Hope in the Melting Pool and the Threat of Void

In this cave, eroded and collapsed by the years, he moves swiftly through the naked body, like a ghost. The complexity of the cave, like a spider web, spreads out, but he can move freely in this treacherous environment, as if unrestricted. The steepness of the rock wall is just a flat road for him, and he can even violate gravity and climb on the cave ceiling, just like a gecko, freely and lightly.


He has successfully found five drops of water, each drop is a hope for survival. On this desolate planet, water is a scarce resource, and every drop increases his hope of escape. This wild star has no vitality, only fire and heat waves, cold and silence, and he is the only living being here. Since he was born, he has been living in a nightmare, witnessing the death of his clan, he is the last baby on this planet and the last witness.


As the cold of the night gradually replaced by the sun's madness, the heat began to pour into the cave. In this harsh environment of alternating cold and warm currents, he finally found another three drops of water, which is an unexpected harvest and a gift of life. This is enough for him to have enough physical strength to escape to the "melting pool" on the mountain to avoid the disaster when the next fire breaks out. He licks the water droplets one by one with the tip of his tongue, nourishing his body and mind with the water of life.


Here, nothing is more important than survival. Running for life is a manifestation of the human spirit of unyielding, and it is also the only thing he can and must do. In his body, there is a strong and strange life factor, which has long been inscribed with the wisdom of survival in the harshest environment. A long time ago, the cave was filled with water droplets, and the fire was not common. But now, the fire breaks out every day, changing the fate of the planet.


Before he was born, it is said that the cave would also have water mist that makes people cry with excitement. But now, everything has become the past. After absorbing enough water, he lies on the cold stone in the cave, and his spirit hides deep in the heart. His heartbeat and pulse stop at the same time, as if he is silent with the rocks of the planet, waiting for the next challenge. The rumbling sound from the bottom of the ground indicates that another fire is brewing in the heart of the earth. He silently said in his heart, "Come on! I am waiting."


And in the distant outer space, the "Ju Jing Hao" of the Galactic Federation suddenly appeared in the outer space one million kilometers outside the Firebird Star System. This space ship, which is 2,000 meters long, is a "mother ship" level combat aircraft of the Galactic Federation, second only to the "main ship" level, and has a secondary combat capability. After the battle of Yangma, this huge air war fortress, which was originally 250, suddenly decreased to 102, which is a disastrous defeat and disgrace that all people of the Galactic Federation hope to forget.


After the right whale was transferred from the negative space to the positive space, the speed gradually slowed down from the super light speed to the "sub-light speed" of half the speed of light, and flew towards the Firebird Star System. The Firebird sun is converting hydrogen atoms into helium at a speed of hundreds of billions of tons per second, releasing a large amount of light, heat, dust, and radiation, consuming her tenacious life. In terms of the time of the universe, the Firebird sun has reached the end of the day; but in terms of the Earth year, she still has a life span of hundreds of millions of years.

The five hundred crew members of the Great Whale woke up from "cosmic sleep." The life support system automatically injects fresh air into the cabin, and the gravity system also starts to operate, allowing the crew to move normally in a gravitational field based on Earth's gravity. The crew looked through the huge viewing port in front of the main hall at the bow of the ship, and the Firebird Sun was twinkling. The original eighteen planets that revolved around her have now been reduced to twelve. The six missing ones could not withstand the fierce radioactive substances and heat from the Firebird Sun and were extinguished in the void.


The extinction of a star system first affects those planets that have no resistance. This is a law of the universe and a cruel reality.


In the main cockpit of the Great Whale, more than two hundred sets of instruments woke up one by one like they were endowed with life as the responsible personnel returned to their posts, starting their operation. Each of these instruments is a carefully designed masterpiece, and their low humming sound is interwoven together, playing a symphony of technology.


The filtering system of the viewing port is like a meticulous painter, skillfully filtering out harmful light, and outlining a clear, safe, and spectacular outer space scene for the crew. Through this huge window, the crew can not only observe those distant galaxies directly with the naked eye but also see the changes in spectral analysis, energy readings, and ray wavelengths. These data are displayed in real-time on the upper and lower sides of the viewing port, providing detailed scientific information for the crew.


At the end of the hall, the command platform of the valley slowly rises, and Commander Donald Major General sits there, looking calm and leisurely in the artificial leather chair. His gaze penetrates the viewing port, gazing at the Firebird star, which is five times the mass of the sun in the hometown solar system. In his imagination, the planets in those star systems are filled with horror and despair, a dead land with no vitality.


"Major General, we have lost the distress message from Ark One, repeat, we have lost the signal from Ark One." The voice of the signal analyst sounded on the command platform, breaking Donald Major General's thoughts. He issued a command in a tone that hardly carried any emotion, instructing his subordinates to continue searching and exploring. The Great Whale then entered a yellow alert state, which is a respect for unknown star systems and a precaution against potential dangers.


