They Mourned Loudly and Wore Mourning Clothes

On the screen, white paper flew everywhere, and the sound of wailing filled the air!

"Old Guan, you must be happy in the afterlife!"

"Old Guan, it's a good thing to have a long life and a happy passing; everyone is here to see you off!"

"Old Guan..."

The group kneeling in the front row was none other than Qiao Xi's team! They were dressed in mourning clothes and wailing loudly!

**[Oh my, they're... feasting??]**

**[I've been watching for half an hour, and this is absolutely wild, even in the funeral world.]**

**[Yu Siyan, what are you thinking? Get up! You were so restrained at first, but when Qiao Xi promised you'd only have to plow one less acre tomorrow, you wavered!!]**

**[Don't even mention it. My son Yi Han did the same thing. One moment he was like, "I'm not doing this." Qiao Xi said, "I'll cut an hour off." And then he just knelt down and started wailing expertly!!]**

**[Who said my daughter Fan Zhiying wasn't the same... She even asked if crying the loudest would get her an extra bowl of meat.]**

**[Is no one going to speak up for Old Guan?]**

**[Old Guan: I hate this boundary-less mourning team!]**

"What is going on here?" Director Jin was furious.

The following PD explained, "This is a happy funeral for Old Guan, who passed away at the age of 120. In the village, it's considered a good thing."

"Qiao Xi saw the announcement from the neighboring village while she was out for a stroll earlier today! I wondered why she was staring at it for so long! Turns out she was eyeing their feast! The notice said they were looking for villagers with good crying skills to come, and each person would be paid and fed!"

The director team: "..."

The remaining team members: "..."

They had only one thought in their minds: They couldn't possibly earn this money.

Qiao Xi cried all the way to the funeral hall and clung to the coffin, refusing to let go, moving everyone to tears!

"Don't be too sad!" Old Guan's wife, who was also 100 years old, pulled Qiao Xi up and said, "This day comes for everyone. Old Guan left happily... Here, girl, take this."

She stuffed a red envelope into Qiao Xi's hand.

"Oh, no, no, I can't take this!" Qiao Xi opened her pocket wider.

The red envelope went in, and she continued to cry.

"Old Grandpa Guan, I'll burn some mahjong tiles for you!"

**[Wait, Grandma is 100, and Grandpa is 120. Don't assume they can't do math just because they're old!]**

**[An age-gap relationship! 20 years apart!]**

**[Wow, that must have been quite controversial back then!]**

**[Oh my gosh, crying over someone else's love story, but not as fiercely as Qiao Xi.]**

When Grandma found out Qiao Xi could speak their dialect, she immediately switched to it and invited Qiao Xi and her team to the main table.

She also called over Yu Siyan, "Come here, young man! Such a handsome boy!"

"What did she say?" Yu Siyan asked.

Qiao Xi: "She said you're handsome, but you'd be even more handsome if you liked women."

Yu Siyan: ?

**[Insert myself into any conversation]**

**[Hahahaha, does she think Yu Siyan's orientation is questionable?]**

**[Could it be because Yu Siyan stopped Yi Han from washing her hands in the afternoon? Sister! I'm already shipping them, and you're pulling out the tiger pliers to cut the red string?!]**

The food arrived.

Qiao Xi quickly forgot everything and focused on eating!

While eating, she turned to the cameraman and said, "See this rib? Big, isn't it? Smells good, right? I'm going to take this back for Duan Fulin..."

Yu Siyan paused.

"... Take a good look! Hahaha! He's going to be so jealous!"

Yu Siyan: "..."

Overthinking it.

His heart rate returned to normal in an instant.

But wait, why does he care if Qiao Xi takes meat for someone?

The young master frowned, suddenly losing his appetite.

Meanwhile, Qiao Xi didn't stop for a minute, eating at an impressive speed.

The elderly at the table were shocked by her, worried they wouldn't get any meat, so they all started eating quickly!

At other tables—

"Let me tell you, that girl from the Wang family, she's thirty, runs an online store, got scammed! Lost 800,000! It was an online romance! So our golden years romances, never find someone online!"

At Qiao Xi's table—

"Slurp, slurp, slurp."

At other tables—

"Has Cuihua found a boyfriend yet? What?! She's with Ergouzi?! No way! Yingzi will be so mad! She's liked Ergou for years! And now Cuihua swooped in, what a mess!"

At Qiao Xi's table—

"Chomp, chomp, chomp."

Finally, after eating and drinking their fill, Qiao Xi and the elders left the table, all burping.

A round-faced grandpa came over and asked, "A child who eats well is blessed! Do you have a boyfriend?"

Just as Qiao Xi was about to respond, Xiao 6's mechanical voice chimed in.

**[Ding! Detected intention to lie, correcting...]*

Qiao Xi: "Yes, I'm married."

The whole team froze and turned to her.

Even she was stunned.


**[Do you know what you're saying?]**

**[Do you enjoy spouting nonsense?]**

Meanwhile, the system hadn't stopped!

**[Shock value +1000]**

**[Shock value +2000]**

**[Ding! Congratulations, Host, for reaching level 13! Item issued!]**


Yu Siyan's gaze deepened.

Qiao Xi gasped, "Xiao 6!"

Xiao 6: "I can't control it!"

It was more scared than Qiao Xi!!! Who knew what would come out of her mouth next?

The grandpa asked quickly, "What? You're married? That's okay, my grandson doesn't mind! How tall is your husband?"


"Is he handsome?"


"Single or double eyelids? Don't run! Is it double eyelids? My grandson has single eyelids, but my good brother is very rich! I can borrow money to get my grandson's eyes done in the city!"

**[Grandpa, your thinking is a bit too modern.]**

**[Is your brother named Li Dazhuang? The one with three mountains?]**

**[Doesn't anyone think this description is scary... 190, handsome, double eyelids...]**

**[Whoa! Isn't that just Yu Yingdi?!]**

**[Coincidence. After all this time, don't you understand that Qiao Xi just says whatever?]**

**[True, scared me for a moment! Definitely not Yu Siyan!]**

**[And she said she's married, haha, like Qiao Xi could be married? If she's married, I'll eat shit.]**

**[Noting down the commenter's ID, silently waiting for the day Qiao Xi announces it.]**

Qiao Xi ran off, disappearing from sight, leaving everyone to search for her.

Yu Siyan walked at the back, Cheng Xi catching up to him and whispering, "Young master, didn't you say the relationship shouldn't be exposed? So, what about what the young lady just said..."

He stopped halfway through.

Under the moonlight, the boy's elegant face held an indescribable smile. With his hands behind his back, he walked leisurely and suddenly turned to say, "Did you hear her say I was handsome?"

Cheng Xi: ?

"Young master, don't forget you still have to divorce."

Yu Siyan stopped abruptly and looked back, wary.

Why is he so concerned about the divorce?

No, he needs to be firm.

"Have you ever heard a poem?"

Cheng Xi: "Huh?"

Yu Siyan: "Grapes, wine, night lights, boys together lose their youth."

Cheng Xi: ???


The group reached the simple large dormitory.

At the door, Yu Siyan saw Qiao Xi, suppressed his smile, and was about to enter when a tall figure suddenly sat beside Qiao Xi.

Qiao Xi poked her head out from under the blanket and looked at Yi Han, "What are you doing?"

Yi Han chuckled, "Yu Yingdi was talking to me today..."


A small white pillow flew over.

"No changing." Yu Siyan said with a stern face.