Chapter 14: Flames of Consequence

Ajitha and his men had been wandering through the cosmos for the past few days, meticulously collecting wild beasts from primitive planets and rare herbs when they came across them. This was a strategy to divert suspicion from their involvement in the massacre within Chronos's domain. Additionally, it helped to reinforce the perception that Ajitha was merely fulfilling the task given to him by the elven kingdom—collecting blood essence.

On the bridge of the mothership, Ajitha stood, still engulfed in the tormenting sin flames that caused him immense spiritual agony every second. He glanced at his hand, observing the black ethereal flames, and sighed deeply. The sigh wasn't due to the physical pain but the recognition of what he had become. Ajitha reflected on his past, recalling the countless times he had sullied his hands during his cultivation years. He shook his head, trying to dispel the dark thoughts that lingered.

At that moment, Reginald entered, carrying a pair of glasses and a wine bottle. Seeing Ajitha's condition, Reginald said, "I brought this to help ease your pain." Ajitha shook his head and replied, "Ordinary wine won't affect me. Only wine made with immortal herbs and fruits can have any effect on someone at my level. But even then, it won't help with spiritual pain."

Ignoring Ajitha's protest, Reginald set the glasses on the balustrade and began to pour the wine. "This wine is indeed made from immortal herbs and fruits, with added spices. It's a creation of the dwarves, aged 3000 years, called Ironbrew," Reginald said as a sweet, spicy aroma filled the air. Ajitha's eyes shifted towards the wine, a hint of anticipation sparking within him.

Setting the bottle aside, Reginald handed one glass to Ajitha. He accepted it and took a sip, the wine's rich flavor entrancing him. Ajitha looked at the glass and said, "It's not enough to intoxicate me, but it's definitely one of the best wines I've tasted. Where did you get it from?"

Reginald replied, "It's from my collection. I have thousands of wines, but only three bottles of this one. I kept it for special occasions, but seeing you so downcast, I thought today might be the day to open it."

Ajitha gave Reginald a curious look. Sensing the question, Reginald asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ajitha replied, "Do you remember the first time I asked you to drink with me? I had no one else, and you gave me a long lecture on how alcohol is bad for health. And now, look at you, with a collection of fine wines."

Reginald chuckled, "Times change, my Lord. We've both changed. Maybe not for the better, but we've adapted to survive."

Ajitha took another sip, feeling a rare moment of camaraderie amidst the chaos that surrounded him. The wine didn't dull his spiritual pain, but it offered a fleeting respite, a reminder that even in the darkest times, small comforts could still be found.

Reginald then asked, "What shall we do now?"

Ajitha replied, "We are close to completing our plan. We just need to acquire the cultivation technique from the elves and secure the Nexus organs of Chronos. Then, we can travel back in time. I just hope the recent developments don't disrupt our mission."

Reginald said confidently, "Everything will be fine, Lord."

Ajitha shook his head, lost in his thoughts. The sin flames surrounding him didn't just torture his soul; they also had a negative karmic effect. "Right now, I probably have the worst luck in this galaxy. I just hope my bad luck doesn't affect this mission," he thought to himself.

Seeing Ajitha lost in thought, Reginald called out, breaking his trance. "Is something the matter, Lord? You seem to be in quite a bit of pain. Are the sin flames hurting more?"

Ajitha shook his head and said, "It's nothing. Let's wrap up and leave. We've done enough to divert suspicion. Let's return to the palace. We also need to give the materials to Astrionis so he can complete the formation."

Reginald nodded and ordered the commanders to depart. Everyone boarded their ships, and soon they were on their way back to the Sovereign palace.

The journey back was filled with tension. The crew was on high alert, aware of the precarious position they were in. Ajitha remained on the bridge, his gaze distant as he stared into the vastness of space. The sin flames continued to burn around him, a constant reminder of the burden he carried.

As they neared the palace, Ajitha's thoughts drifted to Astrionis. The formation was crucial to their plan, and any delay could be catastrophic. He needed to ensure that everything was in place and that they were ready for the final phase of their mission.

Upon arrival, the palace loomed before them, its grand architecture a stark contrast to the chaos that had engulfed them in Chronos's domain. The fleet docked, and Ajitha disembarked, flanked by Reginald and a group of commanders.

Astrionis awaited them in the grand chamber, surrounded by the materials they had previously gathered. The room was filled with a palpable sense of urgency as he worked tirelessly to complete the formation.

"Lord Ajitha," Astrionis greeted, his voice steady but his eyes betraying a sense of urgency. "Lord, have you gathered the required materials? We are in a critical phase of the formation, and if the materials are not present during construction, the formation will be destroyed. The process cannot be halted once begun."

Ajitha looked at Reginald, who nodded and handed a spatial artifact to Astrionis. Peering inside, Astrionis was shocked to see trillions of nebula-cores that had slight temporal energies within them. His scalp went numb as he realized the magnitude of the massacre required to gather such a vast number of nebula-cores. His gaze then shifted towards Ajitha and Reginald, and he was taken aback by Ajitha's appearance, covered in ethereal flames.

