They'll Pay

We finished eating and proceeded to go to the hotel where Yin Hee and the child stayed. However, before going, we visited a vape store and bought a few. The rest would be a backup in case the main vape got broken.

We left the shop and I took a good, long puff. I exuded a thick cloud of smoke and transformed it into two hoverboards.

We hopped on and flew to the hotel. Once we arrived at the room.

"There isn't anyone here." Eve glanced briefly and concluded. She then sat at the bed. Perhaps it felt comfortable that she lay down, "This feels nice."

I looked around to see if they left a note. I didn't find anything and observed the bed. It was the only thing I haven't checked, and I saw the edge of what appeared to be a piece of paper under the pillow, I'm not sure.

I pulled it and it was indeed a note.

~Good job finding this note, uncle! It seems your age doesn't diminish your observation skill by a bit! Anyway, I'm out with sis Yin Hee! So look for us!~

What do you mean uncle, you brat?! I screamed when I read that part. I continued reading and I felt my head pounding when I finished it.

I felt dizzy and my head filled with ache. I massaged my glabella to ease the pain.

"What did it say?" Eve pondered. 

I gave her the note and sit next to her, pinching my chin, contemplating my next move. 

"Who's Yin Hee? Your girlfriend?"

"No, Yin Hee is the person I talked about. She's going to help us find the guy that hires Scarecrow."

"So who's writing this note?"

"An ungrateful brat."


"No, never mind. Let's go and find them. They shouldn't be hard to find." I opened the window, took a puff, breathed out a mouthful of smoke and spread it throughout the area. The smoke wasn't thick but enough to find them.

The door swung open in an abrupt manner and crashed into the wall, making a loud thud. Eve jumped from her position and took cover behind the wall. I changed into a translucent mist without turning around to see who it was.

When I was a mist, I turned my head and saw the boy carrying strings of balloons and Yin Hee next to him, looking exhausted.

However, in the next moment, she put the boy behind her and she became wary of her surroundings.

I returned back to my human form and her eyes shifted to me rather quickly. Her body also made a move, ready to attack. But when she realized it was me, she halted.

"Oh, Mist, you've returned."

"Where did you go?" I asked and I saw Eve holding a table, about to smash Yin Hee with it. I shook my head. She nodded and returned the table to its original position. She then leaned against the wall and observed.

Yin Hee was oblivious to Eve's presence, perhaps Eve used her ability on Yin Hee.

"Sorry, Mist. Calvin suddenly disappeared from my sight and when I found him in the park playing with other kids, he looked like having fun and I couldn't…" She apologized deeply.

"Leave sis Yin Hee alone, uncle!" Calvin stood before Yin Hee and spread his arms.

I observed them in silence and opened my mouth, "I'm not mad, just inform me beforehand. Also, I'm still young, don't call me uncle!"

"You're an uncle because you act like one!" Calvin pointed his finger at me.

"This won't end. Yin Hee, did anyone drop by when I was gone?" I shifted my eyes from Calvin to Yin Hee.


I frowned slightly, wondering why Ginto hadn't arrived. I didn't dwell much and just thought that he had his reasons. Just in case he got here while I was gone, I sent him a message. That way, he could stay here to rest while waiting for us.

"By the way, Mist. Is that who I think it is?" Yin Hee finally noticed Eve.


"This is the best day of my life! You two should know I shipped the two of you a lot in my fanfic! Do you want to read them?" She fished out her phone and showed Eve her fiction.

Eve read it and she looked at Yin Hee with wide eyes, impressed.

"This is actually good, but why did you ship me with him?"

"You two have been together ever since Synth recognized the two of you as official Honors! I've read the story, the two of you are even in the same squad when fighting the shadows! You guys are like the main characters that always stay together! An inseparable duo! You're the heroine and he's the protagonist!" Yin Hee said quickly and excitedly.

Eve chuckled sweetly, "It's just a coincidence we are recognized at the same time, but not for the same squad. This guy actually begged to be with me."

"Shut up, your powers are the only thing that's gonna keep me alive, that's why I choose to stay with you."

"Don't be so embarrassed. It's normal for a guy to stay close to their crush." Eve teased.

"Let's stop this talk, we're not here for the past."

"But I'm here for it!" Yin Hee exclaimed.

"Yin Hee, shut up."

"Yes, I'm sorry." She apologized quickly, but her meek smile imply she didn't mean it.

"I'll tell you about it later." Eve whispered. A wide smile plastered on Yin Hee, "Really?! You're the best!"

"Of course, unlike someone that's petty about their past." Eve turned her eyes to me.

"Do as you wish." I reacted in a dismissive manner and shifted my attention to Calvin.

"Kid, you heard everything from Mark. What are you going to do?"

He paused, thinking for a moment, "I want to kill them, at least that's what I wanted at first, but sister Yin Hee taught me something– it's wrong to kill them. But I don't plan to forgive them, they will pay."