Chapter 4: Adven

In the winter before the war, downy snow flew from the sky and the world turned into a romantic silver and everything was quiet. Standing outside, it seems that you can still hear the subtle sound of snowflakes falling to the ground.

  Silver-white snow, silent night. On this white Christmas, a group of God's people prayed solemnly by the fireplace, thanking the loving God for their family's health, reunion, and thick hot soup on this cold night.

  "We want to continue to carry on God's brotherhood, to be people who love and forgive others as we love ourselves. Thank God for bringing us back together, and may the Lord of Mercy, keep us healthy so that we can continue to be free in His love. Amen!"

  This family was a doctor's family, and the owner was Elborg Yellum, who had served in the military as an accompanying medical officer, and who, after retiring, was a doctor who was not very well known in the neighborhood, and who had a high reputation around here because he had many times set foot on high mountains and glacier peaks, solely for the sake of providing free medicine to the poor and needy.

  Since his wife's illness, Elborg raised his two children alone, where his eldest son, Steven Yellum, perfectly inherited his father's honor, responsibility, and sense of duty as a soldier, who willingly gave his body for his country in the face of a great enemy. And like his father, Elborg, despite being over 100 years old, after the death of his wife, he had nothing left to hold on to. Perhaps the only thing left for him to hold on to is his only daughter.

  "After this Christmas .... I will organize a wedding for you. We will be relieved when you get married and have a good household."

  Elborg's second daughter, Anrelia Yellum, was currently cupping her hands in silent prayer for her father, for her brother.

  "Do you really want to go to the battlefield?"

  "I have no regrets about pledging my life to my country, and I have no regrets about dying. If there is a war, the call will return, this is the belief of every soldier, and also the belief of military doctors. Princess, if we can return alive, we will celebrate Christmas together once more."

  The three of them sat in front of the table of delicious food, none of them bothering to eat the abundant food on the table. The atmosphere was extremely miserable at the moment, and although the faltering fireplace flames were emitting a warm glow, it didn't seem like it could warm the coldness in everyone's hearts.

  "Cough cough cough!"

  Anrelia coughed violently, she had a serious illness since childhood, although she had exerted all her strength to cure it, but she also fell into the root of the disease, every day, every hour, will be accompanied by a severe cough, and will even cough up blood. Although Elborg was a skilled healer, she tried everything she could, but she still had no idea about this cough.

  "May God bless you with good health, my dear daughter."

  At that moment, there was suddenly a strange sound outside, and a cold wind whistled past! At that moment, a piece of fur floated in the air, and together with those snowflakes, they twirled and danced, like a pair of silent dancing couples, pleasing the beautiful soul on the stage.

  "Is that a snow wolf?"

  Elborg's hand slowly grasped the cold rifle, the bullet was loaded, facing the flying snow and ice, Elborg walked outside the house. Everything is white, the country covered in white, the wind is like a singer, singing the silence of winter. At this moment, a series of footprints came into Elborg's eyes, fresh footprints, seemingly just stepped on.

  "These are human footprints ... And still barefoot."

  Elborg was still examining the footprints when suddenly a figure enveloped her, Elborg subconsciously raised her gun! The black hole of the gun was pointed at the small silhouette in front of her!

  "You ... going to hit me with this thing?"

  A clear female voice sounded, and Elborg fixed her eyes on the voice. Long white hair flowed gently, its length almost hanging on the ground. Snow-white pupils, smooth skin, and a clean, clear face. The young girl in front of him stood on the snow, wearing a thin T-shirt, and stood barefoot on the snow, as if this harsh winter, in front of him, was just a futile pose, unable to make him falter for a second.

  "I heard your prayer, and came to answer your pious petition, and now, you, do you do it?

The young girl raised her hand and stroked the gun, and in the next second, a snow-white flower bloomed from the muzzle! It was a gardenia flower, a flower that stays green even in winter. And just then, Elborg saw the disappointment in the young girl's eyes.

  "First time meeting ... My name is ..."

  "Aetil Gardenia."

  Elborg stared at the young girl in front of her and couldn't take her eyes off her in the slightest. It was beautiful, white and immaculate, like flying and floating on ice and snow.

  At this moment, Aetil suddenly held Elborg's rough hand and gently said.

  "May God bless you."

  Having said that, the young girl walked alone into the distance, no longer paying attention to her family, as if she was unhappy about being pointed at with a gun just now. The young girl stepped on the beautiful snow-white carpet, seemingly enjoying her cold embrace.


  "Anrelia ..."

  At this time, Elborg's daughter hurriedly ran out.

  "The wolf ... is a wolf!"

  Elborg jerked his head! At this moment, Steven copied the steel fork at home and blocked in front of the father and daughter alone, facing dozens of pairs of eyes in the darkness shining with cold aura!

  Only to see countless bright spots slowly appearing in the darkness in the distance, a white giant wolf stepped out of the snow, Elborg raised his rifle, his arms trembling slightly towards the wolf's head. The white wolf lowered its head, its tail hanging low, and did not reveal its sharp fangs. Dozens of wolves stepped out of the darkness, reflecting the light, and led by the white head wolf, the wolves passed by Steven and Elborg, silently following the white figure in front. As if on a pilgrimage.

  "Humans will pursue beautiful things, and so will animals."

  The young girl turned around, and the white wolf king slowly flopped in front of the young girl, seemingly eager to get close, but also very restrained, afraid to touch the moist snow beauty in front of him. The giant wolf gently touched the girl's paw with the tip of his nose, as if swearing allegiance.

  The young girl placed her hand on the white wolf's forehead, and then plucked a piece of white fur out of nowhere. The white wolf carefully bit off the white fur, and the wolf pack quietly retreated until it disappeared into the darkness of the night.

  Aetil turned her head and looked at the father-daughter duo who were frozen with their weapons, at the same time, Steven Yellum finally reacted, and when she saw Aetil, her fork subconsciously fell to the ground, even smashing her own leg, she didn't realize it.

  "So beautiful ..."

  Aetil has an ordinary beauty, but it is unparalleled, the crystal snowflakes on the snow-white hair mountain of the young girl flashing brightly, is the gorgeous makeup given by nature. The young girl slowly approached Elborg and placed her index finger in front of her soft lips.

  "Hush ..."

  Elborg hurriedly lowered the rifle in her hand.

  "I apologize for ... earlier."

  The young girl heard Elborg's apology and nodded her head slightly, looking at Anrelia, who collapsed in the snow and coughed violently, Aetil said slowly to Elborg.

  "Cultist, how much do you want to pay for your daughter."

  Elborg trembled as she placed her weapon on the ground and said sincerely to the young girl.


  "Very well."

  Then Aetil came to Anrelia and raised her hands on her neck, her hands were very warm, even warmer than the fireplace, it was obviously snowing, but Aetil's hands were very hot, even hotter than her heart.


  Anrelia was stared at by these snow-white pupils, subconsciously blushing and lowering her head, she did not subconsciously push Aetil away, it seemed that her body, in an instant, fell into Aetil's warm embrace.

  "Do you believe me?"

  Anrelia who was embraced like this nodded gently, then Aetil slowly approached and kissed her lips on Anrelia's neck. Accompanied by an incomparably cool sensation, the moment Aetil released her, Anrelia's throat no longer ached from coughing, and was replaced with a sense of comfort that had never been felt before.

  "Cough cough cough ..."

  Aetil let go of Anrelia and suddenly knelt on the snowy ground and coughed violently, her brows locked in unparalleled pain.

  "Don't say anything about ... cough... today to anyone. Otherwise, I will withdraw this favor. And you, Mr. Elborg, you will pay the price for that."