His voice shaking, Astrionis asked, "Is this… is this the lurid sin flames that burn the one who committed the cruelest deeds?"

Ajitha met his gaze and said, "Don't worry about the flames. Focus on completing the formation." He then noticed a pile of formations behind Astrionis and asked, "What are those you're working on?"

Astrionis explained, "Those are the sub-formations for the main formation. I prepared them in advance to integrate them later. The main structure will be quite large and taxing on my spiritual force to construct all at once."

Ajitha nodded. "How much time will you need to complete the formation?"

"It will be done in a month," Astrionis replied.

Ajitha stood there, lost in thought for a moment, before nodding to Astrionis and preparing to leave. Just as Ajitha and Reginald were about to exit, Astrionis called out to them. They turned back, and Ajitha asked, "What is it? Do you have something to say?"

Astrionis looked at Ajitha and said, "Lord, the initial materials you provided were sufficient, but I added some things from my own stock. Will you please ensure those are included in my compensation?"

Ajitha gave Astrionis a thoughtful look before turning to Reginald. "Calculate all the costs he incurred and report to me," he instructed. Then, addressing Astrionis, he said, "Don't worry, we will compensate you for the materials you provided." With that, he turned and left the chamber.

As Ajitha and Reginald walked through the halls of the palace, Reginald couldn't help but notice the burden his lord carried. The ethereal flames flickered around Ajitha, a constant reminder of the immense toll this deed had taken on him.

"Lord Ajitha," Reginald began cautiously, "the sin flames are growing more intense. Is there anything more we can do to help alleviate your suffering?"

Ajitha shook his head. "This is my burden to bear, Reginald. Focus on our mission. We are close to achieving our goal, and we must remain vigilant."

Reginald nodded, his respect for Ajitha deepening. Despite the immense pain and the weight of his sins, Ajitha remained steadfast, his resolve unwavering.

As they reached the main hall, Ajitha turned to Reginald. "Ensure that the materials are delivered to Astrionis promptly. We cannot afford any delays."

"Understood, Lord," Reginald replied.

With a final nod, Ajitha retreated to his private quarters, the sin flames casting eerie shadows on the walls. He sat down, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. The pain was relentless, but it was a small price to pay for the chance to change the past and reclaim what he had lost.

The days passed quickly, the palace buzzing with activity as preparations for the formation continued. Ajitha remained focused, his mind sharp despite the ever-present pain. He knew that they were on the brink of something monumental, and he was determined to see it through.

As the month drew to a close, Astrionis sent word that the formation was nearly complete. Ajitha and Reginald made their way out of the palace and into the vastness of space. Using his divine essence, Ajitha lifted Reginald, swiftly flying towards the site, anticipation hanging heavy in the air.

"Lord Ajitha," Astrionis greeted, his face weary but triumphant. "The formation is ready."

Ajitha stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the intricate patterns glowing with an otherworldly light. The formation covered a vast area, about the size of a moon. "Excellent work, Astrionis. You have done well."

Astrionis bowed his head in acknowledgment. "It has been an honor, Lord."

Ajitha turned to Astrionis and asked, "What about its functioning?"

Astrionis explained, "This is a triad formation that requires power from three sources. Since the sources are not yet integrated, it remains nonfunctional. The three sources are the Primal Heart, nebula-core, and MystiCrest, all with very high temporal powers as you mentioned. What will happen once the formation is activated, even I do not know. Opening a temporal stargate is unprecedented." He then, looking at the marvelous formation, took out the scroll that contained the formation's array and handed it back to Ajitha. "You have some excellent formation knowledge to produce such a formation."

Ajitha shook his head. "I did not create this formation; it is something I found."

Astrionis, in disbelief, asked, "Where did you get such a magical formation?"

Ajitha remained quiet. Seeing that Ajitha didn't want to share that information, Astrionis refrained from asking again.

Ajitha then asked, "Will we be able to transfer this formation to another location?"

Astrionis replied, "Well, the formation is complete, but the concealment arrays still need to be drawn on the whole formation, which will require at least 100 days, along with some minor fixations. After that, I can make the formation shrinkable to make it easier to transport. This will take 150 days at most."

Ajitha, shocked, asked, "Didn't you say the formation was complete? Why do you need hundreds of days to add concealment arrays and other things?"

Embarrassed, Astrionis said, "Well, the main formation is complete, and I was in a happy mood, so I called you here saying it was finished." He looked apologetically at Ajitha.

Ajitha said, "It's fine. I was just shocked to know that adding the concealment array requires more time than creating the actual formation."

Astrionis explained, "The formation you gave me has intricate arrays that I had never seen before, and adding concealment arrays on top of it is the most difficult part. That's why when you first gave me the task, I asked for a period of 300 days to complete all of your tasks. It was not because of the island or the planet but because of the formation array."

Ajitha nodded. "First, take a rest. Your complexion doesn't look well, and you have depleted your spiritual energy. You can start your work after you have fully rested."

