If You Insist, Let's Give It a Try**

"Isn't this interesting?" Qiao Xi beckoned gently with her finger, "Dad loves being challenged. Come on, kid, say your wish out loud."

Zhou Ninghuan gritted his teeth. 

Alright, let's see if you can keep that smile on your face!

He squinted and threw out the question, "Teacher Qiao, have you been cozying up to Lin Ge privately because you want to get back together?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several pairs of eyes turned towards them.

Yu Siyan narrowed his eyes.

[Is that even a question you can ask?!]

[Cozying up privately? When? Were the cameras not rolling then?!]

[As expected, some things never change!]

Zhou Ninghuan reminded, "You can't lie."

Duan Fulin straightened his posture, ready to accept a confession.

Qiao Xi smiled, "Yes..."


[Shock Value +2000]

[Shock Value +3000]

In a matter of seconds, the shock value skyrocketed to 30,000!

[Ding! System Level 16 Achieved!]

"...like a dream. We've never been together, so there's no getting back together. Naughty boy," Qiao Xi said.

Xiao 6: ?

"Master, you cheated! You're using deception to gain shock value!"

Qiao Xi ignored it.

"No way!" Zhou Ninghuan shouted, "You're lying!"

"Even if the story about you liking cow dung pancakes is false, my story is all true."

Duan Fulin's expression soured as well.

The only person smiling was a certain young master.

[Isn't Yu Siyan's smile a bit too blatant?]

[Stop overthinking it, he's just enjoying some juice!]

[My brain's fried trying to decipher that insult]

Zhou Ninghuan's questions got trickier.

Zhou Ninghuan: "Name the woman you dislike the most here!"

Qiao Xi: "Old Huang."

Old Huang was Li Dazhuang's dog, a female.

Zhou Ninghuan gritted his teeth, "When was your last kiss?"

"In the small forest by the lake."

Everyone was stunned!


Small! Forest! By! The! Lake!

Yu Siyan paused mid-sip of his juice, glancing sideways.

[What the heck! Was it during the filming?!]

[No way!!! I don't believe it!!!!]

[Keep asking! Ask the time!!!!]

With just a few words, the shock value exploded!

[Ding! System Level 17 Achieved!]

[Ding! System Level 18 Achieved!]


[System Level 20 Achieved!]

Xiao 6: "....."

Is this even allowed?!

Director Jin gestured to Zhou Ninghuan behind the camera, signaling him to continue questioning!

Qiao Xi noticed too.

She checked the gift pack and found five items. One of them was the "Game Master," which gave 100% proficiency in all games.

After using it, Qiao Xi chuckled and pressed the spoon down.

"My turn now! Ready, Ninghuan?"

Everyone: !!!!!

The next moment!


The spoon spun and pointed directly at Zhou Ninghuan!

Qiao Xi's gaze shifted towards his pants, just as Zhou Ninghuan quickly said, "I'll choose dare!"

"Oh?" Qiao Xi squinted.

Everyone gasped!

[Is anyone in need of funeral services? We have a special offer!]

[Complete funeral services at an 80% discount! (Fans can also purchase for their idols)]

[Are you cursing Ninghuan?!]

[Is cursing even necessary?]

[Qiao Xi's face says it all: Hunting Time]

Five minutes later, Zhou Ninghuan stood in the village's only convenience store, blushing as he faced the shopkeeper, Ergou.

"Brother, what can I get you?" Ergou asked.

Zhou Ninghuan quickly pointed to the small square items in the shopping area.

Ergou: !

He cleared his throat and handed them to Zhou Ninghuan.

Zhou Ninghuan gritted his teeth, then said, "Do you have anything smaller?"

Ergou: ???

With a sympathetic look, he handed Zhou Ninghuan a smaller size from under the counter.

Zhou Ninghuan's face turned even redder, "Do you have... even smaller ones?"

Ergou: ???????

He looked at him sympathetically, "Brother, if it's like this, maybe you shouldn't buy them. Just go see a doctor."


[I'm dying of laughter!]

[Punishment: Buy contraceptives and keep asking for smaller sizes no matter what they offer]

[I'm writing this down for the next gathering!]

[Qiao Xi! I'll never forgive you for this insult!]

After the game ended, the crew announced a break until the weather improved.

Everyone immediately packed their bags.

The fastest was Zhou Ninghuan, who moved like a whirlwind.

After packing, Cheng Xi asked, "Young Master, the lawyer has drafted the divorce agreement. Don't forget to..."

"Take care of her health." Yu Siyan thought, "She caught a cold from the rain today."

Cheng Xi: ?

Cheng Xi remembered his brother's call and pulled Yu Siyan aside.

"Young Master, my brother said the Young Madam might think you like men!"


"She doesn't let you near Yi Han! And that poem last time! And just now, she asked you what you felt about Yi Han!"

Yu Siyan nodded, "Makes sense."

Cheng Xi continued, "So..."

"So, she's already so paranoid she thinks even men are a threat?"

Cheng Xi: ???

"I don't mean that! My brother thinks she doesn't actually like you; she's stringing you along!"

Yu Siyan chuckled.

"You guys are too young."

He patted Cheng Xi's shoulder.

"She likes me, that's why she's stringing me along. Otherwise, why not string you along?"

Cheng Xi: ???

"And what if she's really infatuated with me and goes crazy if I reject her? I'll use a roundabout strategy."

"Roundabout strategy?"

"I'll... pretend to agree with her."

Yu Siyan's ears turned red as he spoke.

Cheng Xi: ...

He wrote in his diary:

**July 2, Heavy Rain (Young Madam predicted it right)**

**Dear Madam in Heaven, please forgive me. I tried my best, but the young master has gone mad.**

Meanwhile, Yu Siyan ran into Qiao Xi.

The proactive young master grabbed her.

"I have something to say."

Qiao Xi: "What?"

[Just when I was ready for romance, Qiao Xi's dialect caught me off guard]

[She's not allergic to romance; she's a romance killer!]

The young man leaned closer.

He still had the same scent of body wash, fragrant and familiar.

He pressed the show's microphone, leaned in, and whispered in Qiao Xi's ear:

"If you insist..."

"Let's give it a try."