He's Really Angry, and Can't Be Pacified

On the road.

The young man leaned against the ox cart, leaving an empty cushion to his right.

He held his phone, his hoarse voice echoing in the night sky, "Are you coming?"

Cheng Dong: "We were on our way, but the Lu family sent over a chilled watermelon, and she went to eat it!"

The young master hung up the phone, trembling with anger!

But on second thought, chilled watermelon doesn't stay cold for long; it should be eaten first.

"Slow down even more!" he shouted to the front.

Old Sun turned his head, his rear end sticking up, and angrily scolded, "Young man, it's bad enough you won't let me sit on the cushion! Slower? Any slower, and a snail would overtake us!"

He couldn't stand it, "Why don't we just stop and wait for her to come?"

"I'm escaping!" Yu Siyan shouted, "Escaping, understand?! We can go slow, but we can't stop! That's the bottom line!"

Old Sun: "..."

If this brat were his grandson, he'd whack him with a stick!

After another five minutes.

Old Sun's legs went numb, and he squatted down to stretch. Then he heard the phone ring again from the back.

"Is she done eating?"

The young master's voice paused, then suddenly raised, "What?! A swarm of locusts appeared in the fields? She went to deal with the locusts?!"

He took a breath and began to question, "Cheng Dong, tell me the truth, was it you? You didn't let her ride, did you!"

Cheng Dong's heart-wrenching voice came through, "Heaven can witness! Am I the type to take money and not do the job? You promised me two hundred bucks; of course, I want to earn it! Young master, I almost kneeled to beg the young madam to ride me! But all she cares about are the watermelon and locusts!"

Old Sun shivered, thinking this was the end.

Sure enough, the young master threw the phone down and collapsed onto the ox cart.

"Speed up, speed up, I want to go home!"

This time he was really angry! There was no pacifying him!

In the village.

Director Jin, crouched low, led a team of people back gleefully.

"With these bugs, they won't finish catching them in three days and nights! Haha!"

She pushed open the door to the director's room.

The next second, a swarm of tiny bugs came flying at her!


Director Jin screamed, running with her head covered!

She slipped, almost tripping over a large rat!

Then she slipped again, and a basket of caterpillars fell from above!


Her eyes rolled back, and she fainted completely!

Meanwhile, Qiao Xi, hiding in the dark, straightened up after watching the scene.

A locust flew by her, and she casually stepped on it, killing it. Without a hint of expression, she turned and said, "Alright, everyone go back to sleep."

Everyone looked at her with starry eyes!

"Yes, ma'am!"

They yawned and left.

Zhang Shu and Li Siyao exchanged a glance, "So cool!"

Guo Yang spun in place, "I regret it so much, so much..."

"Regret?" Li Siyao asked, puzzled.

Guo Yang: "I should have braved it and teamed up with her for a CP!"

Zhang Shu sneered, "Don't blame me for not warning you; you better give up that thought."

"Why? Isn't Xi Jie single!" Guo Yang said confidently, "It's not just about teaming up, even dating her is possible!"

[Do you not care about us at all now? Talking openly about teaming up for a CP? This is unbelievable!]

[Do these celebrities respect their fans at all!!! At least keep it secret!!!]

[Guo Yang's fans must be delusional. He can't even pull it off! Our Yu Siye couldn't, and you think you can!]

[Exactly! If anyone is teaming up, it's our Yu Siye first! First come, first served!]

[Yu Siye fans, have you gone off track? What happened to the boycott?]

Zhang Shu glanced at Guo Yang and led him to the window of the production team.

"Take a look." She pointed inside.

Guo Yang peeked in.

He saw Director Jin just waking up and asking, "What about the locusts in the field?"

Assistant: "They're all gone... The last batch is in our room. Just left. Qiao Xi was prepared; she had already placed a lot of frogs and poultry in the fields. The locusts we released didn't last five minutes; they were gone in a flash!"

Director Jin felt dizzy and suddenly stared at the wall!

Her lips trembled, "Tha-that..."

On the wall, in blood-red spray paint, were the words:

[Gone out of the village for a bit, anyone who tries to team up for a CP will die.

— Yu Siyan (Warning Version)]

Moreover, all the Wahaha drinks in the director's room were gone. No need to guess who did it.

Director Jin: !!!

Guo Yang: !!!

Guo Yang covered his mouth as he came out.

Zhang Shu asked, "Still want to team up?"

Guo Yang shook his head vigorously.

He did like Xi Jie, but he had once worked with Yu Siyan on a drama.

That was when he first entered the entertainment industry. For the next two years, he avoided Yu Siyan whenever he saw him.

[Yu Siye has given me many firsts, thank you. The first time I saw a man say "I'm leaving" on camera, the first time I saw a man live stream his departure, the first time I saw a man take all the Wahaha before leaving, the first time I saw a man calculate the time to bribe a kid to notify everyone...]

[Ummm, I don't think he wanted to notify everyone; it seemed like he just wanted to notify Qiao Xi.]

[Not true! (Yu Siyan fan, stubborn version)]

[Although I don't know why this guy went crazy again, it seems normal for him.]

[Men have those few days every month, it's normal.]

Yu Siyan left the village and was picked up by the other Yu family bodyguards.

At the gate, he was about to get out of the car when he suddenly stopped.

His eyes stared straight ahead—

A shiny bald head turned around at the Yu family's front gate.

Cheng Xi grinned, showing his teeth.

"Young master, I've renounced my vows!"

For some reason, knowing the young master was heartbroken, his spirits soared! The world seemed bright again!

He had traveled miles, braving all odds to see this spectacle! Not even eight monks could stop his determination to renounce his vows!

Cheng Xi eagerly opened the car door.

"Let me get that for you! Let me! Be careful! Fresh heartbreak is fragile!"


Yu Siyan sent him flying with a single palm strike.

Cheng Xi peeled himself off the wall and shouted, "Young master! Now you understand my sincerity! I told you, she doesn't love you! The young madam looks at pork trotters more fondly than at you!"


The young master roared and charged inside!

Downstairs in the dining room.

"What's that noise?" Yu Zheng stopped ladling soup.

"The young master is back," Aunt Li relayed what she heard, "Cheng Xi said it's serious this time, be cautious. It seems the young madam broke up with the young master! He said you should leave first."

"Ridiculous!" Yu Zheng's expression darkened, "I should leave? I'm his father! I avoid him?! Does he even deserve that!"

Half an hour later.

Uncle Liu dragged a suitcase, following Yu Zheng and He Xuefang.

"I'm not feeling well, maybe it's heatstroke. Need to get some fresh air," Yu Zheng told the servants, "If anything unusual happens, report it immediately. If that brat starts setting things on fire, don't hesitate, call the police right away."

Everyone: "Yes!"

However, just as they reached the back door, everyone shivered!

Ahead, the young master sat by the door, his face blackened.

In his left hand was a clothesline pole, his right gently stroking Cheng Xi's bald head, he smiled eerily.

Everyone: !!!

Yu Zheng: !!!

Yu Siyan: "Where are you going, Dad?"