Iona, Final Part

Anaiah and his two sons twirled around, taking in all the sights of Sanctuary. Sasha had brought them outside of her home. It had been only two hours in Sanctuary since Sasha and Iona left for Nessa's world. Iona shivered thinking about going to a timeline that moved faster than Sanctuary. She would leave the adventures to Healer and Sasha. The men finally came to a stop after looking at everything. Sasha was hopeful that the wares and horses the men brought with them could be used for the benefit of Sanctuary.

"This place is amazing. What is it?" Anaiah could barely choke out his words. His eyes were wide and full of wonder staring right at the smiling Sasha.

Sasha began to explain everything: The Company, the nature of Sanctuary, Healer, and the fight against the Preservers. Iona left the new arrivals and the explanation to Sasha and went to talk to Al about the peokin and how to grow more. She walked into Healer and Sasha's home and right up to the supercomputer. She was still amazed that something so powerful existed in this unassuming home.

"Hello, Al."

"Hello Mistress Iona. Did you have a successful trip?"

"Yes, we did. I have some of the fruit that Nessa remembered from her home. Do you think you can figure out the ideal growing conditions for it? I want to be able to keep a supply for her."

She presented the fruit to it, and after a few minutes, it provided the right conditions for growing more. Iona was surprised to see that it grows on a vine. It didn't seem possible for the large fruit, but she trusted Al. She went to her home and changed her clothes. She had been wearing the same outfit for two days. She thought about showering, but she wanted to see Nessa as soon as possible. She left one of the peokin in her fridge to make Nessa some juice later and went to see Edmund.

The farm was already well on its way toward completion. The crops were planted, and artificial sunlight was shining. Irrigation systems were created, and the excess water could be collected and reused. Plans for a major water system for waste and purification were in the works, but Sanctuary didn't have the resources or expertise to build it yet. For now, the water came from Healer, using magic and filling large drums.

Edmund was talking with a few of the farmers when Iona walked up to them. He finished discussing responsibilities and shifts for the next week before turning to Iona.

"Hello, young lady. I know we talked a little the night of the escape, but we didn't officially meet. I am Edmund. I will be looking after the produce production here in Sanctuary."

"Hi Edmund, I'm Iona. I'm not really in charge of anything, but Healer and Sasha have been looking after me, so I extended that courtesy to the others."

"I have heard. Many of the girls and farmhands have expressed their appreciation for you and speak highly of you. Thank you for taking care of them."

Iona blushed and rubbed the back of her head. She wasn't used to this kind of praise, especially when doing something that felt so natural.

"You're welcome. If there is anything you need, you can ask me anytime. I know you are all busy, and I'm happy to help in any way I can."

"Thank you, Iona. Is there anything I can do for you? I see your bag of an interesting-looking fruit."

"Oh yes, this is peokin. A young girl named Nessa was held by The Company and separated from her family. She said she liked these fruit from her home and I just returned after going to her village."

Iona reached into the bag and pulled out one of the fruits and Al's instructions on how to grow more. Edmund looked it over and smiled. He lifted his head and gave Iona a wink.

"This should be easy enough. They seem to be temperamental, but we are working on making various greenhouses with different climates. I should be able to meet the requirements listed. I've seen that young fox girl both at The Company and following you around. I'm happy to help her be more comfortable."

Iona thanked him again and handed him the rest of the fruit. They said their goodbyes, and Iona left to find Nessa and Healer. She knew he was planning to start training some of the magic users. She walked over to the open space they were using and saw Sasha, Anaiah, his sons, Healer, and Nessa all talking on the side while men and women were practicing sword techniques and magic. Iona was impressed at the organization of the Healer's training session in just a couple of hours.

"Hello, Iona. Welcome back."

Everyone greeted her, and Nessa wrapped her little arms around Iona's leg. Iona stroked her hair, happy to be reunited with the fox girl.

"Nessa missed Iona. Healer is nice, but Nessa likes Iona more."

The group playfully laughed at Nessa, and Iona thanked Healer for watching her. The merchants would go to the girls' camp with Sasha to either find Rebeka or gather information about her. Healer asked Iona to stay behind after they left.

"I have a proposal for you."

"A proposal? What do you mean?" Iona's face grew hot. She knew that Sasha had suggested Iona could be a part of her and Healer's relationship, but would be asked so bluntly and suddenly?

"I have heard from many people that you have been a huge help to everyone, and you took the initiative to help Nessa. We need a leader to represent and support the various parties of our new community. I want to form a governing body with the representatives of all the groups. Will you be that person for those who are here to seek refuge?"

Iona was shocked. She didn't notice her mouth was wide open. She was surprised that she was upset it wasn't a relationship proposal but was happy that Healer thought so highly of her. Edmund also expressed that people were grateful for her help. She closed her mouth and cleared her throat before looking at Nessa. Her eyes were big with respect and love for Iona.

"I'll do it, but my first order of business is getting better lodging for the women."

Healer smiled and nodded. He held out this hand for Iona and she gave it a firm shake.

"Deal, devise a plan, and give me a rough idea of what it will look like and the supplies you need."

Iona smiled back and took Nessa's hand.

"Want to help me with my plan? There's a surprise waiting for you at home."

"Nessa is excited!"

Nessa began pulling Iona away. She looked back at Healer, who was waving goodbye before turning back to his trainees. The weight of all the people she was now responsible for suddenly hit her. She wondered if she could really help. Sasha's words from their adventure repeated in her mind. She realized Sasha knew this was coming and was encouraging her to do her best. Iona would do everything she could for people who just need a safe place to live. She gripped Nessa's hand tightly and began leading her toward their home.