Five Beauties and Their Male Guests**

Director Jiang spoke up, "Welcome, everyone, to the live set of the reality show 'I Want to Fall in Love'! I'm Director Jiang Xiong! Thanks to our viewers for their enthusiastic voting. Now, let's welcome our fourth-ranked female guest, Zhu Yibai!"

The camera zooms in.

Zhu Yibai, in a floor-length dress, smiles sweetly. Her pinkish-purple makeup complements her fair skin, making her stand out in the sunlight.

"Hello, everyone." She waves and smiles.

["Oh my god, it's Zhu Yibai! She's the queen of the entertainment world! She's dated 58 boyfriends! Is she here for a dating show? This must be a masterclass in romance!"]

["No way, Zhu Yibai is only ranked fourth? Who are the top three?"]

["One confirmed guest is Qiao Xi, so it makes sense if the others are a bit off."]

The second female guest to appear is Yu Xiao, a fitness influencer with a Barbie-like face and a muscular physique.

The third is Qiao Yuyi, the real daughter of the Qiao family and Qiao Xi's sister, causing a wave of excitement.

The fourth is Rona, a mixed-race model and tea ceremony expert, skilled in the art of subtle manipulation.

After all the guests have made their entrances, only one remains.

Director Jiang steps forward, "Finally, let's welcome—"


A shout comes from the distance.

Director Jiang: ?

Everyone turns to look, their eyes widening in shock!

"What the hell!"

Not far away, Qiao Xi's hat is blown off as she sprints ahead of the crowd!

Behind her, a group of fans with cameras and banners chase after her, some jumping over walls and others off cars!

Some are even skating, shouting through megaphones next to her ear—

"Qiao Xi! Woman! You must be happy, do you hear me? Mwah!"

"Charge forward with this twilight romance! We'll support you all the way!"

"If you don't get three virgin men, don't even think about coming home!"

At the front, Qiao Xi, like Spider-Man, creates possibilities out of impossibilities!

Using both hands and feet, she crawls through dog holes rather than using the sidewalk, desperately escaping!


["Are these Qiao Xi's fans???!!!"]

["I've never seen anything like this in my life! This show has already blown my mind!"]

["Oh my god, I knew there were fans like her, but I wasn't ready for this many!"]

["I'm joining her fan group right now! I also want to support Qiao Xi in getting those three men!"]

["Charge! Strengthen the Xi Clan! I'll tear down walls for Qiao Xi, and I'll help her steal men! Bang bang bang!"]

Director Jiang's megaphone drops with a clatter, his whole body shaking.

This, this, this…

He quickly pulls out his phone and video calls Director Jin.

"Jin Minmin! Didn't you tell me Qiao Xi is normal and everything in the show is scripted?!"

He turns the camera to Qiao Xi, who's currently doing a backflip, "This is normal? Then what would you call Yu Si Nian, shy?!"

Director Jin, calmly getting a hair transplant, smiles and says, "If I didn't say that, would you have agreed to take on this show?"

She happily closes her eyes, "I, Jin Minmin, will not only rip the umbrella, but I'll also make this storm sweep through the entire entertainment industry! Hahaha!"

The call ends.

Director Jiang: "…"

Staff: "…"

"Did we sign the contract? Can we run away now?" Director Jiang asks his assistant.

The assistant slowly raises three fingers.

"Ok?" Director Jiang's eyes light up.

Assistant: "The penalty fee is three times the amount."

Director Jiang: "…"

He takes a deep breath and says, "It's not that scary, right? Just a few backflips—holy crap! She's climbing over here!"

"Director! Quick, stop the zombies outside!" Qiao Xi shouts as she raises her arm.

The bodyguards quickly form a protective circle.

Only then does Qiao Xi stop, taking a deep breath and noticing everyone staring at her.

Yu Xiao pokes her head out, then quickly retracts it, furiously typing on her phone.

The others haven't yet closed their gaping mouths.

"What's wrong with everyone?" Qiao Xi steps forward, "It's mealtime. Why are you all standing outside? Sand doesn't fill your stomach."

"Sis!" Qiao Yuyi can't contain her excitement and rushes forward to hug her, wiping away her sweat.

Only then does Director Jiang snap out of it and begin cueing the next part of the show, "Please, all guests, move inside and draw lots to pick a male guest! Remember—the male guest you pick will stay with you in a couple's room."

"Additionally, our male guests will be rotated. At the end of each episode, the female guests will vote, and any male guest who doesn't get chosen will be eliminated from the show and replaced by a new member!"

["Hahaha, you call this a dating show, but it's really a selection process?"]

["Whoever did the planning for this show deserves all the 666s! I'm thoroughly entertained!"]

["Laughing so hard—who thought of this?!"]

["The show's name should be changed to 'Five Beauties and Their Male Guests'"]

["I've never seen a dating show like this. I'm sold."]

"Let's start drawing lots!"

Director Jiang holds out the lottery bucket.

Yu Xiao steps forward first to choose, followed by the other female guests.

Qiao Xi gets number 1, Qiao Yuyi gets number 2, Yu Xiao gets number 3, Zhu Yibai gets number 4, and Rona gets number 5.

Director Jiang: "Please move inside!"

As Qiao Xi is about to walk, someone tugs on her sleeve.

She turns to see Yu Xiao standing behind her, expressionless, "Can we switch numbers?"

Qiao Xi raises an eyebrow, casually tosses her lot, and walks forward.

["Ahhhh, that move was so cool!"]

["Forget the male guests; just date me!"]

["I know life's hard, but don't give up. Think it over—even if Xi agrees, can you handle it?"]

["I'm still mourning my Bathhouse Couple, and now this player is joining a selection show!"]

["The Bathhouse Couple is a tough pill to swallow, but I noticed that Yu Nian wasn't even an option in the guest voting. It seems they didn't have the pull to get him on the show."]

The group enters the room and immediately sees the props at the center.

Five paper doors, each about as tall as a person, are lined up.

Director Jiang: "Please tear open the paper doors and welcome our male guests!"

As soon as he finishes speaking, the five female guests step forward!

Zhu Yibai gently tears at the edge, Yu Xiao uses both hands to peel it away, and Qiao Yuyi uses scissors for assistance.

["Every move Zhu Yibai makes is so beautiful!"]

["Qiao Yuyi looks so disdainful, haha. Is she really here for love? Maybe the Qiao family has a gene for locking up their hearts?"]

["Qiao Xi hasn't started tearing yet; why is she stepping back?"]

["This woman pulls off wild stunts on every show. Director Jiang is no Director Jin; his shows are never scripted, so she's probably planning something wild again."]

Qiao Xi steps back a few steps, examining the setup.

Then she rubs her toe on the ground a couple of times, takes a running start, and charges forward!

"Holy crap!" Director Jiang stands up!

Qiao Xi punches through the paper door!

She grabs the person inside and pulls him out directly!