challenge that lay ahead. The domain of Chronos awaited, a place shrouded in mystery and danger. But Ajitha's confidence never wavered.

Hours passed, the journey long and arduous. But with each passing moment, they drew closer to their destination. The crew remained vigilant, their eyes on their instruments and their hearts steeled for the battle to come.

Finally, the core region of Chronos's sanctuary came into view. It was a sight both awe-inspiring and intimidating. The planets around the sanctuary were heavily guarded, their defenses formidable. But Ajitha's strategy was clear, and his resolve unbreakable.

"Everyone, gather here to listen to the plan," Ajitha commanded. As his words echoed through the ship, the commanders assembled around him, anticipation and tension visible on their faces.

"Did our reconnaissance team confirm that Chronos is away from his domain?" Ajitha asked.

A commander stepped forward, bowing slightly. "Yes, Lord. Chronos left for the shrine a few hours ago, just before we arrived."

Ajitha turned to Reginald. "Inform our men within the pirates and the chamber of commerce about Chronos's departure and his current location. Make sure they attack when he leaves the shrine."

Reginald nodded and immediately relayed the message. The wheels of their intricate plan were now in motion.

Ajitha's tone grew serious. "Now, let's discuss the plan." He gestured to a commander, who activated a holographic projection. The image displayed various planets orbiting Chronos's sanctuary, with four stationary suns positioned at cardinal points.

Ajitha pointed to the eight planets closest to the sanctuary. "These are the planets of the core believers: Temporians, Timekeepers, Chronalites, Aeonians, and others. These are our targets. I will personally eliminate their strongest members. Your task is to program the assault ships to operate on autopilot, targeting any lifeforms above the mortal level. No mortals should be harmed. The ships will attack on my command, and none of you are to be present during the onslaught."

Reginald and the other commanders exchanged uneasy glances, clearly unhappy with the plan. They wanted to protect their lord and did not want him to undertake such a perilous mission alone.

Ajitha shook his head, sensing their reluctance. "No, I must do this alone. This operation will result in billions, possibly trillions, of deaths. I alone will bear this sin. You are my men, and you will follow my orders. This mission is crucial for my goal of going back in time to gain another chance at becoming stronger. This has nothing to do with you, and I will not drag you into my sins. Do you understand?"

The commanders reluctantly nodded, unable to challenge Ajitha's directive. As Ajitha walked toward the bridge, Reginald followed, his face a mask of concern.

Without looking at Ajitha, Reginald said, "You could have gotten stronger without going back in time. You now have the cure for your shattering nebula core. You just want to bring back your loved ones. Why not let us help you?"

Ajitha paused, looking at Reginald with a mixture of gratitude and sadness. "All my men are good and pure. I don't want them to dirty their hands for my benefit. This is my burden to bear. No more discussion on this matter."

He then took a deep breath and addressed the commanders again. "Remember the plan," he said, his voice resolute. "I will strike swiftly and with precision along with the assault ships. You just need to come when I call to collect the materials. Gather their cores and blood. Also, try to find any precious treasures or valuable items. Make it look like we were here to loot their planets, not specifically for their bodies."

Everyone nodded, understanding the gravity of the mission.

With a deep breath, Ajitha gave the final command. "Commence the operation."

The fleet descended upon Chronos's domain, executing a coordinated assault that would determine the fate of their mission and the future of their realm. The ships moved with deadly precision, their engines humming with energy as they approached their targets. The planets of Chronos's core believers loomed ahead, a formidable challenge that Ajitha was determined to overcome.

As Ajitha prepared to launch his attack, the weight of his mission bore down on him. The path to redemption and power was fraught with peril, but he was ready to face it head-on, driven by the hope of a brighter future and the memory of those he had lost.