Qiao Xi, Return My Brother's Hook

Duang Fulin smiled slightly.

Director Jin was startled. "What's going on! Get the lifeguards to check it out quickly!"

The lifeguards immediately entered the water, but as they passed by Duang Fulin's boat, they exchanged glances, and one of the lifeguards exclaimed, "Oh no!" His life jacket got caught on the boat.

The production team was in a panic. "Hurry up! We can't let anyone get hurt!"

"I'll help you!" Duang Fulin lunged forward.

As soon as he got involved, the knot got tighter.

Out of the camera's view, Duang Fulin's eyes darkened with a hint of malice.

— It was his idea to come to the lake to retrieve the airdrop.

To set it up, he had people impersonate villagers during the director team's scouting, deliberately hiding the dangers and guiding the show to the whirlpool area!

Because from the beginning, he never intended for Qiao Xi to return safely!

"Hey, Movie Star Yu!"

"Young master! It's dangerous!"

Suddenly, there were shouts all around.

Yu Siyan's tall figure dove straight into the water, heading towards Qiao Xi!

Cheng Xi's expression changed dramatically, and he also jumped in with a splash!

Next were Fan Zhiying and Yi Han! They jumped in one after another like dumplings being dropped into a pot!

"Oh my god!" Director Jin shouted. "Are you all crazy! Get back here!"

[Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, it's over!]

[Is this for real? Did they really get sucked into the whirlpool?!]

[They haven't come up for a while; could they really be gone? Was I deceived about bad people living long lives???]

The next second, an assistant suddenly patted Director Jin.

"Director Jin! Look, look! They're up!"

Director Jin was shocked. "What? Are the bodies coming up?!"

She trembled as she raised her eyes.

The next second, her mouth opened into an "O" shape!

The smile on Duang Fulin's face also froze instantly.

All the fish in the lake started floating up, big and small, crazily rushing towards the whirlpool!

[Oh my god, is that a school of fish?!]

[And crayfish!]

[Oh my gosh, even old turtles are coming out! Is this the entire lake's ecosystem coming to life?]

[I knew Qiao Xi was the king of animals! The last time I saw a scene like this was when Xiang Fei came back to life!!!]

[I command you to bring her back, little turtle!]

The next second, a swarm of fish shot up into the air!

A giant pink octopus appeared instantly, with a dazed young master clinging to its back!

"Alive! They're still alive!" Director Jin screamed in a shrill voice!

Cheng Xi and the others surfaced, shouting joyfully!

Then, the falling fish directly shot towards Duang Fulin's face!

"Plop, plop, plop!"


Duang Fulin jumped on the boat, dodging left and right, but couldn't escape and fell into the lake!

Gritting his teeth, he climbed back onto the boat and gave the lifeguard a fierce look.

His lips mouthed: "Take action!"

In case the first plan failed, he had a second plan!

He had arranged for two strong swimmers to hide nearby, waiting to drag Qiao Xi underwater!

"Got it!"

The lifeguard made a dive but was suddenly kicked away by the giant octopus!

The next second, Qiao Xi was pushed up by the fish, landing directly on Duang Fulin's shoulders. She grabbed his short hair and started pulling!

"You little jerk, still not grown up and trying to kill me?!"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

Everyone on site: !!!!!!!!!!

Xiao 6: !!!!!!!!!!!!

[Shock value +20000!]

[Shock value +80000!]

The system leveled up three times in a row!

Qiao Xi, her eyes red with fury, didn't even look at what she had gained.

As she raised her fist, Director Jin was just about to find the cameraman.

Turning her head, she saw the only cameraman pinned against a tree by Cheng Xi!

Meanwhile, Yu Siyan was holding the camera, turning his head towards the forest: "Welcome everyone to the beautiful Xi Village, where the mountains are clear, the water is pure, and the air is fresh..."

[Ahhhh, I hear Linlin calling!]

[Damn! Turn back to Qiao Xi! What's she doing?!]

[Who can understand, I'm crying, if she farted, he'd help pull down her pants!]

Duang Fulin: "Stop hitting! Ouch! Stop... Mmmmmm..."

Yu Siyan: "Look, these are carp, those are mushrooms, that's my bodyguard Cheng Xi, and this is Cheng Xi's diary, which says 'The young master mentioned fingerprints on the cup today, so to make him happy and repay him for the raise, I learned some acting and used it vividly...'"

Yu Siyan paused and kicked Cheng Xi, who was out of sight of the camera.

Then he smiled and said, "Sorry, that was Cheng Xi's litter."

Finally, the noise stopped.

Qiao Xi acted as if she was getting up.

Duang Fulin, barely alive, breathed a sigh of relief.

The next second, Qiao Xi suddenly turned her head, and the face under the octopus costume showed a sinister smile.

She slowly reached out, picking up a pearl-sized stone.

Duang Fulin: ?

What is this? Such a small stone, and she wants to use it to hit him??

"Xiao 6."

Xiao 6: "Here!"

This person almost got its host killed. The entire system agreed to finish him off! If it weren't for the host's animal affinity skill, today would have been dangerous!

"Use 'Two Birds with One Stone.'"

Qiao Xi said, tossing the stone.

Xiao 6 was inexplicably excited: "Yes!"

A few seconds later, two screams echoed on the scene!

At the hospital.

When Duang Fulin woke up, several doctors were gathered at his bedside, staring at his lower body. After a long time, they sighed and shook their heads.

"We did our best."

As Duang Fulin just woke up, he shuddered and fainted again.

Soon, the news spread.

Duang Fulin's medical record was uploaded online by a nurse, with the words "ligament rupture" striking the hearts of Duang Fulin's fans.

Qiao Xi's Weibo was instantly flooded with angry comments under her latest post—

[Qiao Xi, get out of the entertainment industry! Can such a violent woman stay in the industry?!]

[Return my brother's hook!!!]

[Get out of here; I've disliked her for a long time. What kind of backing does she have to be so arrogant on the show without consequences?!]

[Qiao Xi, how will you repay my brother for what you did!]

Li Tao wanted to visit Zhu Feng.

He got a response from a little assistant: "Brother Zhu passed out, and he's still not awake. I'll call you when he wakes up! Also, Director Jin has already notified the termination of the contract. Sister Xi will be back soon; do you want to talk to her in person?"

Li Tao: ?!

"No, no need!"

He ran away!

In Xi Village.

Director Jin was terrified and, under pressure from the outside world, had to terminate the contract with Qiao Xi.

Qiao Xi had no objections to the termination fee. She packed up her things quickly and came out, only to run into the young master dragging his suitcase at the door.

"What are you doing?" she asked as she approached.

"Leaving with you." Yu Siyan looked down, kicking a stone, "If you're not here, what's the point of recording?"