Ajitha then turned to Reginald. "Have our men conceal this formation as much as possible and set up guards around the perimeter so no one can enter our region."

Reginald nodded and hurried to relay the orders. Ajitha stood before the formation, the sin flames flickering more intensely than ever. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. The path they had chosen was fraught with danger, but he knew that it was the only way to achieve their goal.

With the support of his loyal allies and the strength of his resolve, Ajitha was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The future awaited, and he was prepared to seize it with both hands, driven by the hope of a new beginning and the chance to rewrite destiny.

Ajitha walked away from the formation, his thoughts heavy with the weight of their mission. The grand chamber bustled with activity as Astrionis's assistants hurried to finalize the sub-formations. Each intricate array added another layer of complexity, ensuring the formation's success and their passage through time.

Returning to his quarters, Ajitha couldn't shake the sense of impending conflict. The sin flames crackled around him, a constant reminder of his burden. He sat down, closing his eyes to meditate, seeking solace in the swirling energy within him. The flames danced, a spectral display of his inner turmoil, yet they also symbolized his unyielding resolve.

Reginald entered quietly, respectful of Ajitha's need for peace. He waited until Ajitha opened his eyes, then spoke softly. "Lord, the preparations are underway. Our men are securing the area as instructed."

Ajitha nodded, grateful for Reginald's diligence. "Good. We cannot afford any mistakes now. Every detail must be perfect."

Reginald bowed slightly. "Understood, Lord. I will ensure everything goes according to plan."

As Reginald left, Ajitha turned his gaze to the starry expanse beyond the window. The galaxy stretched out before him, a vast and unpredictable expanse. He knew that their journey through time would be fraught with challenges, but he also believed in their purpose. They were not just seeking power or revenge; they were striving to change the course of history, to create a future where their sacrifices would be meaningful.

With renewed determination, Ajitha rose. The sin flames flared around him, casting eerie shadows on the walls. He walked to the balcony, looking out at the stars, each one a beacon of hope. The path ahead was treacherous, but he was ready to face it, knowing that every step brought them closer to their ultimate goal.

In the Chronos domain, the grand hall of his palace was filled with an oppressive silence, broken only by the trembling voice of a follower delivering a dire report. Chronos, seated on his ornate throne, exuded an aura of barely contained rage. The follower detailed the extent of the devastation: more than trillions of immortal worshippers slaughtered, their essence drained, and their bodies obliterated. Each word seemed to amplify the tension in the room, the air growing thicker with every passing moment.

Chronos's power, derived significantly from the faith and devotion of his followers, had been diminished by nearly ten percent. At his level of strength, even a one percent decrease was catastrophic, capable of shifting the balance of power in the cosmos. The mention of this loss made Chronos grip the armrest of his throne so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

When the follower mentioned that the perpetrator had destroyed the bodies after killing them, leaving no trace, Chronos's fury became palpable. His divine essence flared, sending shockwaves through the hall. The armrest of his throne shattered under his grip, fragments scattering like shrapnel. The follower recoiled in fear but continued, his voice shaking.

"The… the temporal cultivation chambers were also plundered, my Lord. All of them taken, leaving nothing behind."

At this, Chronos could contain his rage no longer. He stood abruptly, his towering form casting a long shadow across the hall. "Enough!" he roared, his voice echoing off the marble walls and causing the floor to tremble. His eyes burned with a vengeful fire as he descended from his throne, the follower shrinking back in terror.

Chronos stormed out of the throne room, his steps echoing ominously in the vast corridors of his palace. He could barely contain his wrath, the veins in his neck bulging with the intensity of his fury. "No matter who you are," he seethed through gritted teeth, "I will definitely kill you."

Outside the throne room, the sky over the Chronos domain darkened as if reflecting the god's mood. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and the wind picked up, swirling ominously around the palace. Chronos's thoughts raced, filled with images of vengeance and retribution. He knew that finding the perpetrator would not be easy, but he was determined. He would scour the universe if he had to, tear apart every star system, and unravel the very fabric of time to find the one responsible.

As he walked through the vast corridors of his palace, he summoned his generals. They appeared before him, a mix of divine beings and powerful mortals, each bowing deeply in respect. "Find them," Chronos commanded, his voice a low growl. "Scour the universe, leave no stone unturned. Discover who has dared to defy me."

His generals nodded, their faces set with grim determination. They dispersed quickly, their footsteps echoing through the palace as they moved to carry out his orders. Chronos watched them go, his mind already plotting the next steps. He would find the perpetrator, and when he did, they would face the full wrath of a god whose power had been challenged and whose pride had been wounded.

With a final glance at the darkening sky, Chronos turned and strode back towards his chambers. There, he would plan his next move, drawing on every resource at his disposal. The hunt had begun, and Chronos would not rest until he had exacted his revenge. Only after he found the culprit would he unleash the full might of his wrath, declaring war upon those who had dared to challenge his divine authority.