

Happy New Year!!!🎉


Footsteps can be heard coming to a stop as the group came to a stop, and Aaron let out a long sigh. "How long do these tunnels go? To the outer villages?" In front of the group was a wall that seemed boarded up before someone came along and forced it open by breaking it, evidenced by the jagged hole in the middle of it and the wood boards on the floor. Amari turned to Aaron. "I really hope not," she commented, remembering passing by them on her way to the main kingdom. "Ironically, they were in better shape than the main kingdom." "It's probably the group before us that did this," Sebastion said, lightly kicking a wood piece. Milo walked up to the entrance and squatted down. "It should be big enough for us to fit through. One by one, of course. He then turned his head and looked at Aaron before mumbling, "Hopefully." "Alright then!" Aaron said, clapping his hands together, "I should probably go first to make sure the area is clear." He said, sounding chipper as ever, as he bent over and put a leg in first and moved his body to be able to fit through. Some of the wood broke as he moved through, and as he made it through the group, waited to hear if it was clear. "It's clear!" Aaron shouted, "Alright then," Sebastion said with a smile. He went over to the entrance. "See you on the other side," he said before easily fitting through the entrance. As everyone went through the entrance, Amari looked at Milo, who was recounting his arrows, and asked, "Are you ready?" Milo nodded. "Ready," he said, his grip on his wooden bow tightened slightly. "After you," Amari said, holding her hand out toward the entrance. Milo shook his head. "No, no, you first," he said, making the same motion. "No, I insist." Before Milo can respond, Aaron shouts through the entrance, "Can you guys hurry up?! I want to get going already!" Amari raised an eyebrow at Milo, who sighed in defeat as he walked past her and into the entrance. Amari turned to look back at the rest of the sewer before going in.


When she went through Amari gaged, "We're coming closer to the smell, that's for sure," she muttered. The walls were disintegrating, and the floor was basically mud, so much so that Alex nearly slipped, with Jamie catching him in time. "Ok, this is plain disgusting," Sebastion commented. Aaron hummed in agreement, waving his hand in front of his face like it would help. Milo held his fist on his face, frowning in disgust. "Alright, stay in this area," Aaron said. "Keep close and see if there are any leads." The group formed a circle, with Aaron at the front. They were close enough to help each other if needed but far enough to search for clues.

Amari and the group looked around. Some of them turned over rocks, others were looking up or at the walls. Amari, however, seems to have seen something. From her time as a wanderer, Amari got food by either a village or hunting, not to mention having to be on alert almost all the time, so she got pretty good at picking up on things. So, when she saw some uprooted roots that she knew the group didn't make, Amari got suspicious and followed it, moving away from the group in the process. Meanwhile, Alex lifted Jamie on his shoulders to look at the crevices on the wall. "Nothing," she voiced as Alex sat her down. Milo turned over a few rocks and shook his head. "Clear over here," he said. Sebastion tugged at a disintegrating piece of wood, which crumbled in his hand. "Jezz, this place needs a redo. We should tell the advisor after this." "I agree with you, but do you think the advisor has enough money for it?" Jamie asked, "Heck, no," Sebastion said with a matter-of-fact tone as Jamie sweatdropped.

"Where's Amari?" Aaron asked, turning his head left and right. Before they could question it, Amari yelled to them, her voice echoing, "Over here!" They looked at each other before going in the direction her voice came from. They came to a stop beside Amari and looked slightly ahead of her, and what they saw made them suck in a deep breath and freeze.A footprint bigger than their own."Uh, that's not..." Sebastion muttered as Aaron walked up to the footprint and kneeled down next to it. "We're getting closer," he stood up. "Let's go," and walked in the direction of the footprint. Sebastion walked close behind, and Amari was about to follow when she noticed Milo was rooted in his place, and as Jamie and Alex walked past, Amari went beside Milo and gently hit him on his shoulder, the action being enough to pull him out of his head and look at her. She grinned at him before walking ahead with Milo close behind. 


 It was quiet... too quiet. The only sound being their footsteps on the muddy-ish ground. The smell only got worse as they walked. Everyone was on guard, Sebastion had his hand on his sword hilt, Alex and Jamie were close to each other and had their spears at the ready, Milo was beside Amari, bow drawn, and Amari's grip on her spear was tight. Ahead of all of them was Aaron with his pure black iron spear.

They walked into a more open space when they stopped. Aaron held up his hand, motioning them to stop. They stood there for a while before they saw it. In the tense silence, red eyes peered at them from the darkness.

A hundred of them.

"Guys... we're about to get jumped," Jamie noted. "What's with me and being jumped?!" Amari thought. Aaron grinned. "Oh, this is about to be fun."