The First Step

Three days after meeting with Kreli and Skeeter, I stood at my post, watching over the farm. I was in a watch tower holding a long rifle. My job was to neutralize anyone who attempted to flee. It was just a formality and a show of power; The Company owned the planet, and trying to run would be pointless.

I looked to my left and saw the head of the farm, Edmund, instructing some of the farmers on the most critical tasks for the day. He looks up and gives me a slight nod. Edmund had been informed of the plan and was ready to transfer his people to my cause. He was forced to come here and has been compliant because The Company stole his daughters. Skeeter was also working on locating them and getting them to Grechi 50. 

I look to my right and see the large warehouse facility. All the supplies needed for the casino, the Guards, and the farm were held there. I sigh, thinking about everything we would have to leave behind. We could run our small community on everything housed in those buildings. There was also the vault in the casino, robbing that would be a month-long operation. I shake my head, dismissing all the could-have-beens and focusing on the current goal.

I spend the remainder of my shift going over the plan repeatedly. I look over every meter of the farm, thinking about all the areas enemies can arrive from. Defending a completely open space is going to be difficult. I imagine every scenario and how to use my devastating magic without harming the farmhands or animals.

Finally, my shift ends, and my replacement climbs the ladder. He gives me a firm handshake and pats my shoulder. 

"My mom is here. I am ready to fight for you if it means protecting her."

I smile at him and don't say anything more. I felt better knowing the man running this corner was on our side. I climb the ladder and see Skeeter waiting for me at the bottom.

"Hello, sir. How can I assist you?" I saluted and stood perfectly still. I had grown to understand that Skeeter was a very passionate and friendly man, but I needed to respect his hardened personality while undercover.

"Good afternoon, Hudson. Come with me. Your shift isn't over. The warehouses need inspecting." His voice was louder than usual. Inspecting the warehouse was our signal to Edmund that the attack was coming soon. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Edmund recognize the signal and hurry away to get prepared. 

Skeeter and I walked briskly to the warehouses and whispered about the plan.

"How many men do we have on our side?"

"Almost sixty, a little over ten percent of the total force. We can separate the remaining guards and prevent them from joining the fight, but it will still be close to three enemies per ally."

"Good, I was worried the odds would be stacked against us." I give Skeeter a sly smile. Being outnumbered three to one isn't ideal, but we could easily cut their forces in half with Sasha's blood magic and my elemental abilities. The soldiers on our side would be used to protect the portals rather than fight on the front lines. 

"Don't get cocky, boy, one wrong move, and we all die."

"You're right. I'm just excited to start the fight against the Preservers. For a while, it was only Sasha and me running and hiding; now we can start saving lives. But yes, we have to start with this battle."

"One step at a time, Healer. We will cleanse the multiverse of filth."

We didn't talk the rest of the way. Skeeter led me to a large warehouse and opened the door behind it. I walked in and saw Kreli waiting for us.

"Good, you are here. I got all the supplies we will need for a year on the farm here: Fertilizer, seeds, and feed for the livestock. I used the list you gave me from Edmund, and it should all be here. We must distract the Guards long enough to get it all transferred."

"So when do we get started?"

I look at Skeeter. "I will go get Sasha. We are going to need her to open the portal. We will start here in the warehouses, and once we have divided the men, we will work on the other parts of the planet. We will have to be evacuated three hours from the start of the fight. Otherwise, we will have to deal with The Company's reinforcements, and they won't be as easily defeated."

"Alright, I'll be here with Kreli. Let's do a final inventory and determine the best way to get things out of here."

We parted ways with Skeeter and started the last checks. My heart was pounding, and I could barely focus. I was excited to see Sasha again but mostly anxious about this upcoming fight. There were too many moving parts and variables. Anything out of place could cause an issue. We finally end up back where we started, and I hear the door open. 


Sasha ran over to me, and I took her into my arms and buried my face in her hair. All of my anxiety was calmed, and I knew we could handle anything The Company threw at us. 

"Hey beautiful, I'm sorry to bring you into this so abruptly."

"I hope you have a good plan. I've been figuring out my side for three days."

"Well, if things go to plan, we will have all the time in the world to transfer the goods and people to our home. We are taking over The Company."

Sasha pulled away from the hug and looked at me dumbfounded. "Taking over The Company?"

'Well, at least temporarily, reinforcements will arrive three hours after we start."

Skeeter, Kreli, and I explain the plan and assign roles. Skeeter will head to the farm, organize things, and lead our fighters once the fight starts. Kreli will maintain the portal for the warehouse extraction while Sasha and I fend off the first attackers. Afterward, we will split up and start rescuing the farmers and girls. 

With the final plans arranged, Skeeter heads off. I hand Sasha one of my clone vials, which she uses to replenish her magic and create a more suitable dress for the fight. The long black dress hugs her curves perfectly, showing off her legs and sizable chest. Her tattoos begin to glow gently, and she heads to the roof of the building. I look at Kreli and take a deep breath. 


"As ready as I can be."

I smile. I understand exactly what he means. I head to the back wall of the warehouse and open a sizable portal on the far side of the farm area. Instantly, alarms indicating unauthorized access to the facility blared. Kreli runs over and uses his magic to maintain the portal. Iona comes out and starts taking some of the stacks of boxes using the built-in gravity repulsers.

"Go! I've got this for now."

I followed her directions and ran out to meet the first round of guards coming to investigate. I turn my body wholly black and draw my swords. It was time for the first actual appearance of the Healer of Worlds.