The magnetic energy shield of the Great Whale was activated, forming an invisible barrier to resist the increasing light and heat from the Firebird Sun and the destructive rays. Major General Donald well understood the importance of patience and caution, which he learned after more than two thousand Earth years, and the key to his survival in the Battle of Yangma.


After issuing all the necessary orders, Major General Donald left the cockpit, walked through the wide corridor, and went to the laboratory located on the left side of the center of the ship. Along the way, the crew members he met stood at attention and saluted him, expressing their respect and loyalty to him. The laboratory is one of the forbidden places on the ship, managed by the distinguished academician Natalie sent by the Federal Research Institute. Even a high-ranking person like Major General Donald needs to be approved to enter.

After a series of reports, identifications, and verifications, the laboratory's intelligent system opened the passage for him. Major General Donald entered the laboratory and saw Academician Natalie sitting in front of the control desk with full attention. Her beautiful figure and sun-like golden short hair were particularly dazzling under the blue light of the computer screen. The intelligent system in the laboratory controls the input of all information in the ship, but this is a one-way process, and the information inside the laboratory is absolutely confidential.


Major General Donald walked behind Natalie, took a deep breath, and notified her in the calmest tone, "The signal is interrupted!" As if it were a hint of fate, the rumbling sound from the bottom of the ground gradually became more intense, as if heralding the coming storm. A loud explosion made the entire cave tremble, and stones and sand fell, and the temperature began to rise continuously.


Deep in the cave, he woke up from a deep sleep and felt the changes in the outside world. The sound of huge stones flowing came from outside the cave. His thoughts extended out and saw a huge stone collapse from the cliff. Due to friction and the high temperature of the sun, it turned into a fireball while rolling and finally hit a large pile of debris on the sandy ground.


He remembered the tragic scene of his clan being buried under these fireballs, but on this fiery planet, there was no time to mourn for the lives that had passed. The energy in his body quickly gathered, and when the first tongue of flame from the firestorm emerged from the crack in the distance, he knew that the firestorm had begun. He flexibly sprang up and ran towards the cave entrance with all his strength, starting a new life run. If he could not reach the large solution pool on the mountain before the firestorm erupted completely, he would face the death of being extinguished. This is a race against time, a struggle for survival, and he is the only warrior in this struggle.


In the research institute of the Firebird Star System, Natalie's face was solemn, and she was manipulating the complex instruments on the table with concentration. Her eyes were sharp, like the brightest stars in the night sky, penetrating the mysteries of the universe through the readings and analysis on the screen. Her tone was calm and firm, and she said to Major General Donald, "I know, Major General Donald."


Donald was not surprised by Natalie's indifference. After the tragic defeat of the Battle of Yangma, the academicians of the research institute became more obsessed with controlling and exploring the universe. Each of them is unique, but Natalie, this beautiful academician, deeply attracted him with her unique temperament and wisdom.


The development of genetic factors and metamorphosis techniques has almost eliminated defects in appearance in the universe, but Natalie's beauty is innate and cannot be replicated by technology. Her jade face is as perfect as a sculpture, and every line reveals natural delicacy and harmony. Her temperament is the kind of beauty that is shocking and captivating.


In Donald's long life, he has met countless beauties, but Natalie's beauty has made him heart-throb. Her beauty is not only appearance but also a manifestation of inner strength and wisdom. Every smile and frown of hers is full of charm, which people can't help but be attracted to her.


When Donald first met Natalie, he was deeply attracted by her clear and wise eyes. Her tall and graceful figure is light and elegant when walking, and every step is like dancing gracefully. Her beauty is not only a visual enjoyment but also a touch of the soul.


Before entering the hyperspeed journey of anti-space, Donald decided not to mix with any beauties on the ship, because he already had a more attractive target in his heart - Natalie. He was determined to win her heart, even though she always maintained a cold and serious attitude towards him.


In the discussion, Natalie used her consistent emotionless tone to analyze the possible reasons for the interruption of the Ark One signal. Her analysis was clear and concise, and Donald, as an expert in cosmic astronomy, was also impressed by her insight.


Donald invited Natalie to have dinner together, hoping to discuss the details of the search operation in a more relaxed environment. However, Natalie, with her beautiful appearance and tranquil attitude, calmly refused his invitation. Her heart only has the persistence for science and the exploration of the universe, which does not allow any interference.


Under the sunlight of the Firebird Star System, Donald stood outside the cave, looking at the distant stone mountains, and his heart was full of expectations for the future and deep thoughts for Natalie. He knew that no matter what the result was, she would be the most dazzling star in his life.


He leaped out of the deep cave and landed lightly on the gravel ground about ten meters away from the entrance of the cave. The sun was as hot as a firebird, shining on the earth. His eyes just glanced habitually and did not stay. This was not out of fear of the scorching sun that might hurt the eyes, but because his perception transcended vision. Even without looking up, he could perceive every subtle change of the sun.

