System II

Shen Yuan took a deep breath to calm down as he tried to ignore the question about his physique that was piquing his curiosity. He began looking at the rest of the options in the system panel.

His eyes focused on the Talent option as he looked a little disappointed and asked, "System, do I not have any talent? Even with this overpowered physique and bloodline?"

System replied,

[Host needs not worry about that; your Talents will be taken as you cultivate, or you can even buy any kind of talent bloodline or physique in the system shop.]

At the end of its sentence, the system's voice held a hint of pride in it. After all, it was no mere feat to be able to grant any and all kinds of talent, bloodline, or physique to anyone. Even the hegemons of this plane cannot do that easily.

{Author note-'Plane' can be changed later in the story depending on the cosmology, and I put this in the middle of the chap because the chaps are free so word count doesn't matter, I won't do this in the paid chaps}

Shen Yuan wasn't much shocked when he heard that it could grant him any physique, bloodline, or talent. After all in so many webnovels that he read in his previous life, many of the systems were capable of that, if his self-proclaimed strongest system couldn't do as much, then he would be truly disappointed.

He hummed in agreement as he continued looking at the next option, "Techniques huh, since I have only learned the basic qi gathering technique for my awakening ceremony that's why it is only showing that."

Soon his gaze fell on the next option, he had a vague idea after looking at the name to what it might be but he still asked the system to be sure, "System, What is Chaos Coins?"

System replied,

[The Chaos Coins are basically the System's currency, with it you can buy anything from the Shop. You can get Chaos Coins by completing the system quest for now. In the future there can be more ways to earn it.]

Shen Yuan nodded his head in understanding as he put the matter of earning Chaos Coins to the back of his head, as he looked at the next option, "System, what is this relationship option?"

[This will record the personal relationship of the host.]



[Name: Shen Yuxin]

Cultivation Base: ???

Affection Level: 85/100

Notes: Adoptive mother. A beautiful woman with black eyes, white hair, and milky white skin. She found Shen Yuan as a baby and adopted him. Deeply cares for him and ensures he has a strong foundation for cultivation.

[Name: Huo Rong]

Cultivation Base: Origin Core Creation Realm

Loyalty Level: 70/100

Notes: Maid and Aunt. Assists Shen Yuxin in taking care of Shen Yuan and other of the Mansion matters. Treats him as her own son or little brother depending on her mood. Specializes in fire-based techniques.

[Name: Bing Rong]

Cultivation Base: Origin Core Creation Realm

Loyalty Level: 70/100

Notes: Maid and Aunt. She also helps in taking care of Shen Yuan. Shares a strong bond with him. Treats him as her own son or little brother depending on her mood. Specializes in ice-based techniques.

[Potential Lover(s)]

[Name: Shen Yuxin]

[Name: Huo Rong]

[Name: Bing Rong]



As soon as he read the potential lovers panel his face went as red as a tomato as he shouted, "W-W-WHY IS MY MOTHER AND AUNTS IN THE POTENTIAL LOVERS SECTION??"

The system remained unperturbed in the face of Shen Yuan's outburst, responding in its usual monotone voice with a hint of disdain in it.

[The system identifies potential lovers based on the interaction between the host and other people as well as looking in the heart of the host. You yourself have feelings for them, that's why the three of them have been added as potential love partners.]

Shen Yuan's face became even redder as the system mercilessly exposed his deepest desires, he gritted his teeth and decided to ignore the stupid system.

He decided to change the topic else the system continue to make fun of him, "Why is there no one in the allies and enemies system panel?"

This time system replied with a hint of sarcasm as it said,

[That's because the host has never left his home and never met any people that can be called your friends or enemies.]

Another Jab. Shen Yuan felt a vein pop up on his head as he punched the system screen in front of him, but his hand went through the screen without harming it.

He took a deep breath to calm down and ignore the system looking at the last few options visible to him.

'Now only system shop and Inventory are left, Though I can pretty much guess the features of both of them, might as well ask about them as well.'

"System, Explain the functions of System Shop and Inventory in short."

The system replied in a robotic tone,

[Host can purchase various things in System Shop, it refreshes every 24 hours and you can purchase new different things. The system shop will get upgraded as host cultivation increases. And Host has a Small sub-space which can be upgraded by using Chaos Coins.]

Shen Yuan was a bit surprised as he asked, "Hmm? The inventory space isn't unlimited?"

[It is not.]

A precise reply, which made Shen Yuan more annoyed than anything else.

He ignored the inventory and asked, "Show me what is in the system shop then."