
Shen Yuan looked up as he saw the setting sun and spoke, "Well since it's evening already we can chat here for a bit and then go to sleep after eating something. We can decide what to do tomorrow later."

Bing Rong nodded in agreement, "Sounds like a plan to me. I brought some food from the city as well so we can eat it as a souvenir from there."

Huo Rong looked at her for a moment as she asked, "Don't we have chefs for that already in our manor?"

Bing Rong's hand twitched a little as she replied with a slightly red face, "Well, yes, we do have chefs at home, but–"

Before she could continue, Huo Rong interjected, "But you forgot about that, were you thinking that we would take some time maybe on the ship?? Hmm??"