You're Not Alone on the Road to the Underworld

Qiao Xi: "Xiao 6, have you ever dreamed of becoming a chicken?"

Xiao 6: ?

Qiao Xi: "I thought turning into a floor-cleaning robot was bizarre enough, but why have I been pecking at grains all night?"

Xiao 6: "..."

Xiao 6 wanted to respond, but the words just wouldn't come out!

Forget it, it couldn't say it!

Suddenly, Qiao Xi's phone started vibrating madly.

Zhu Feng yelled over the phone, "Qiao Xi! How can you sleep at a time like this?! Something's happened! Duan Fulin started a live stream from the hospital, accusing you of assault! The police are about to launch an investigation!"

Qiao Xi held the phone away and opened Weibo.

Sure enough, the top trending topic was—

"#DuanFulinAccusesQiaoXiOfIntentionalInjury [Explosive]"

Clicking on it, a teary-eyed Duan Fulin was seen in the live stream: "Though it's not as bad as the rumors say, Qiao Xi did hit me in several places, causing my ribs to fracture! Here's the medical report! I've already reported it to the police and will pursue this matter to the end!"

The comment section was going wild.

[I told you! Qiao Xi did hit someone!]

[Qiao Xi, how could you leave evidence? It's hard for us to defend you like this. Well, I'll try harder—she didn't hit a person; she hit a beast!]

[Qiao Xi and Yu Siyan's fans, why are you silent now? No more talking? Feeling guilty? Yesterday you said Lin Lin was trying to frame her! What a joke! Who does she think she is? Lin Lin wouldn't lower herself to her level!]

Zhu Feng yelled, "He actually called the police! You're finished! Don't think I don't know... Hey! Qiao Xi! What are you doing? Why are you joining the stream?! You, you, you..."

Qiao Xi directly hit the PK connection!

Duan Fulin's team saw her ID and immediately accepted. The two faces appeared on the live stream, staring at each other from afar.

Duan Fulin: ?

Team: ?

Audience: ??

"Hi," Qiao Xi waved. "SUrpriSe! The suspect is here, type 1 if you're shocked!"


[OMG! She dares to come?!]

[Shameless! Truly shameless!]

"Qiao Xi!"

Duan Fulin gained confidence from the comments flooding in the live stream, "You won't escape this time! I'm warning you..."

"Thank you for the rockets!" Qiao Xi leaned in to read the comments, interacting enthusiastically, "What? Dance? Teasing? How should I tease? Left side or right side?"

She put on cleaning gloves and started wiping the cabinet left and right, up and down.

"Qiao Xi!"

"Xiao 6, truth serum delivery!" Qiao Xi said casually.

The next second, Duan Fulin blurted out words that exploded across the screen!

"You b*tch! I swear I'll kill you today if it's the last thing I do!"

"You were lucky I didn't drown you in the lake last time! So what if I owe you money? I'm not paying back! What can you do about it? Do you have proof? You think you can mess with me? Dream on!"

The comment section went silent.

Duan Fulin was stunned, and his team was shocked!

After a moment, the entire team panicked and quickly shut down the live stream!

Qiao Xi touched her face, "Wow, so this is what it feels like to be forced to tell the truth. Even though I have a system, I never experienced such a shocking sensation. I kind of want this thrill."

Xiao 6: "..."

Thank you, Master. Thank you for giving me the courage to die.

Cheng Xi, on the road to the underworld, with me, Xiao 6, you won't be lonely, right?

The incident quickly escalated, with Duan Fulin's own words and the police arriving at the scene to collect evidence, greeted by Yu Zheng.

Yu Zheng took a sip of tea, raising an eyebrow, "Assault? My daughter-in-law never hits people. She's obedient and respectful; she even gets scared when people raise their voices. She couldn't possibly hit someone."

"Cheng Xi! Did Yu Siyan sneak into my cotton pajamas again?! Damn it, if I catch him, I'll kill him!"

Outside, Qiao Xi shouted and left.

Police: ?

Yu Zheng calmly asked, "What was that noise just now?"

Butler Liu loudly replied, "It's Mrs. Li! She's at it again, bullying the young master!"

"That's fine," Yu Zheng nodded and said to the police, "You see, my daughter-in-law is fine. What? Mrs. Li hit someone? That's not a problem, she said she wouldn't kill him."

By the time Qiao Xi arrived at the company, the online discourse had already reached the second phase—

Duan Fulin's team tried to portray Duan Fulin's actions as insanity due to being beaten, providing evidence of psychological counseling.

But immediately, a new trending topic overtook it.

It read—

"Su Yijin Exposes Duan Fulin!"

A video went viral!

Su Yijin faced the camera and said, "I'm sorry it took me so long to come forward. I've been really anxious because I really like Qiao Xi… I'm here to formally report Duan Fulin for emotional deception and failing to repay borrowed money. I have evidence. As far as I know, there are already eight actresses who have suffered. I hope everyone will come forward like me. Only if we stand together can we bring the scumbag to justice!"

[Oh my gosh! So the heartbroken message on Jin Jin's private account was about Duan Fulin?!!!]

[Duan Fulin! How could you?!]

[I said Qiao Xi would shake up the entertainment industry! Haha! I'm overwhelmed by all these scandals! It's a golden age in the industry!]

[I woke up this morning and was stunned?!]

[So Qiao Xi is innocent? I was worried I'd be supporting a criminal, but I'm relieved now.]

[Su Yijin is awesome! No wonder she's the queen of the girl squad! The woman I love is never wrong!]

[So your crazy fandom helps crazy people, huh?]

Qiao Xi was in the car at 12:30.

The matter was resolved by 1:00.

Before she even arrived at the company, Su Yijin had joined several actresses to completely expose Duan Fulin.

And the police swiftly collected evidence, quickly preparing to auction off Duan Fulin's assets to force repayment.

In the studio, Li Tao was furious, "I told you not to mess with Qiao Xi! Now look at this! You refused to pay back the money! What were you thinking?! Now you've got over a dozen people coming after you, and you have to pay them all back! You're going to rot in jail!"

Duan Fulin opened his mouth, his face pale.

This time, he was really at a dead end...

No, he still had one last card to play. He couldn't lose!

With trembling fingers and bloodshot eyes, Duan Fulin pulled out his phone and made a call.

At the company.

Ye Sisi hung up the phone, her brow furrowed.

Duan Fulin's tearful voice echoed in her ears—

"Sisi, believe me, I'm not like what they say! Please come and see me tomorrow; you're the only one who can help me! I'm begging you, Qiao Xi wants to destroy me! I'm begging you, please help me!"

Ye Sisi replied in a low voice, "Okay."

Then she walked into the building, knocked on the office door, and said to Yu Siyan, "Brother Nian, that scumbag called me!"

Her face flushed with anger as she played the recording, "He still wants to harm Qiao Xi!"

"Who wants to harm me?"

Behind her, Qiao Xi's voice rang out.

The young master, who had been lounging in his chair, immediately sat up straight!