Awakening II

Huo Rong quickly asked fearing that the physique or bloodline would be activated before she asked the question, "Mistress-"

Shen Yuxin interrupted her as she spoke, "You can just call me Big Sis, now Yuan is also growing up, he calls you both Aunts so it will be weird for you to address me as mistress and we have been together long enough for you both to call me Big Sis."

Huo Rong and Bing Rong looked shocked for a second there as they revealed sweet smiles while saying, "As you command Big Sis!"

Yuxin just shook her head slightly with a smile as she asked Huo Rong, "Alright, ask what you wanted to ask just now."

Huo Rong nodded her head as she asked, "Big Sis, what level of physique or bloodline do you think Yuan will unlock?"

Huo Rong decided to call Shen Yuan by his name from now on since he always asked them both to just call him by his name instead of calling him 'Young Master Yuan'.

Shen Yuxin contemplated for a second as she replied, "In our Desolate Continent, 90% of cultivators are born without a special physique or bloodline, from the remaining 10% of the cultivators, the majority of them open Mortal Physiques and Mortal Bloodline depending on the type it gives them various abilities and slight physical enhancement.

"Then most of the top geniuses have Earthly Physiques and the Earthly bloodline they inherited from their parents, they have the elemental advantage over Mortal Physiques as they have an affinity with basic elements like Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Metal, Wind, Thunder, Poison, etc. The Earthly Bloodline also gives them more enhanced abilities or special powers."

"And finally the top rank on Desolate Continent is the Heavenly Rank, Heavenly Bloodlines and Heavenly Physique is said to be blessed by the Heavens themselves, the boost not only the physique of a cultivators but enhance the power of their techniques and their comprehension as well."

"Yuan Should be able to unlock at least Earthly Physique, as for his Bloodline, I'm not too sure about that myself since I don't know who his parents are or where he came from."

Bing Rong and Huo Rong looked at each other as they remembered the day when Shen Yuxin took back an unknown child, Both of them were so shocked when they learned that their mistress picked up an unknown child from the outside.

But over time they got used to his presence and now they are happy to to watch him grow up.

As they were about to continue their discussion, the vortex stirred above Shen Yuan, it started expanding crazily.

Winds stirred as the rivers raged, all things were being affected by the expansion of the vortex, and the ground was shaking as even the space began to break in some parts of the Mystique realm, but the laws and the power of the Heart of the Mystique Realm stabilized it.

The Whole Realm stirred as the shadow of the Celestial Symbol of Yin-Yang appeared behind Shen Yuan, his Qi Vortex reached 100km of height in a second as soon as the shadow materialized behing him.

As the symbol started to become clearer, his Qi Vortex began expanding rapidly, from the initial 100km, it reached the height of 1,000km when the symbol fully stabilized.

Bing Rong and Huo Rong held their breaths through the process as they finally heaved their bathed breaths and spoke their thoughts aloud, "Is it finally over? Is Yuan at the level of Heaven or Hell's chosen ones?"

Before Yuxin could reply the Yin-Yang symbol started spinning as it released a blinding brilliance which forced Yuxin to use her powers to stabilize the realm.

As Yuxin spoke after stabilizing the Realm, "Doesn't look like it's over just yet."

The Qi Vortex began expanding at a rate which was deemed impossible by even the strongest entity in the Desolate Continent, it expanded to 10,000km in a few breaths of time, showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Seeing this Bing Rong and Huo Rong were absolutely shocked to see a Qi Vortex of such a magnitude as they couldn't even say anything, just as it looked like the Vortex was about to expand again Bing Rongasked Shen Yuxin,

"What do you think about this Big Sis? How is Yuan breaking the limits by so much? And even after reaching the height of 10,000km, it doesn't look like it is going to stop anytime soon."

Yuxin replied to the queries which were in the mind of both Bing Rong and Huo Rong,

"There are rumors about the next tier of physique above the Heavenly Physique, but there are no records about it even in the Central Desolate. There are only a few legends here and there in text or ancient scriptures."

Huo Rong asked at this point, "Then do you know the name of the next tier of physique, Big Sis? I have never even heard the rumors of the tier above the Heavenly Physique in the Eastern Desolate Region."

Speaking up to here she turned her head and looked towards her sister as she asked her, "Have you ever heard anything about the tier above Heavenly Physique grade?"

To which Bing Rong shook her head as she said, "I have never heard anything about the tier above Heavenly Physique since even the Heavenly Physique is merely a legend in this region."

Yuxin replied to the questions of the two sisters, "It's not your fault that you haven't heard about it, even in the Central Desolate only the peak tier powerhouses knows about it or the Ancient Monsters who are living for who knows how long, oh and that Old Immortal who have been living for longer than most legacies in the Central Desolate."