"If Nian Nian goes crazy, Qiao Xi can't be innocent."

There was no response from inside.

"Could they be dead?" Qiao Xi asked Xiao 6.

Xiao 6: "..."

"Master, you only called once! You've done something really excessive today, shouldn't you try to make it up to them?"

"Make it up?" Qiao Xi nodded, paused, and then puckered her lips, making a "tsk tsk tsk" sound.

"Come on, come on, time to eat! Tsk tsk tsk—"

Xiao 6: ?

[That's how I call my dog to eat]

[Don't worry, Old Sun did the same thing when feeding chickens a few days ago]

[But still, she's calling Nian Nian...]

[What's wrong with Nian Nian? She even calls that piglet 'Hua Hua']

Xiao 6: "Master! That's not how you call someone!"

Qiao Xi lost her patience. "Forget it, let's go with the hard approach."

She rolled up her sleeves, stretched her limbs, took a step back, calculated the distance, and then charged forward!

Xiao 6: "Ahhhh!"

"Auntie!" A small child's voice suddenly called out, stopping Qiao Xi in her tracks.

She looked down and was stunned.

A pair of white, tender little hands were holding onto her clothes. The eyes were big and round, the skin as soft as a peeled egg, and the child had two pigtails sticking up. The child smiled at her.

"Auntie, are you looking for that handsome uncle?" The child asked, mimicking a hanging gesture by pinching her neck, "That uncle."

[Oh my gosh, so cute!]

[Whose little darling is this! What color do they like for bags?]

[Don't bother! I've already melted into a puddle!!!]

[To be honest, her description of Nian Nian is spot on, hahaha. Nian Nian wouldn't have hung himself dozens of times, would he?]

Qiao Xi pinched the child's cheek.

"Yes, did you see him?"

"He went to hug the piggies!"

The child pulled Qiao Xi along, leading her outside.

On the way, Qiao Xi learned that the little darling was called Lu Baibai, the neighbor's child of Li Dazhuang, staying here for a few days.


Qiao Xi thought for a moment. Isn't that the neighbor with several luxury cars?

"Sweetie." Qiao Xi immediately squatted down, "Come, let auntie hug you. Does auntie smell good?"

"Yes, it smells good!"

"Does it smell nice?"

"Mm-hmm! It smells like oranges!"

"How about inviting auntie to your house tomorrow?"

"Sure, sure!"

[Qiao Xi! Be a decent person!]

[Even if you're planning this way, the plan won't hold!]

[For a moment, I don't know who to envy. I also want to be held by Sister Xi...]

[How long have you had these symptoms upstairs? Have you seen a doctor?]

Qiao Xi left Baibai at home and headed to the pigpen.

Before she entered, she heard Li Dazhuang's loud voice!

"Don't be afraid! Hold it! You delivered this piglet, it's close to you! Touch it, and the bad luck will go away!"

There was also someone translating for Yu Siyan.

Yu Siyan: "I'm leaving."

"Hey! Don't go! Come on, just touch it! Pigs have feelings!"

"I won't touch it!"

Qiao Xi pushed the door open and saw Li Dazhuang enthusiastically throwing piglets at Yu Siyan, with a banner behind them reading "Xiaofen's Full Moon Celebration."

Qiao Xi: ?

The moment Yu Siyan saw her, he rushed over, gritting his teeth, "He insists on making me attend a piglet's full moon party!"

"What?" Qiao Xi widened her eyes.

Yu Siyan complained, "He's too much!"

"And he didn't invite me to such a good thing?!" Qiao Xi shouted angrily, dragging Yu Siyan forward, "Let's take a picture together!"

Yu Siyan: "..."

[Thought it was a ray of hope, but it turned out to be an avalanche]

[If Nian Nian ever goes crazy, Qiao Xi can't be innocent]


The camera clicked.

Yu Siyan held the pig, looking devastated, while Qiao Xi grinned, showing her teeth. The instant photo developed quickly.

