
As soon as the Transcendent power began spreading in the Mystique Realm, it released a blinding radiance that stopped all the energy flow, it seemed as if time stopped moving.

Both Shen Yuan's aunts and his mother froze on the spot as soon as they felt the power spreading all over the place. It did not affect them at all though, just moved past them to cover all the areas affected by the physique.

It began suppressing the physique and made restrictions on it, it formed complicated runes beyond mortal comprehension, a mortal can stare at them for an eternity but he won't be able to understand even an atom's worth of knowledge from it.

The materialization of the Yin-Yang symbol tried to resist it but it could not do anything against the might of those runes as the physique did not have any place to draw the power from.

The size of the Qi Vortex began reducing little by little as the restriction from the transcendent power increased its output.

100,000,000 km

90,000,000 km

As the size of the Qi Vortex began reducing the pressure that it was exerting on its surroundings began decreasing.

Huo Rong and Bing Rong felt lighter as the pressure kept decreasing on them at a steady rate. Shen Yuxin stood straight again as she felt the pressure decreasing.

Even after she stood straight, she didn't have the courage to speak anything in the presence of that transcendent power.

As the qi vortex continued to shrink from 90,000,000 km

80,000,000 km

70,000,000 km 

The Yin-Yang materialization visibly lost its luster as the symbol decreased in size as well and a lot of other complimentary materializations became lost such as the Sun-Moon wheel, Celestials in harmony, etc.

The reduction speed of the Qi Vortex accelerated as the phenomenon around the Yin-Yang symbol began to decrease.

60,000,000 km

50,000,000 km

40,000,000 km

30,000,000 km

20,000,000 km

Shen Yuan was in the center of the Qi Vortex, he couldn't feel anything as it was not happening inside his body the the very concept of his physique.

His level was too low to understand the sheer magnitude of the things happening around him. He was sitting cross-legged in the very center of Qi Vortex, meditating peacefully.

But something deep inside him stirred a little as it felt the presence of that transcendent power, but it didn't react after some time, meanwhile, the Qi Vortex reached 10,000,000 km in size.

As it continued decreasing from 10,000,000 to 9,000,000, it slowed the speed of shrinking.

8,000,000 km

7,000,000 km

The restrictions were becoming more and more powerful as the longer it went on. The runes on the physique became denser as well.

6,000,000 km

5,000,000 km

4,000,000 km

3,000,000 km

2,000,000 km

1,000,000 km

Just as the Qi Vortex got reduced to the height of 1,000,000, the pressure released from it reduced greatly but did not stop reducing.

900,000 km

800,000 km

700,000 km

600,000 km

500,000 km

The restrictive power began slowing down as it looked like the power was nearly done with restricting Shen Yuan's physique.

400,000 km

300,000 km

200,000 km

As the Qi Vortex nearly reached the 100,000 km mark the transcendent power around the Mystique Realm began vanishing, as if it never existed in the first place.

After all the mysterious power vanished from the spot the Qi Vortex was left alone with a mere height of 100,000 km.

Even after getting so many restrictions the Yin-Yang symbol was illuminating brilliant light as the moon in the night sky.

After everything calmed down in the Mystique Realm as all the commotion stopped and the Transcendent power vanished, Shen Yuxin looked around her to see if the power affected anything.

After seeing right and left she was left speechless as not even a spec of dust was destroyed from all that, while both Huo Rong and Bing Rong also stood up straight as they also saw the same thing as what Shen Yuxin Saw.

Huo Rong asked in a low voice, almost as if she was afraid that someone would hear her, "Big Sis, why is the Mystique Realm so quiet? And how is there no destruction at all?"

Shen Yuxin looked at Huo Rong and replied, "Because the unknown power from before permeated everywhere in the Mystique Realm and protected it from being destroyed or affected, otherwise even the deeper layer of space would have been affected by it."

Bing Rong then asked after listening to her explanation, "Then what happened to Yuan's physique? Why does it look like it lost the majority of its power?"

To which Shen Yuxin replied, "You didn't see the runes before? His physique got sealed because its level was far beyond this world, our world can't bear the power of such a high level physique so a transcendent power put restrictions on it, his physique might be the only physique with this level in our world right now."

As they fell silent because of the uneasiness in their heart, Shen Yuxin noticed that something was off as she spoke to herself.

"Why is the Qi Vortex not merging with his body to nourish his physique? Is it not finished yet?"

Bing Rong and Huo Rong listened to her muttering and revealed a confused expression as well.

Just as one of them was about to speak, all three of them felt an inexplicable chill claw on their heart, they felt as if the world was about to end.