Friendly Spar.

Jhaun remained indifferent and stared at him anxiously.

'He's playing tricks with me again, cheeky rat. Anyways after these few clashes I'll get over his mental tricks. Like I always do. This defensive stance will make it even more so. Haha! I'm a genius of battle!'

But something unexpected happened. A switch in Jhaun's mind turned off. And in turn he gave a sickening aura of murderous intent.


Finsley couldn't help but question what he was seeing. He wasn't used to this but quickly understood that Jhaun made his plan backfire on him.

"You cunning rat, why do you have so much tricks up your sleeve huh?"

Finsley didn't notice but in this moment.

Shin watched gritting his teeth, he felt mixed feelings. He was excited to witness this awaited battle, but yet he was dissatisfied with himself as he too wanted to be competing for the top spot.

He thought to himself.

'Don't be down Shin. You're the top in studying anyways you're unparalleled and have no rivals in that department, so what if it can get a little lonely! I'll be the most famous awakened ever along side with my brothers!.'

Panned back to the battle. It was starting.

Jhaun was on the offense while Finsley was confused in what choice to take so he stayed in the middle of offense and defense trying to balance his choices into one risky move.

Jhaun dragged the longsword approaching Finsley it sunk deep into the dirt and made a trail.

He then taunted Finsley with his cold menacing eyes.

Children's ego are quite fickle but for these orphans especially so..

Finsley wore an irritated grin.

'Screw defense, you're dead!'

Finsley dashed towards Jhaun with his sword gripped with his two hands. Finsley prepared his assault by reeling in his arms till his hands reached the side of his hips.

Jhaun remained indifferent and anticipated his moves.

Fin glanced at the hands and weaoon of Jhaun.

'Dirt, huh? Your getting too obvious jhaun.'

Finsley cautiously focused at the tip of his enemy's sword that was leaving marks on the ground.

Then suddenly the sword fell down.

He realised something..

'oh I see..'

Jhaun lunged at him with great speed but Finsley was already blocking with his Katana.

'Oh right!'

Finsley closed his eyes focusing on his other senses as the assailant approached with frightening speed. He felt dirt caress his eyes and shortly after he opened it.

'All the tricks huh? I doubt it.'

He looked at the approaching force and readied for a counter attack.

'No dirt in his hands, check. He didn't spit yet so watch out for that. No rocks under his pockets. Only killing intent in his eyes.'

He clashed with the weaponless Jhaun.

He feinted a slash on his torso and Jhaun dodged backwards. He punished his vulnerable state and thrusted his sword to the enemies chest.

It connected but the damage was negated by his hands.

The enemy dashed backwards trying to grab his longsword back. But Finsley was relentless he let out a flurry of straight slashes and made Jhaun dodge before getting his weapon. Some hits even made contact leaving bruises on his body.

"Not so scary now are you?"

Jhaun grunted

"Scary? Am I really so.."

Finsley stared at him with eyes of disgust and continued his assault with a downward dashing slash.

'Dang it. Don't lose your cool dumb ass'

The slash did hit but instead of human flesh it was the dirt that got damaged.

As Fin was reeling in his sword, Jhaun already grabbed his longsword and put on his familiar defensive stance.

"Why are you like this.."

"Why not? A wise man once said all warfare is based on dece-"

Fin dashed swift.

"Yeah yeah shut up. Ah actually on second note, don't. I'll make you mute myself."

"Oh yeah? Then come and get me.. Inbred."

'I am not. This silver hair is inherited cleanly like this move I'm about to show you.'

Grinning, Finsley dashed towards him with his hands gripping his sword, touching his hips. He was using the ancient style of quick draw, iaido.

He feinted a slash, Jhaun wasn't fooled but he already knew that. So the feint was salvaged and Fin used it's momentum and twisted his body letting out a spinning vertical slash.

Jhaun staggered as he barely let our a proper block.

"Where ya learned that?"

"From my mom."

"Which one?"


He glanced at Teresa smiling face then reverted.

Fin thrusted his sword to the confused face of Jhaun. It was of course another trick, suddenly he slowed down the thrust's speed.

But after every contingency and caution he got stuck in Jhaun's web Again. The slowed down thrust was caught by both of Jhaun's calloused tanned hands.

Finsley was fooled, Jhaun let out an insidious familiar grin as he used Fin's startled state and pushed the blade hard so that the pommel hits Finsley gut. The Katana was then thrown out the way.

With Finsley staggered Jhaun started his payback with a flurry of punches. Making his opponent lay on the ground. He jumped on the air trying to slam Finsley with his weight and fists.

Fin rolled his body twisting and stood up he coughed and caught his breath.

He wiped of dust among his clothing and face. And slicked his silver hair back.

"Screw weapons. "

He bounced lightly on the dirt as his stance changed. He faced Jhaun with his legs sideways. Right hand bopping up and down from his hips to chest and left hand from his chest to head. It was a mixed martial art combining the ancient Karate and Kung fu.

Jhaun too changed his posture..

But it couldn't be comprehended by Finsley's amateur fighting vision.

It was a very dense mixture of styles.

So it seemed like he was just standing there, radiating a menacing aura.

"You've already lost."

Jhaun said in a chilling voice.

But Fin was focused he cancelled out all noise be it outside and inside.

They clashed fists and a series of kicks followed.

Finsley let out powerful jab with his right followed by his left. But was countered with defensive taijustsu.

Jhaun grabbed the 2nd jab and lead his enemy's chest to his knee while simultaneously elbowing Finsley's spine.

The victim let our a shriek and twisted his body and pushed Jhaun away by a few meters.

Finsley was bruised all over he was losing. And his advantage, his weapon was far from him. So he had no choice.

'No matter.'

He let out weak punches that was easily weaved by Jhaun using a boxing stance. But the punches was a feint.

As Jhaun tried to uppercut Finsley from below, Suddenly Finsley poured all his remaining strength on a series of twisting sharp kicks some hitting Jhaun on the ribs and on the face. But the last kick came short, Battered Jhaun weaved it and let out a terrifying single strike.

Quickly Jhaun moved with a disgusting familiar smile on his face. His body blurred as he let out a devastating strike.

'Ah I guess I lose this one.'

He put on a disgusting grin and the strike hitted Finsley on the chin...

Fin flew as dirt dust flew all over the place when he made impact.

The battle was over.

Jhaun stared at the sky as Finsley passed out laying on the ground bloodied and bruised.

Several cheers came from the crowd as a figure of a woman came to Fin. Her fair skinned hands glowed blue and poured all through out Finsley's body.

Fin whispered while tears streamed out his bruised eyes.

"Thanks Sister Faye."

"Gosh why do you three always have to take it too far.."

"It wouldn't be as helpful for training if we didn't put out our maximum."

"Your only 9 Fin."

"Nevermind that, your 16 and have killed people."

She let out a chuckle

"Fair enough"


'Huh, I wonder if we fought right now will the results be much different or not. Anyways looking back, I should've really grabbed dirt to strengthen my fists and I also need improve my senses.'

With that he went to the function hall once more but this time to be infected by the spell..