Is There a Substitute? I Can’t Take It Anymore

He Xuefang exclaimed, "Ouch!" and immediately reached out to rub the bruise on his leg.

"Sorry, sorry, I slipped!"

On the show.

Director Jiang was about to lose it!

Oh heavens! Why did I ever agree to take on this show?

Director Jiang's face twitched as he shouted, "Alright, let's move on to the next part! This afternoon, each guest will go on their romantic journey! Please set off according to your team from earlier!"

"Wait!" Yu Xiao stood up. "I disagree! The previous grouping was for room assignments. Now it's for dating, so shouldn't we reshuffle?"

Director Jiang thought about it and agreed.

"Then let's play a game and regroup."

The guests quickly gathered. They played "I Have, You Don't."

Each person took turns saying something they had done before. Anyone else who had done it too had to fold a finger. The first person to fold all ten fingers would win and get to choose their date in order of ranking.

Everyone sat down. The two male guests from the blind boxes earlier were singer Cui Hao and model Qin Ruiran. Neither wanted to sit next to Yu Sinian, so they quickly grabbed other seats, leaving only Li Cheng.

The atmosphere immediately became tense.

As soon as Li Cheng sat down, Yu Sinian kicked his chair!

Li Cheng had anticipated this and quickly adopted a stable stance, smiling as he said, "Sorry, little brother." He reached out to grab his chair back. "You're too predictable... Ah!"

The next second, the bossy CEO jumped up!

On the chair was a cylindrical plastic coconut opener!

Beside him, Qiao Xi and Yu Sinian high-fived.


Yu Sinian sighed, "What a pity, such a good coconut opener—Director, take it outside, and let it meditate under that tree. We don't know where it stabbed just now, so let's see if it can be purified!"

Li Cheng: !!!

Everyone: !!!

[Damn it! The coconut opener was a prop Qiao Xi got from the director! I told you! One dares to fart, and the other dares to help pull down the pants!]

[But it's so sweet (nosebleed) Don't you notice? Qiao Xi only treats Nian Nian this way! No matter what he does, she's never angry and even indulges him! Let Li Cheng try being cheeky? She'll use the coconut opener on him too!]

[But Li Cheng is so handsome, with that mature man charm that makes you feel sorry for him]

[You've got a point, I choose Yu Sinian]

[Well said, I choose Yu Sinian]

Li Cheng's face darkened, but after glancing around, he sat down.

The game began.

Zhu Yibai went first. She smiled with her cat-like eyes and casually said, "I've been in 59 relationships."

Everyone: "..."

[Starting with a kill shot, hahaha]

[Wait, wasn't it rumored to be 58?]

Yu Xiao, always on top of the latest gossip, blurted out, "Wasn't it 58?"

"Oh, little sister, you really care about me." Zhu Yibai leaned back in her chair. "Correction, 58 boyfriends, 59 relationships."

Everyone: !!!!!!


[It's blowing up, blowing up!!!! Is the hometown lily going to bloom?!]

Yu Xiao instantly understood and turned beet red, quickly saying, "My turn! I…" She thought for a moment. "I've liked an idol for 8 years."

Everyone looked around, but no one folded a finger.

[I'm crying; I've liked my idol for 5 years. Fellow fans, let's cry together]

[7 years here! Only true fans understand true fans!]

[I've been a fan for two months; guess who it is? Hint: they can climb walls, climb trees, pick their teeth, snore, and wear an octopus costume]

Yu Sinian: "I've won a Best Actor award."

Li Cheng: "I clock in at work every day."

Cui Hao: "I've held 200 concerts."

Qin Ruiran: "I've been pursued by five men at the same time."

Luo Na: "I've pursued five men at the same time."

Qiao Xi: "I've beaten up five men at the same time."

[Qiao Xi, do you think this is acceptable? Say something we don't know!]

[Male guests: Is this a threat?]

[She's really making me cry, and she even looked at Li Cheng when she said it]

[Why do I feel like she's threatening our Nian Nian! Honestly, I'm not even worried about whether Qiao Xi and my son will date. I'm more worried she'll beat him to death before realizing he's in love with her]

After five more rounds, everyone was surprised to find that each guest had their strengths. Not a single person had folded all their fingers!

"Change the game, change the game!" Director Jiang's head ached.

The game switched to "Eagle Catching Chicks," with Qiao Xi as the eagle.

Mother hen Li Cheng: "..."

And behind him stood the most rebellious chick of all—the one surnamed Yu.

Caught between a rock and a hard place.


Qiao Xi spread her wings and charged forward!

Yu Sinian shoved Li Cheng forward with both hands, "Our chicken coop has no room for a mother hen humiliated by a coconut opener! Off you go!"

Mother hen Li Cheng stumbled and was immediately caught by Qiao Xi.

Everyone: ???

"Yu Sinian!" People in the lineup yelled!

Helpless, they had to elect a new mother hen: Yu Xiao.

Yu Xiao took a sliding step, arms wide, "Don't worry, I'll protect Nian… all of you!"

[Xiao Xiao, charge! Go, go! Protect Brother Nian!]

[I've felt something was off about Yu Xiao from the start. Don't you think she's too focused on Yu Sinian?]

[Qiao Xi, go! Go for it!]

[Xi Xi, you're the best!]

[Xi Xi, Xi Xi, no one can beat you!]

[??? Qiao Xi, did you spend all the money you conned from the show on hiring people to post comments?]

When this comment appeared, the Lu family watching the screen widened their eyes.

"I knew it was too obvious!" Liao Xinrou slapped Lu Shibang, "These days, when you defend your favorite online, you have to pretend to be a bystander, got it? Move over, watch how I do it!"

She started typing away.

A new comment floated by—

[Just a bystander, but has Qiao Xi always been this beautiful? She must look like her mom]

Five-year-old Lu Baibai learned the meaning of speechlessness that day.

On the field, the game reached a fever pitch!

Yu Xiao widened her stance, "This move is called, Mother Hen Protects Her Chicks!"

Qiao Xi feinted left and right, "This move is called—Floor Technique!"

She suddenly slid on her knees, passing right under Yu Xiao's legs!

It all happened in a flash. The last chick, Yu Sinian, quickly dove forward, throwing himself at Qiao Xi's legs.

He wrapped his arms around her legs.

"This move is called, Chick Sacrifices Itself." He leaned against Qiao Xi's leg.

Everyone: "..."

[You little… You little rascal, ahhhh]

[Is there a substitute service? Can someone go in and smack him? I can't take this anymore!]

[If I ever go blind, Qiao Xi and Yu Sinian are fully responsible]

Yu Xiao was so angry she was shaking!

She had guarded so well, yet still lost!

Qiao Xi nudged her leg, intending to kick him off.

But when she looked down, those bright, shining eyes were like lasers, clearly spelling out the words—fan service.

Qiao Xi forcibly stopped herself from delivering a spinning kick and instead lifted Yu Sinian up.

She brushed the dust off him, patting him hard enough that he trembled, before gently saying, "Did you hurt yourself when you fell, Nian Nian?"

"No, no, not as much as your hits hurt," Yu Sinian replied obediently.