A+ Grade

Outside the vault.

I withdraw myself from my mist form and took off the disguise. This way, it'd be easy to evacuate them. The public knows what kind of group Phoenix squad is.

The mist limited their vision greatly so they only followed the person in front of them. That said, they were pushing and being impatient.

"Hey everybody! Calmly evacuate, okay? No one needs to get hurt, don't push people!" I waved my hand a bit and the visibility of the mist was alleviated.

Their speed didn't increase, but hopefully, it eased their hearts a bit as they can see per normal. They also stopped pushing and being impatient, perhaps because I'm here.

Either because they felt calm and safe, or afraid and nervous. It worked both ways.

"That's good, that's good!" I yelled and noticed something in the air. I looked up and saw a woman.

She was riding a small rock and wore a black robe with a black pointy hat that curls. She wore round glasses and she's more beautiful than the average girl. With her robe and hat, she looked like a witch from ancient times.

"Sunny, I finally found you." She smiled.

"Do I know you?" I frowned.

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to chat."

"Lady, look at the situation. Is this the right time to have a talk? Might as well help me evacuate them. Aren't you an Honor?" I asked, having little to no expectations she would actually help me.

"Sure." She fished out a wand from her robe and swayed it. Afterward, the crowd floats. They screamed in panic and fear.

"What's going on!"

"I'm flying!!"

"Mommy, we can fly!"

Except the children. They had excitement in their faces.

"Hey, wait, what are you! Put them down" I was caught off guard.

"Relax, I won't hurt them." She pointed the wand forward and they flew away. With no traffic in their way, they quickly reached to safety.

They floated down and landed softly.

In a few minutes, all civilians were escorted to safety.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"So, what is it you want to talk about?"

"Withdraw your team from the mission," she ordered solemnly.

"... Who are you?" I asked, assuming a fighting stance.

"Who am I? It doesn't matter. I see, so you truly don't want to stop your team?" She tilted her head to the side.

"We don't have a reason to stop. Aren't you underestimating us?" I said slowly.

She sighed, "Here I am, going through this way to talk with you, and no, I am not underestimating you. However, it is obvious you guys are going to lose."

"We'll see. So, who hired you?"

"That's up to you to find out. It wouldn't be fun if I reveal everything. Speaking of which, does he belong to one of you?" She opened her palm and something materialized out of the thin air.

It was a head. The face was facing backward and I could only see the hair, but I recognized who it was. His fiery red hair would strike a memorable impression.

"You crazy bi*ch!" I yelled in rage and by using the mist around me, I didn't need to take a puff. I changed its shape into tiny needles and launched them at her. I continued by ordering Puffy to attack her. 

Yes, Puffy has been on my side this entire time.

"Aren't you cute when you're angry? Don't worry, this guy is my target, I'm not going to attack you. 

"And the fact you're still alive means the one who targets you has died. Not really surprising, he thinks those younger than him are weak." She simply nudged her wand and a transparent wave spread out, swallowing my attacks.

Everything inside was frozen as though someone pressed the pause button.

That attack, I recognized her! Although she took a different body, there was no one in this world who would have the same attack as her, even if their powers were similar.

"Didn't think I would meet a legend, but I'm disappointed she fell."

I'm also incredibly terrified right now. All the rage I felt died down. Right now, being controlled by emotions means death. In fact, it's amazing I'm still alive, no, a miracle! Should I praise God when I get back?

"You know me? Well ain't that surprising? Those who did are already dead."

"Fusion, Death's Heiress. Everyone thought you're dead." I kept my voice calm and tried my best to hide my fear when sweat trickled down my forehead.

"Yes, I faked my death."

"Why are you in a lowly mercenary group?"

"Everyone needs a change of pace." She exclaimed.

"Why did you fake your death? Even if you retire, you'll still be able to live comfortably."

She used to work with Synth.

"I can do as I please," She paused and squint her eyes, "why are you holding yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

She fell silent and smiled as if she figured something out.

"So that's what you're planning. Smart," she said happily as if she's proud of me.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Playing dumb with me won't work." she winked.

"Are you going to kill me?"

My heart tigthened when I asked. My mind was thinking at high gear, but I couldn't come up with a plan to escape.

"No. I'm not. I had a promise."

"A promise?" I frowned deeply.

"I shouldn't have said that. Well, nice talking with you, you're even better than the rumors!

"Ah! Don't blame me if your team got wiped out." She waved her hand with a wide smile and vanished from the spot, leaving stars.

I breath heavily when she left. It was nerve breaking. Just being in front of her was no different than being pointed at with a gun. One that could kill an Honor, to be precise.

I calmed myself first and process what just happened.

There were so many questions. Why did she tell us to withdraw from retrieving the device? Is it because she wanted this to end peacefully, even if the chance is small?

I paused for a moment.