Lucas's expression darkened. "Ethan is just a distraction, Sophia. He's not in the same league as me. He can't offer you what I can." Sophia felt a spark of anger ignite within her. Who was Lucas to dismiss Ethan so easily?

"I need time to think," Sophia said finally, her voice firm. Lucas's face fell, but he nodded. "Very well. But don't take too long, Sophia. I'm not a patient man." Sophia nodded, her mind racing with the decision ahead. She knew she had to choose wisely, but her heart and head were at war.

Ethan's eyes locked onto Sophia's, his gaze burning with intensity. "Sophia, from the moment I met you, I knew you were different. Your beauty, your grace, your talent... it all draws me to you like a magnet."

Sophia's heart skipped a beat as Ethan's words sent shivers down her spine.

"I know Lucas is offering you a life of luxury, but I can offer you something far more valuable: my heart. My love. My everything." Sophia's eyes searched Ethan's face, seeing the sincerity and passion there.

"I don't need a contract or a million dollars to be with you, Sophia. I just need you. Your smile, your laugh, your presence in my life... that's all I need." Sophia felt her resolve crumbling, her heart melting at Ethan's words.

"I'll never be able to offer you what Lucas can, but I promise you, Sophia, my love will make you richer than any amount of money ever could."

Sophia's eyes filled with tears as she made her decision. "Ethan, I... I accept your offer. I choose you, your love, and your heart over Lucas's contract and wealth." Ethan's face lit up with joy, and he pulled Sophia into a passionate embrace. "I'll make you happy, Sophia. I promise."

Just as Ethan and Sophia were about to seal their love with a kiss, the door burst open and a woman stormed in.

"Ethan, you deceitful snake!" she spat, her eyes blazing with anger.

Sophia's eyes widened in shock as the woman turned to her. "And you, Sophia, are being utterly naive. Ethan isn't who he claims to be." Ethan's face darkened. "Rachel, shut up!"

Rachel smirked. "Oh, I'll shut up when the truth is out. Ethan, here, is actually Lucas's brother. And he's been playing you, Sophia, to get revenge on Lucas for a past betrayal."

Sophia's world spun upside down. Ethan, the man she had just chosen over Lucas, was actually Lucas's brother? And he had been deceiving her all along?

Sophia's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with questions. "What do you mean, Rachel? What betrayal?"

Rachel's smile was venomous.

"Lucas and Ethan were business partners, but Lucas stole the company from Ethan, leaving him with nothing. And now, Ethan's seeking revenge by using you to get to Lucas."

Sophia's gaze shifted to Ethan, her heart heavy with disappointment. "Is this true, Ethan?"

Ethan's eyes dropped, his silence confirming the truth. Sophia felt a wave of anger wash over her. "You used me, Ethan. You lied to me."Ethan took a step forward, his eyes pleading. "Sophia, I know I did wrong, but my feelings for you are real. I love you." Sophia's laughter was bitter. "Love? You don't know the meaning of the word." With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Ethan and Rachel behind.

But little did Sophia know, this was only the beginning of a tangled web of deceit and betrayal that would ensnare them all.

Sophia stormed out of the room, her heart racing with anger and hurt. She couldn't believe she had almost fallen for Ethan's lies. But as she reached the door, she felt a hand grab her arm, spinning her around.

"Let me go, Ethan!" Sophia spat, trying to shake off his grip.

But it wasn't Ethan. Lucas's eyes blazed with intensity as he held her in place. "You're not going anywhere, Sophia. You're going to hear the truth, once and for all."

Sophia's eyes narrowed. "What truth? That you're a manipulative liar like your brother?" Lucas's face darkened. "My brother may have deceived you, but I'm the one who's been trying to protect you. From him, from his revenge plot, from everything." Sophia's mind reeled as Lucas's words painted a different picture. Was Lucas telling the truth? Was Ethan the real villain?

Sophia's eyes searched Lucas's face, trying to discern the truth. "What do you mean, protect me? From what?"

Lucas's grip on her arm tightened. "Ethan's plan is more sinister than you think. He wants to destroy me, and he's using you as leverage. But I won't let that happen, Sophia. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe."

Sophia's mind raced as she tried to process Lucas's words. Was Ethan really capable of such a thing? And why was Lucas so determined to protect her?

Just then, Rachel appeared at Lucas's side, her eyes gleaming with malice. "Ah, Lucas, dear brother, you're so predictable. You think you can save Sophia, but you're just playing into Ethan's hands." Sophia's eyes darted between the siblings, sensing a deeper rivalry at play. "What's going on here? What's really going on?" Lucas's face darkened. "Rachel, shut up. You're just trying to cause trouble." But Rachel laughed, her voice dripping with venom. "Oh, no, Lucas. I'm just getting started." And with that, she revealed a shocking secret that would change everything.

Rachel's smile was wicked. "You see, Sophia, Lucas and Ethan aren't just brothers. They're also business partners... in a company that's been hiding a dark secret." Sophia's eyes widened as Rachel's words hung in the air like a challenge.

Lucas's face turned white with rage. "Rachel, shut up! You don't know what you're talking about!"

But Rachel continued, her voice dripping with malice. "Oh, but I do. I know all about the illegal dealings, the fraud, the lies. And I know that you, Lucas, are just as guilty as Ethan." Sophia's mind reeled as she tried to process the allegations. Could it be true? Was Lucas involved in something illegal?