It Goes South

"I understand your concern, but let's leave Miem and her relationship with Zeppelin for now. What we need to focus on now is the mission.

"I know you're worried that she might get us killed in the mission, but don't worry. Just put your trust in me."

"You?" Dre looked at me doubtfully, "Look man, you get the skills, and I believe you. However, that chick over there? I doubt you can stop her."

This doesn't go anywhere, I thought to myself. Just when I thought I met with a dead end. I noticed that Eve had changed her clothes and entered the classroom.

"When will they change my battle suit? It's too revealing." She complained with a sigh. She wore a white top tank and a green jacket draping over her. She tied her hair into a ponytail.

Then, she saw me talking with Dre.

"I don't know you guys are close." She exclaimed.

"Eve, good timing." I walked over to her and explained everything.

"Miem had a talk with Zeppelin? Isn't that bad?" She asked, surprised.

"See? Even Eve has the same reaction." Dre said as if proving his point.

"So, why are you telling me all of this?" Eve pondered.

"Could you calm Dre down? He's thinking that Miem going to mess up the mission and kill all of us." I replied.

"Because that's what's going to happen," said Dre convincingly.

Eve observed the two of us silently, "Alright."

"Thanks." I gave her a nod and walked towards Miem, "Sorry about that."

"It's a given. So, what are you going to do with me?" She pondered curiously.

She must've heard our conversation. Not weird since most Honors have heightened senses, I thought to myself.

"There's no solid evidence you're trying to kill us. So we don't have any reason to be wary of you." I told her calmly.

"Are you certain?" Miem asked, a bit surprised.

"Of course, we need to complete this mission smoothly, and without anyone dying. I don't want the team to doubt each other."

"I didn't know you'd care about the mission, or the very well of this team."

"Why would you say that?"

"I mean, from recent missions, you barely talk or discuss it with other members."

"Just because I don't socialize, it doesn't mean I don't care. Furthermore, if the mission failed, and this team got disbanded. It'd be bad for me."

"That is true. They see us as weapons. They fear us. We are not accepted anywhere, except here," She said in a melancholic manner. "You have my promise, Sunny, wielder of the smoke. The King Phantom, that I will not harm anyone in this team, or I will betray them."

Her words came as a bit of a shock to me as it was sudden. What's with the title at the end anyway? Not really important.

Right, I was about to say something when I realized it'd do no good, and keep it to myself.

"Miem, I'll believe you, but if you try to kill us or mess this up, I'll make you pay," Said Dre solemnly without warning.

"Be at ease. You guys aren't my target anyway." She said as her eyes locked at Dre.

"What do you mean by that?" Dre asked, confused. Just when Miem opened her mouth to utter a word…

"Alright, is everyone here?" Len entered the class with the remaining members, and said loudly. We returned to our seats. Dre looked at Miem for a few seconds before going to his seat.

Len counted each person in his head, and after confirming everyone is here, he continued.

"There has some changes in the mission. The order came from HQ. Vie will join us."

"No, absolutely not!" Eve rose from her seat and refused.

"I know the two of you have grudges in the past, but Vie will increase the success of the mission. He can get us the device without any of us being harmed. He has a close connection with Riness."

"Riness? Isn't that the woman that runs the black market?" Goo Han asked for confirmation.

"Indeed." Len nodded.

"If we can get it easily, then why didn't Wo just ask Vie to get it himself, instead of deploying us?" Miem raised a question.

"It's not guaranteed that Riness will agree. The plan remains unchanged, the only thing that changes is that our plan will become plan B. If Vie failed to convince Riness, that'll be our turn." Len explained.

Eve returned to her seat, rested her cheek on her right hand, "I don't like this plan at all." She had an annoyed and unwilling expression.

"Eve, think of the good side. If the mission succeed without any of us doing anything, it'll just be a free paycheck and vacation." Hakku pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," responded Eve lazily as that's not the thing that made her upset.

"Vie, you can come in now." Len turned his head to the door, and Vie showed himself from behind the wall. He introduced himself and stood next to Len.

"What are you going to do if you fail?" Miem asked.

"I'll retreat myself from the stage," replied Vie briefly.

"Why don't you be part of the plan?" Miem suggested. Eve turned around to Miem in disbelief. Then, Eve shifted her head to me as if asking for help.

"I'm okay with that, but I don't think some of you will accept me." Vie's eyes on Eve.

"You know exactly why." Eve returned her gaze from me to Vie. Her words contain anger.

"Hey, there's no proof I actually kidnapped children."

"And there will be no explanation why if you were suddenly gone." Eve said in a threatening manner.

Vie flew in her way, whispered, "You don't want the same thing to happen to you like your friend Ginta, right?"

"His name is Ginto, and if you dare to harm my family, you're dead," she said solemnly.

Both locked in an intense staring contest. Vie then felt something from his left. He looked at the source and saw me, staring at him with wide eyes filled with wrath.

"Hey, what you said earlier, is it true?" I rose from my seat. Vie flinched as he flew back a few meters.

Eve got up from her seat and came in my way, "Sunny, calm down!"

"You killed his family. You proudly announced it, and you want to kill hers too? Hey, who do you think you are?" I took a step forward as I gently moved away Eve.

"What are you going to do? Kill me? You know what's gonna happ–!"


His body abruptly exploded. Blood splashed and covered the wall, the floor and the board. His head flew over the distance and landed after a few bounce. His guts scattered around the classroom. His arms was sent flying by the explosion, sticking on the window and sliding down slowly.

Warm blood bathed the people near Vie. Their eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. Their line of thought went blank for a moment as they failed to utter a word.