Raven, Part 2

Raven walked into the door of her new home. Sasha and Healer had moved all of their stuff out and created a little house that was more central to the latest additions of Sanctuary. She walked over to the bed and took off her cloak. She shook her hair and ran her fingers through it. She hated her hair and cut it when she got to Sanctuary. The men who came to the casino were obsessed with her dark hair and eyes. She couldn't figure out why something so simple caused so much lust in those men. She sighed and walked over to her new roommate, the computer named Al.

Healer had given her some training on the machine. Al was a marvel of technology, it could moniter and sift through data of the entire mutliverse in seconds. She tried to ask Healer how he made it, but he couldn't explain. He said something about "being able to see the design in his mind." Sasha was just as confused but told Raven to move on. Apparently, that happens a lot.

The computer was powered by a small cold fusion reactor Healer had stolen from a planet where they were common. Raven couldn't imagine something so powerful and impossible to create on her home world being so typical somewhere else. The reactor was now powering other electric components around Sanctuary. Healer knew it was too much for the computer, but he wanted to ensure it never shut down.

"Hello, Mistress Raven. Master Healer told me we would be working together from now on."

"Yes. He wants me to direct people to timelines that require our assistance. I will do what he wants, but I just wanted a private room away from everyone else."

"Mistress Sasha did inform me you were reserved and often cold but as an artificial intelligence it doesn't matter to me."

Raven sighed. She was fine with the machine being honest; she preferred when people just said what they meant, but she would prefer if the computer didn't talk at all.

"Alright, well, I guess let's get started. Show me the most relevant anomalies in the multiverse."

"No data, all clear."

"That can't be true; Sasha said that at least a dozen teams of Preservers are in timelines at any given time."

"Yes, Mistress Raven, I can see many Preservers and Company groups moving around."

"Then track the worlds the Preservers are in. Look at the timeline before their arrival and determine how and why the timeline branched or changed. Use that data to predict future anomalies."

"Request accepted. Please allow for processing time for your instructions."

Raven backed away from the computer and lay down on the bed. She should have asked Al to provide her with some entertainment before locking its processing to scanning hundreds of timelines the Preservers were working in. Just how many timelines would she have to manage all at once?

Raven got up and decided to shower. She hadn't had one since her weekly shower allowed by The Company, and the clothes she was wearing were the same since that girl Nessa brought them to her on her first day. After leaving the shower, she could hear a faint knock on her door. She groaned and went out to the living room.

"One second, please." Raven tried to sound normal, but she knew she always came off as rude, which was fine with her. She put on a long-sleeved black shirt that fit her average body and a black skirt. She preferred longer socks rather than pants and put on thigh-high black socks. She definitely had a preferred color and look. When she opened the door, the bubbly and annoying Iona and her fox girl friend were there.

"Oh, hi. Sorry, you must have just showered. But we are neighbors now and working on the new Council that Healer created. I'm Iona, and this is Nessa."

"I know."

"Right, right, if you aren't busy, did you want to catch up? I would love to learn more about you."

Raven looked the girl up and down. She was a couple of years older than Raven and wore a low-cut shirt that showed off Iona's oversized chest. Her waist was thin, but that didn't prevent anyone from being able to tell she had a round bottom as well. Raven had no problem with girls showing off their bodies if they wanted, but her problem with the outfit was how bright and colorful it was. Raven almost had to squint just to see clearly.

She looked over to the fox girl. She was slightly hidden behind Iona, carefully peeking at Raven. Raven couldn't tell if the girl was shy or intimidated by her, but either way, she was glad the girl had the right idea. People like Iona, who bothered her at home and wanted to be friends, were not her style.

"I'm, uh, busy; Al is working on something for me."

"Don't worry, Mistress Raven. It will be several hours before I finish."

Raven closed her eyes and rolled them. Damn it, Al. She opened them to see Iona giving her a cautiously optimistic smile.

"Fine, come in. I would rather just get this over with."

"Um, thanks."

They sat at the table and talked about their past lives. Unsurprisingly, Iona was a rich kid who went to a prestigious university. Raven listened to Iona's story. The girl was nice and sweet, and Raven had nothing else to do. Nessa was still too timid to talk, so they both looked at Raven. Raven looked at Iona's smile and, for some reason, couldn't stop herself from feeling comfortable around the girl. She started to tell Iona everything.

Raven also came from a decent family, but she hated every second. Her parents were always working, and nannies raised her. Only one had lasted over a year, so there were constantly new people around her. A senior had been interested in her when she got into high school at fourteen. Raven was flattered and thought it was true love. She learned the truth about teenage boys quickly and was left heartbroken. It turned her into a life of addiction before The Company found her. They kidnapped her, and she spent the next two years working for them.

She didn't miss her home or family but didn't want to be used by the creepy men at The Company either. She was one of the few who first refused to join Healer. She didn't see the point but knew good people were here. Raven was disgusted with herself. This is why she disliked the sweet girls. They always made you feel safe and spilled all your secrets.

"I'm sorry you went through all of that. Nessa and I don't have family, but you are a part of ours now."

"No thanks"

"Too late. I know your secrets now." Iona smiled sweetly but slightly sarcastically. Raven glared back at her, but she wasn't actually upset. They talked longer about their plans and eventually about Nessa once she opened up. Raven looked at the clock and realized it had been almost four hours. She sighed but was happy to have spent that time with friends. She nearly threw up in her mouth after calling Iona her friend.

"Mistress Raven." Al interrupted Iona talking about her housing development plans. "I have completed the assessment. I calculate five timelines in crisis that The Preservers have not been to."

Raven stands up and rushes over to the computer. "Call Healer, let's get the first missions underway."