A Thunderous Sound in the Sky, The Old Servant Makes a Dazzling Entrance

Qiao Xi stopped in her tracks and turned around angrily. "What are you implying? We all slept in the same bed, don't you also smell like a pig? Who are you looking down on?"

Yi Han: ?

Wait, he never said it smelled bad. Why is she making up rumors herself?

Yu Sinian: …

[Yu Sinian's Reputation Takes a Sudden Hit]

[What I thought: Ambiguous relationship? Using the same perfume? What Qiao Xi thinks: Everyone smells like pigs]

[Qiao Xi! You'd better not have cleared it up!]

[Okay, for a moment I actually wanted to ship it, but this woman pulled me back to reality in an instant]

Qiao Xi left, smiling as she said to Xiao 6, "Good thing I'm smart. The fact that I used the same discounted body wash as Yu Sinian must never get out!"

Xiao 6: "So it's okay if your piggy smell gets out? What kind of strategy is this?! Hurt the enemy a thousand, self-inflict seventy or eighty thousand?!"

Qiao Xi ignored him and raised her arm to call out, "Brothers! Down——!"

The drone quickly flew over the entire field.

All three teams went down.

To motivate them, the show team set up awards for every process!

Zhou Ninghuan's team got Old Sun. Old Sun patted his chest and said, "Plowing is my specialty, leave it to me!"

Er Gou was not to be outdone and assured Ye Sisi, "Although my plowing skills are not as good as Old Sun's, I have many oxen at home that can do the work!"

Over with Qiao Xi, Da Zhuang smiled and exchanged glances with her.

"Why are you laughing? Speak up," Qiao Xi said.

Li Da Zhuang: "Speak up about what?"

"About your skills."

Li Da Zhuang hesitated, "I don't have any skills. I can't plow, and I don't have oxen."

Qiao Xi: ?

All team members: ???

Qiao Xi grabbed a hoe and chased after Da Zhuang, "Then why did you let me choose you! You have the nerve to say that! What do you eat when you don't work?!"

"I have my ways!" Da Zhuang shouted.

Yu Sinian grabbed Qiao Xi, "Let's hear his ways first."

Li Da Zhuang puffed out his chest, "This 150 acres of land, the orchard behind it, and the mountain further back, all belong to my family! So I have money, and I usually hire people to do the work!"

Yu Sinian released Qiao Xi and pointed at Li Da Zhuang—

"Beat him."

Qiao Xi went wild and shot out like a loose beast!

[Lololol the comedic effect is maxed out]

[So it's you, the pay-to-win player]

[A rich player who accidentally entered a slum]

[Don't be so hard on Da Zhuang, he worked hard, and if you're looking for a goddaughter, I'm 240 months old and can feed and dress myself]

[A thunderous sound in the sky, the old servant makes a dazzling entrance!]

[So Qiao Xi ended up with a completely useless player? Doesn't know anything and hasn't done any work? Haha]

On the other side.

Duan Fu Lin heard the commotion from afar and sneered.

Still time to make noise? Let's see if he doesn't smash Qiao Xi's face later!

As he thought, his actions became faster.

With Niu Niu's support, Team One plowed one-fifth of the field in two hours.

"Fu Lin." Zhou Ninghuan came over, wiped the mud from his face, and asked, "Lunch time is approaching. Should we take a break and check on Qiao Xi's side?"

The enemy's enemy is a friend. The two exchanged knowing looks and smiled.

As they walked, Zhou Ninghuan said, "Qiao Xi should be struggling. I just heard Old Sun say that Li Da Zhuang can't do anything, sounds like a lazy good-for-nothing."

"Really?" Duan Fu Lin raised his eyebrows, "Then let's go help her."

[Look at our Lin Lin, he's been tormented by Qiao Xi these days, trending non-stop, and still thinking of helping her!]

[No way, no way, is no one able to tell this is a green arrow?]

[A hint of Longjing tea, I can smell it through the screen]

[Laughing to death, Qiao Xi probably hasn't even finished five square meters!]

[One team is underperforming, only Yi Han is doing well. After all, we came here to work, not to spread gossip and build personas!]

[To the people above, it's suggested to check on Qiao Xi's side before talking]

[I'm back after watching, emmmmm... I can only say I almost lost my life in front of the screen]

When the two arrived at Qiao Xi's Field No. 1, they saw that the only thing in sight was a row that had been plowed.

Duan Fu Lin's lips curled up.

Just as he expected!

"What are you doing?" A chilly voice suddenly appeared.

The two turned around and saw Qiao Xi approaching with her hands behind her back, and she didn't even have sweat on her!

"Qiao Xi, it's okay if you work slowly, but being lazy isn't right, is it?" Zhou Ninghuan immediately spoke up, "Everyone is working hard, and you're making your team fall behind!"

Duan Fu Lin pulled him back, "Don't say that. She might be tired. After all, I heard she was talking with Yu Sinian all night and didn't sleep well."

Director Team: !!!

What? There's gossip!

[Talking to Nian Nian?!]

[She really harassed our Nian Ge!]

[Although, she isn't being lazy. Are one or two eyes covered in cow dung?]

Qiao Xi was shocked, "You heard?! Then did you hear me cursing you for owing money? Did you hear me wishing for hemorrhoids to grow in your mouth?!"

She covered her mouth, "Sorry, sorry, I'll speak more quietly next time. After all, if someone hears your wish, it won't work."

Duan Fu Lin was so angry his eyes widened!

He immediately turned to the director team, "Director, the lunch standard should be based on each team's progress, right? Otherwise, if someone is lazy but eats the same food as us, I don't mind, but my team will feel uncomfortable!"

Director Jin looked at him sympathetically, "I think—"

"Fine." Qiao Xi nodded, "Whoever plows the most gets the highest meal standard. The last place gets steamed buns."

"Okay! This is what you said!" Zhou Ninghuan eagerly interrupted.

Looking at this, their team might be five or six times better!

Director Jin: …

Forget it, can't deal with them. These two are stubborn!

"Then let's settle this," Duan Fu Lin said.

Qiao Xi nodded, "Wait for me to call the workers to stop."

Call the workers to stop?

Also, her team hasn't arrived yet. Judging by Yu Sinian's personality, he's probably hiding somewhere slacking off!

Duan Fu Lin's lips curled into a cold smile, "Go ahead and call."

In the next second, Qiao Xi pulled out a whistle the size of a fist from her pocket!

Everyone: ?

"Beep beep—"

She looked at everyone's shocked expressions and kindly explained, "Two beeps means meal time."

"Beep beep beep—"

She blew the whistle again and said, "Three beeps means hurry up, the last place gets hungry."

Almost as soon as her words fell, dust flew in the distance!

"We! Are! Coming! —"

Duan Fu Lin and Zhou Ninghuan looked up, their pupils shrinking to a point!