River of Blood


Rushing into the throne room, a panicking messenger covered in sweat kneeled before the High Chieftain on his wooden throne, who was having a feast while his city was falling around him.

"High Chieftain," said the messenger before being cut off.

"Shut up. You only speak when asked, or I will have your head," said the High Chieftain, returning to his meal and enjoying his feast. Meanwhile, the council around him was worried about the High Chieftain's sanity, as he seemed to go senile while his enemy surrounded him.

"High Chieftain, we should hear him out. It might be important," stated one of Vercencalt's advisors. 

Vercencalt gave this advisor a death glare before nodding and asking the sweating messenger to tell him the news. With his legs shaking, the messenger spoke about the battle's developments.

"High Chieftain, it's bad we have lost all the walls, and the enemy is about to reach our final defensive line around the central city square. Our losses are heavy, with only around 10,000 soldiers left, all stationed between buildings defending the pathways to the central square.

Our allies from afar have attempted to abandon us, running toward the northern gate, but were intercepted by around 5000 legionaries getting butchered as, in their weak state, they couldn't fight back."

"Useless, you're all useless," said the High Chieftain in a rage throwing his cup at the messenger and hitting him square in the face before ordering his guards to bring the messenger to him. Upon the messenger getting dragged up to the throne, the High Chieftain picked up his axe, leaning on his throne, and sliced it straight through the messenger's head, killing him instantly. 

Looking around, the High Chieftain began to say, "This is the price of failure. Do not fail me, or you will die; Everyone prepare to fight the enemy."

After saying this, the High Chieftain advisors looked at each other terrified, understanding deep down that this was a losing battle and that they would likely die.

"Fine, I'll do it myself. Guards, fetch me my armor. If you are unwilling to fight, I will execute every one of you right here," the High Chieftain said, looking at his advisors in pure disappointment. 


On the other hand, Marshal-General Helvius was in the thick of the battle, surrounded by corpses, with blood dripping off his lorica segmentata. Helvius attempted to push into the main square with the central front while the eastern and western fronts simultaneously pushed from their flanks, all successfully taking their areas of the city.

As Marshal-General Helvius was cutting through an unfortunate barbarian on the edge of the central square, the door of the city hall swung open with the High Chieftain storming out. Looking around, Vercencalt spotted Helvius almost immediately flying into a rage seeing the person who had beaten him in battle not long ago.

 "YOU!" Shouted Vercencalt with his anger, getting the best of him and immediately charging at Helvius, not even considering his surroundings. 

"HAHA, so it's true you are here, limp dick coward. Come fight me again, but stay for the end this time don't run away with your tail between your legs." Replied Helvius in a playful tone as he cut the head of another barbarian. 

Clang! Ran through the air as Helvius's sword and Vercencalt's axe clashed for the beginning of their dance of death. Vercencalt quickly withdrew his axe before slamming it back at Helvius, aiming for his head, but Helvius smoothly moved his shield to block the axe, making it bounce off, unbalancing Vercencalt. Simultaneously, Helvius moved his sword at Vercencalt's legs, stabbing him through the thigh, drawing first blood, and severely weakening Vercencalt movements.

Helvius quickly capitalized on this, hitting his shield against Vercencalt's head, knocking him back a few steps before jabbing for his head, but Vercencalt anticipated it, blocking it with his axe and kicking Helvius in his legs, forcing him back. 

Roaring, Vercencalt changed his strategy, battering Helvius's shield repeatedly, using his rage to channel his strength, curving Helvius's shield inwards where his powerful axe hit. Eventually, after three hits, Helvius predicted the movement and sidestepped as the axe came for his shield again, glancing straight off the shield. This forced Vercencalt off balance, and he stumbled forward across Helvius, leaving himself exposed. Helvius quickly took advantage as Vercencalt stumbled in front of him, cutting off his hands holding his axe, leaving Vercencalt with just stumps, completely losing the ability to fight back.

Pointing his sword at the High Chieftain, Helvius said, "It's over for you barbarian scum surrender and await your fate." 

"Never! I will never surrender to pompous pricks like yourselves. I can still fight. I will kick you to death." Vercencalt said in madness as he stood up and attempted to kick Helvius in the balls, ignoring the pain. 

In response, Helvius simply smacked his shield hard against Vercencalt's head, knocking the heavily injured Vercencalt unconscious and causing him to fall backward, landing in a puddle of blood and broken bodies. 

 As soon as Helvius was sure Vercencalt was down and out, he surveyed his surroundings to see that the King's words had come true and a river of blood was making its way through Prola's streets. Around him, bodies were strewn everywhere, piled up three high in fierce fighting locations, forcing soldiers to fight over them. Also happening during this time, the Legates had finished the remaining members of the High Chieftain council, including many Chieftains whose tribes lived on the other side of Galicia. 

Marshal-General, with a smile on his sadistic face, ordered, "Kill all barbarians remaining. Allow this to remind our enemies that this will result from crossing us and harming our civilians. Roma Invicta."

Following this statement, the remaining legionaries all cheered and doubled their efforts to kill the rest of the barbarians, not caring if they dropped their weapons in surrender or carried on fighting. Meanwhile, Helvius ordered a few legionaries near him to pick up the unconscious Vercencalt while Royal Guardians broke through the shield wall and into the city hall before officially conquering this settlement. 

"As soon as the fighting finishes outside, send a messenger to the King asking him to join us in the city hall." Marshal-General Helvius stated to a nearby Royal Guardian.