The Young Madam Says, The Young Master is a Treasure**

Cheng Dong: "Damn it! Brother! Are you out of your mind? Do you even know what you're saying?"

Sure enough, Yu Siyannian's face darkened instantly.

Upstairs, Uncle Liu saw the scene and, though unsure of what was happening, immediately shouted to the bodyguards, "Protect the master! Everyone come here, surround him! Prevent the young master from venting his anger on the master!"

In the room.

He Xuefang had just finished her skincare routine and came out to find Yu Zheng crouching by the door, observing something through the crack.

He Xuefang: "Husband? What are you..."

Yu Zheng stood up straight in an instant, coughed lightly, and walked over with his hot tea, "Just getting some exercise."


Cheng Dong tried to stop the young master but was too late.

Yu Siyannian somehow found a megaphone and loudly announced, "The Yu family of Jingcheng! The Yu family of Jingcheng! Someone's love has collapsed! Li Dazhuang ran off with Aunt Zhao! Li Dazhuang ran off with Aunt Zhao! He left behind a pile of emotional debts! Now selling couple cups for just 9.99 each, everything must go!"

He pulled out two cups covered in painted lips, shaking them around.

They were gifts Cheng Xi had prepared!


Cheng Xi screamed and jumped into the lake again!

Cheng Dong barely managed to stabilize the situation and pulled the young master aside to prevent further chaos.

"Young master, I had Mrs. Li give the young madam some fruit wine earlier."

Yu Siyannian: "Oh? Celebrating Cheng Xi's newfound singleness in advance?"

Cheng Dong: "..."

"You wanted to hear the young madam confess, didn't you?" Cheng Dong whispered, "The young madam is shy and wouldn't say such things easily. But after drinking, it's different! A woman with a drink can turn into..."

Yu Siyannian looked puzzled and leaned in.

Cheng Dong made claw-like gestures with his hands, howled, stood on one leg, and gave a devilish grin, looking terrifying.

Yu Siyannian hugged himself instantly, "No way, a rat?"

Cheng Dong: ?

"A wolf! A wolf!" Cheng Dong pushed him forward, "Go now, the alcohol should be kicking in! You don't have to do anything, just stand in front of her! I've checked, the young madam gets tipsy after just one drink! It'll work for sure!"

Yu Siyannian immediately got ready to move.

But just as he stepped forward, he stopped.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Dong asked.

"Up ahead..."

"Oh, it's just Uncle Liu with the bodyguards on guard! Trust me, young master, go now, it can't go wrong, you—what the—what the what the what the! Did something just fly by?!"

They both shuddered!

Ahead, Qiao Xi came running out, face flushed! Dragging along someone wearing a face mask!

It was He Xuefang, screaming like crazy!

"Robot vacuum, activate! Clean the entire house for me!"

Qiao Xi shouted and dragged He Xuefang back inside!

"Ahhh! Qiao Xi! Are you crazy! Let go of me! What are you doing!"

Mrs. Li rushed over in a panic to report, "It's bad! Mrs. He just said something to the young madam! The young madam got too drunk and is using her as a mop!"

A white hand appeared behind Cheng Dong, waving.

"Let her be."

Mrs. Li: ?

"Young master, aren't you going to stop her?!"

Yu Siyannian's face popped out, "Would you dare stop her?"

Mrs. Li: "..."

Do you think I came to ask you to stop her for fun?

The three of them exchanged glances, and amidst He Xuefang's piercing screams, chose to pretend they didn't see anything.

But suddenly, the screams stopped!

"Gone?" Mrs. Li whispered, "Could she have gone after another target?"

Instantly, the three of them turned pale!


Before they could move, Yu Siyannian was grabbed by the back of his neck.

Qiao Xi's drunken face appeared.

"Hehe, let me see who this is?"

Yu Siyannian: !!!!!!

The whole family: !!!!!!

Uncle Liu frantically patted the bodyguards next to him, "Rescue him! Go quickly and save the young master!"

Cheng Dong, while retreating, dragged the crying Cheng Xi, "Alright! I'll go call for reinforcements!"

Uncle Liu: ?


The door opened.

Yu Zheng came out with a cold expression, "I'll go."

After all, he was the biological father.

He couldn't just watch his son meet his end.

The whole family burst into tears!

Boohoo! Fatherly love! Is this fatherly love? It's as heavy as a mountain!

Two seconds later, Qiao Xi glanced back, baring her teeth.

Yu Zheng's steps smoothly turned back, heading straight for the door, "I'm going out for a smoke."

The whole family: ???!!!

It's over! It's over, over, over!!!

The young master's life countdown begins!!!

Uncle Liu started praying, Cheng Dong ran to the wishing pool to throw coins, Mrs. Li took out the divination signs, and Mrs. Li's granddaughter squatted beside her, drawing tarot cards.

"The Lovers card!" Mrs. Li's granddaughter drew a card and exclaimed, "A sudden love at first sight, a romantic high!"

Mrs. Li gave her a sidelong glance, "You need more practice. My poker hands have better odds than this."

Meanwhile, Yu Siyannian decided to save himself!

He seized the opportunity and prepared to make a run for it!

In the next moment, Qiao Xi scooped him up in a bridal carry.

"Well, isn't this my little treasure?"

She asked with a grin.

The whole house fell silent.

By the door, Yu Zheng asked, "What did she say?"

And so, Cheng Dong, the closest, started relaying the message: "The young madam said the young master is her treasure!"

Cheng Xi: "The young madam said treasure."

Uncle Liu: "The young madam said he's really a big treasure!"


Finally, Mrs. Li stammered, and under Yu Zheng's urging, said, "The young madam said... the young master has a big treasure!"

Yu Zheng fell silent.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that today."

Mrs. Li nodded hastily, "Yes, I'll tell everyone not to spread it."

"No." Yu Zheng thought for a moment and then changed his mind, "Spread it."

Mrs. Li: ?!

On the other side, Yu Siyannian had gone limp.

He slumped into Qiao Xi's arms, not struggling anymore.

Cheng Dong and Cheng Xi covered their mouths, "She really loves him!"

Using He Xuefang as a mop but calling their young master a treasure! Isn't he just a treasure? What else could this be if not love?

The next moment, Qiao Xi started shaking Yu Siyannian and began to sing.

"Sleep, sleep, my dear baby..."

Cheng Dong: ?

He felt something was off.

Yu Siyannian was still immersed in it.

"Little bunny, open the door..."

It wasn't until the third familiar tune.

"This is the first time, being your mom! Our feelings are a bit complicated..."

Yu Siyannian's forgotten memories suddenly resurfaced!

He jolted upright and pushed Qiao Xi away!


"Son, treasure." Qiao Xi patted his bouncy face, "Come on, let mommy take you out."

She dragged Yu Siyannian and started knocking on doors, grinning as she asked, "Want a kid? It's a boy, take him or leave him. Huh? You don't want him? Prefer a girl? Fine, he can wear a skirt too!"

As she spoke, she pushed Yu Siyannian into the dressing room and started putting a skirt on him.

Yu Siyannian grabbed her hand tightly.

In the dim room, only their breaths could be heard.

After a while, the young master pulled her closer, "You like kids? Then... shall we have one?"

Qiao Xi's drunken eyes blinked for a moment.

"What? You? With me? Have a kid?"


"Don't be silly." Qiao Xi patted the young master's bouncy face, "Sweetie, you have to have one with Ye Sisi."