I Got Married**

Duan Fulin: ?!

[Qiao Xi! You're going too far!]

[Lol, who gets this? My parents are right outside, and I'm struggling not to laugh while secretly watching the livestream.]

[It seems like she really doesn't like Duan Fulin, lol.]

[What did our Linlin do to her?]

[Wasn't Duan Fulin seen holding hands with Qiao Xi by the river? Their relationship is so complicated! There might be some juicy gossip!]

[Yes, I remember that too! But didn't Duan Fulin later issue a statement saying they were just good friends? And Qiao Xi didn't respond at all!]

[Stop it, the dead ship is suddenly attacking me. I was genuinely invested in the Duan-Qiao ship back then.]

After a long while, Duan Fulin forced a smile, still maintaining a graceful demeanor, and asked, "Qiao Xi, did I do something to offend you? Please tell me, so I can correct it. We shouldn't have any grudges, right?"

"Exactly!" Zhou Ninghuan immediately chimed in, "Qiao Xi, I let it go when you targeted me last time, but now you're doing this to Fulin! We're just colleagues, here to record a show together, and we've never done anything to you!"

The audience naturally got carried away by the heated emotions.

[Emmm, it does seem excessive. There's no grudge between them.]

[Exactly, she almost threw Linlin out just now!]

[Qiao Xi is really not likable.]

[Don't worry, we've got your back!]

Qiao Xi glanced at Duan Fulin, "No grudge? Are you sure?"

"Master! Please, calm down!" Xiao 6 was already praying that Duan Fulin wouldn't continue speaking!

In all its years of service, no host had ever made it this fearful!

Duan Fulin squinted for a moment, then smiled and said, "I don't remember, why don't you tell me?"

This was live; he was sure Qiao Xi wouldn't dare say it. Unless she didn't care about her career anymore!

Xiao 6 roared: Duan Fulin! Are you out of your mind!!!

"Master! Stay calm! Please don't..."

"Conning me into taking out a loan and leaving me 5 million yuan in debt, doesn't count as a grudge?" Qiao Xi spoke up.

Everyone was stunned, and Duan Fulin's pupils contracted!

Yu Siyan, who was watching the drama unfold, paused just as he was about to take a sip of water, turning his head.

"Maintaining physical relationships with eight other female artists while dating me, doesn't count as a grudge?"

"Getting caught flirting and then gaslighting me for two years, doesn't count as a grudge?"

"Or how about taking all my earnings and grabbing over a dozen dresses that don't even fit you when we broke up, doesn't count as a grudge?"

Qiao Xi raised an eyebrow, smiling brightly.

"Oh, by the way, do your fans know you're so cheap that you wear your underwear inside out for a week?"

As her words fell, the room was shocked!

Ye Sisi swayed, almost forgetting how to breathe!

The number of viewers in the livestream quickly soared to 500,000!


[She must be lying; I don't believe it!]

[This is outrageous! Qiao Xi, do you even hear yourself?!]

[What's going on?]

[New drama?! Am I late?!]

[Look at Duan Fulin's expression! I have a feeling this might not be false!]

[Liar, get out of the entertainment industry! Liar, get out of the entertainment industry! Liar, get out of the entertainment industry! Liar, get out of the entertainment industry!]

At Lexing Group, Duan Fulin's studio.

"Is this Qiao Xi crazy?! Get me her agent on the phone!" Duan Fulin's agent shouted.

The assistant, trembling, turned around and said, "I've already called. They said Qiao Xi has been having some mental issues lately and told our artist to be careful not to get dragged into it. They also said Qiao Xi's agent is in the hospital from anger!"

Agent: ???

She rubbed her temples, "Suppress the trending topics first, then reassure his girlfriends! Explain things one by one! He's just about to become a top-tier star; we can't lose endorsements!"

Back at the scene, someone had already alerted the director's team halfway through Qiao Xi's speech.

For the sake of the show's popularity, Director Jin waited until Qiao Xi finished before stepping in to smooth things over.

"Oh, it's just the hot weather; tempers can flare, it's understandable!"

"Come on, let's bring up Qiao Xi's prize for winning the cooking challenge! Everyone take a break; we've prepared some watermelon juice for you to cool down! After a while, we'll move on to the next task—each team will perform a piece for the locals, who will then score them to determine the ranking. Get ready!"

The show crew pulled the group apart.

Duan Fulin glanced at Qiao Xi with a dark expression before turning to take a call from his agent.

Meanwhile, Qiao Xi received a call from Zhu Feng.

She immediately put on a smile, "Brother Zhu."

"Shut up!" Zhu Feng was yelling, "I'm warning you, Qiao Xi, he's just a scumbag! What you're doing won't get his attention and will only ruin your future, understand?!"

Qiao Xi was stunned.

She had expected Zhu Feng to scold her, but instead, he was worried she might fall back into a foolish romantic obsession.

"Don't worry, I don't like him."

"You don't like him but use the same phone case as him?! You don't like him but bought his endorsed luggage?! And you've even got custom support banners delivered to the company!"

Qiao Xi looked around.

Sure enough, she saw a flashy couple's phone case and a suitcase matching Duan Fulin's. It was hard to explain.

"Speechless, huh!" Zhu Feng sneered, "Still trying to deny it! I knew it..."

"I'm married."

Zhu Feng: ?

Qiao Xi glanced at Yu Siyan under the tree and found him looking at her with his dark eyes.

She said, "My husband is 190 cm tall, looks pretty good, has no bad habits, except he likes to show off a bit. So, Brother Zhu, don't say things like that anymore; my husband doesn't like it."

Zhu Feng: ???


Click, the call ended.

Qiao Xi sighed with relief, "Phew, that cleared things up."

Xiao 6: "..."

What exactly did you clear up!!!

Qiao Xi gathered her teammates, while Duan Fulin, who had finished his call, was speaking in a low voice to Ye Sisi.

"Don't you believe me either?" he asked.

Ye Sisi blushed, "I..." After a while, she said, "I believe you."

Duan Fulin relaxed, "That's good. Qiao Xi might have some misunderstandings about me; I'll go explain it to her."

[As expected, Linlin is always so graceful, no matter the situation!]

[Explain what?! Just slap her already!]

[Right, how dare she spread lies, just tear her apart!]

Duan Fulin approached Qiao Xi, indicating he wanted to talk, and they stepped aside.

Yu Siyan's eyes followed them.

Cheng Xi whispered, "Young Master, he's Madam's ex."

"I'm not deaf," Yu Siyan replied.

"So, if they go off together now..."

Cheng Xi didn't dare finish the sentence.

Yu Siyan pondered for a moment, then sighed, "Indeed, if he pesters Qiao Xi, I, as her husband, should step in."

Cheng Xi: ?

That's not what I meant! I was wondering if Madam was pestering him instead!

"Let's go." Yu Siyan stood up, elegantly brushing the dust off his legs, "The gentleman's off to battle."


"All this time and you still can't come up with a response?" Qiao Xi folded her arms.

Duan Fulin, who was preparing a response: "..."

"Qiao Xi, you've changed," he said softly, "You're not the same as before; I don't recognize you anymore."

"Don't recognize me? Is there something wrong with your eyes? Or is your cerebellum degenerating? That's an illness; don't delay, seek medical attention, and keep a calm mind."

Duan Fulin: ?