Qiao Xi grabbed two photos and said, "Both are mine!"

"I want one too!" Yu Siyan immediately reached out and pointed at one, "I want this one."

In the photo.

The girl was smiling at the camera.

The boy was looking sideways, staring at her.

In the other photo, both of them were looking at the camera.

[Oh my god!!!!]

[It must be intentional! Right?]

[This is beyond explanation! Why did he choose that one? And specifically? Yu Siyan, explain yourself!]

[Can we just sign a petition to put these two on a dating show?]

[What? Haven't we ruined one show enough? Now you're planning to ruin a second one?]

Qiao Xi looked at him with a strange expression, "You want this one?"

Yu Siyan pressed his lips together, about to come up with an excuse.

But then Qiao Xi continued, "This one has a piglet peeing on you."

Yu Siyan: ?

Yu Siyan: !!!

He looked down and almost fainted!

After sending him back to change clothes, the whole team rested in an air-conditioned room all afternoon. As evening fell, they saw Duan Fulun and the others returning with hoes.

"Did you rest all day?" Zhou Ninghuan laughed, "I envy you, unlike us, who still have a fifth of the work left!"

"You only have a fifth left?" Fan Zhiying asked.

"Yes. Don't be too upset; it's not your fault you followed the wrong leader. Just bad luck."

The others laughed, shaking their hips and even singing, "Son~ Son~ Where are we going? If you don't work today, there won't be any food to eat!"

"Shut up, sissy! Try dancing again, and see what happens!"

Fan Zhiying was furious!

Zhou Ninghuan: "Bleh bleh bleh!"

Fan Zhiying was about to charge forward when a slender white hand stopped her.

Qiao Xi walked forward, smiling as she pointed to the sky, "Huan Zai, can you smell something?"


Zhou Ninghuan frowned and exchanged a glance with Duan Fulun.

"What could it be, the smell of our victory?" He raised an eyebrow.

[Seriously, this is infuriating, hahaha]

[Zhou Ninghuan has a kind of pure stupidity]

[But Qiao Xi is really not suitable for leading a team. She's too dictatorial; this way, the team is bound to lose!]

[Yeah, won't the others blame her to death?]

"Wrong, it's the smell of rain," Qiao Xi said.

"Rain?" Zhou Ninghuan laughed, "We all got sunburned today! Rain, my foot! If it rains, I'll eat..."


A raindrop suddenly landed on Zhou Ninghuan's face.

Zhou Ninghuan: ?

Everyone: ???

Zhou Ninghuan swallowed the word "shit" and replaced it with "food."

He suspiciously touched his face.

[It started raining just like that?!]

[No way, it's really raining!]

[Did Qiao Xi secretly check the weather forecast?!]

In the production team.

"Is it really raining?" Director Jin asked.

The assistant director nodded, "Yes, but it's just a light rain. It won't affect the planting schedule and can even help water the crops."

Outside, Zhou Ninghuan snorted, "So what if it rains? We were just running out of water!"

They left.

Fan Zhiying asked, "Should we go to the field now? If we push through, we can catch up tomorrow."

"No need." Qiao Xi shook her head.

Fan Zhiying got anxious, "Are we just going to watch them win?"

"I said, there's rain."

"You're not the god of thunder and lightning; how can you be sure it will rain?" Fan Zhiying gritted her teeth, looking at the other two, "Are you going? I'm going to the field! I can't stand that sissy dancing in front of me!"

Instantly, the pressure fell on Yu Siyan and Yi Han.

Yi Han pursed his lips for a moment, "Maybe... we should go to the field? Even if there's rain, it won't be heavy, and it won't affect the crops."

"Yi Han, come with me." Fan Zhiying asked, "Yu Siyan, what about you?"

Immediately, several eyes turned to Yu Siyan.

The young master was already inside with a pillow.

He threw out a line, "I'm staying with Qiao Xi."