Radiance vs Starforged

Victor Bolakale stood in the centre of the circular platform, eyes fixed on the opponent. Both boys stood stoic and appeared rather confident. Without doubt, they had practised their various abilities before coming to the camp.

Adam and the other spectators also focused their gaze on the two, expectant of the outcome of the battle. One could create flames, while the other could forge constructs via energy particles.

The Marshal was silent for a full minute. Then, after confirming both sides were ready, he raised his hand slightly and said, "Begin."


Almost immediately, a loud explosion emerged from the spot Aaron Blackwell stood in, coating the area in a bright, orange furnace that licked the air menacingly.

Victor had attacked immediately! He hoped to end the battle very quickly, bombarding his opponent with condensed fireballs that could explode on command.

The flames subsided and Aaron Blackwell's figure came into view. The lad remained standing, surprisingly unhurt despite the scorching flames. On his body was a glowing, semi-transparent armour that had appeared at some point in time.

In fact, it was immediately the Marshal commenced the battle that he had forged a body armour from existing particles in the air. His feet dug into the floor, indicating that he used quite a lot of strength to hang on and not get blasted away by the explosion.

Then, Aaron's eyes glowed a bright orange colour and in his palms, materialised two axes. He charged forward at a terrifying speed and swung forth at Victor's head. It was quite a brutal attack, and their regenerative capabilities wouldn't regrow a decapitated head. However, Aaron was certain that Victor would be able to defend, or at the very least, dodge.

The first axe swung through the air, and Victor yanked himself backwards, evading the sharp slicing sound. Then, he pushed forward and suddenly thrust his palm forward. Hidden in the fisted palm was another condensed fireball that was even smaller than a golf ball.

He pushed the fireball against Aaron's chest armour and another explosion erupted, propelling both parties in opposite directions.

They crashed into the walls, but landed on their feet, as though in sync. Now that he had gained distance once more, Victor was the first to attack. He stretched his arm and fire-ravens that shimmered with a spectacular brilliance sparked into life.

The ravens, numbering four, glided across the distance and locked on to Aaron's figure.

The latter frowned. He brought his palms together and a dazzling light erupted, before quickly forming a shield with a thick breadth. He crouched behind the shield, protecting himself from the barrage of attacks.

When he rose to check the situation, Victor was high in the air.

"First gear!" The brown-skinned boy yelled as his arms caught on fire, charring his hands black but dealing no damage. He dove in and smashed his fist against the sturdy shield.


The semi-transparent shield burst into numerous light fragments, the impact sending a tremor throughout the entire area. The boy didn't stop there. He rushed forward and threw out another damming punch.

"Piss off!" Aaron yelled as a large gauntlet rapidly formed around his hand. He met Victor's punch with a large, glowing fist and another shockwave tore through the air.

Victor was flung backwards, crashing into a wall, while Aaron's hand construct shattered.

The fiery-eyed lad huffed and tsked. His power came with a certain disadvantage due to lack of proper assimilation. He hadn't yet possessed the capability to spawn constructs on people or a seperate item other than himself. All his constructs, currently, had to be connected to his body somehow.

And, the bigger the constructs were, the more stamina and strain it took. Otherwise, he could just spam gigantic weapons and overwhelm his opponent.

All his thoughts happened in less than two seconds. He immediately gathered himself and rushed forward, crossing the distance and holding a gigantic sword that shone with starlight brilliance. His opponent was currently vulnerable! This was the time to spam attacks!


The sword cleaved downwards in Victor's direction.

At that moment, a calm voice uttered, "Second gear…"

A bright light enveloped the training area and Aaron instinctively pulled backwards, shutting his eyes momentarily.

The spectators were the same, save for the Marshal who had tapped on the area beneath his ear, activating the bionic mask.

When Aaron opened his eyes, he gazed upon the figure of a teenager coated in bright orange flames.

Victor's entire body lit on fire and his countenance seemed to have experienced a crucial change. The mere heat he exuded began to melt Aaron's body armour, but the latter quickly reconstructed the melted parts.

Victor's eyes were now pure white. He stretched both of his arms and a large degree of scorching flames burst forth, aimed at Aaron.

Aaron once again conjured a large shield. The flames smashed against the shield, slowly eating away at its durability. During this time, Aaron opened his left palm and a spear appeared.

He twisted, before leaping to the side and finishing with a roll. Then, he bulged his muscles and threw out the spear with all his might.

The spear accurately lodged itself into Victor's shoulder, but the teen appeared unbothered. He removed the spear and tossed it to the ground. Then, he raised his hand once more and fire ravens materialised.

This time, they numbered six. Each fire raven lunged towards Aaron, and the latter began to run around the area, at times rolling, other times leaping, narrowly escaping the exploding ravens.

Suddenly, a fireball struck him by the side and he fell to the ground. The searing pain made Aaron look at his hands– the armour he had created was rapidly fading.

Sweat dripped down his forehead, and his breath was getting rather heavy. Maintaining the armour for that long was beginning to take its toll on him.

He looked at Victor, wondering if he had also expended a lot of stamina. But he didn't detect any traces of exhaustion on the boy's face. The only thing notable was the black char that seemed to be expanding rapidly.

Aaron deliberately proved, "You're also getting pretty exhausted."

"Can't help it." Victor chucked in response, his voice sounding guttural. "Best if I finish this quickly."

So he's exhausted too… Aaron noted inwardly.

Soon, he would use a surprise attack to gain the edge.