In front of the cave, a towering stone mountain rises into the clouds, its existence like a monument in nature. His gaze is firm, with a clear goal in mind - that is, the vast and boundless solution pool on the mountain top. The solution pool is not only a natural wonder but also the ultimate destination of his journey, containing unknown power and secrets.


He embarked on the journey to the mountain top, each step firm and powerful. The wind howled in his ears along the way, but his heart only had the solution pool on the mountain top, which was the holy land in his heart and the source of his strength. In his eyes, the stone mountain is not only a creation of nature but also a necessary path to a higher realm.


As he climbed, the surroundings subtly changed. The vegetation at the foot of the mountain gradually thinned, the rocks were exposed, and the mountain wind became more biting. But his steps never stopped, each breath seemed to synchronize with the breath of the mountain, and each heartbeat resonated with the pulse of the mountain.


Finally, when the first ray of sunlight penetrated the clouds and shone on him, he knew he was close to the goal. The solution pool on the mountain top shimmered dazzlingly under the sunlight, like a bright gem between heaven and earth. He stood by the solution pool, gazing at the vast water surface, filled with awe and anticipation. At this moment, he merged with the power of nature and felt an unprecedented tranquility and harmony.


His strong and powerful bare feet stepped resolutely on the scorching gravel ground, and he rushed towards the towering mountain top without hesitation. His mind was like a smart and sensitive octopus, extending in all directions, deeply exploring the surging torrent of light and heat below the ground. He seized the key points of the eruption of flames and carefully judged the next suitable landing place, then sprinted towards the solution pool on the mountain with all his might.


He relied on a unique and wonderful breathing method, trying his best to absorb the sparse gases floating above the ground. At the same time, he tightly closed his skin, resolutely not allowing the precious water that sustains life to leak, nor letting the deadly heat and intense rays have the opportunity to enter his body.


The surging huge energy surged violently in his body, helping him resist the destructively terrifying environment and leaping against the thermal explosion. He sprinted up the mountain with an astonishing physical strength and speed far beyond any human, avoiding the rolling giant fireballs and fighting bravely for life.


The rolling heat waves that could lift the whole person off the ground swept across the vast land one after another. Whenever they passed through canyons or narrow cliffs, they made a shrill howling sound like the painful groans of giants.


Not a single stone, not a single grain of sand was not radiating an alarming high heat.


Torch-like fire columns wrapped in hot magma broke through the ground around him and sprayed into the sky, then poured down like a heavy rain in a deafening roar. He kept dodging left and right, hurriedly fleeing and running, and quickly ran up the slope leading to the mountain peak.


When he leaped into the air and flew over a boulder more than four meters high, he had no time to make a second leap before the boulder collapsed. He instantly lost his center of gravity and fell with the huge stone that turned into a fireball towards the steeply sinking abyss below.

The Great Whale cuts through the vast and boundless void of space, crossing the orbit of the outermost planet and entering the inner space of the star system, then gradually slows down and heads towards the innermost seventh planet.


A continuous stream of energy is continuously injected into the mothership's protective shield to resist the radiation from the Firebird Sun and the surging heat waves.


A work meeting is held with great ceremony in the meeting hall at the end of the ship, in addition to Commander Donald and Academician Shanaliwa, there are also Deputy Commander Chloe Colonel, Hannah Major from the Communication Department, Daniel Lieutenant Colonel from the Star Measurement Department, William Colonel from the Space Navigation Department, and Dr. Matthew, the doctor in charge of medical care.


They are all the heads of various departments.


Chloe, Hannah, and William can be called first-class beauties in the nearly 2 billion huge population of the Federation, but sitting next to Natalie, they are instantly compared.


In the more than five thousand years since the establishment of the Federation Council, women are no longer bound by the constraints of giving birth to children, giving full play to their superior wisdom and potential compared to men. Not only do they share important positions in the military with men, but they also surpass men in the fields of politics and scientific research, controlling the most important key positions.


The first to speak is Commander Donald, who detailed Natalie's analysis and judgment.


Hannah, who is in charge of the Communication Department, raised a question: "I have carefully reviewed all the relevant information about all the spacecraft of the Federation, and I have never been able to find any information about Ark One. I can only speculate based on the original wavelength it emitted that this is a simple spacecraft built at least ten thousand years before the establishment of the Federation Council, when humans were still trapped in the solar system. What on earth did she rely on to come to this edge of the galaxy, which is nearly eight thousand light-years away from the solar system?"


Daniel, the head of the Star Measurement Department, continued: "I request all the detailed information about Ark One, otherwise, the preparatory work for excavation or search will face great difficulties." He paused and continued, "According to the analysis results of the spectrum and rays, the seventh planet is very likely to be completely destroyed during the next daylight, because the Firebird Sun is brewing a more intense and fierce core fusion, and the energy released is enough to completely destroy the seventh planet, so we only have less than six Earth days to complete the search and transportation mission, and we absolutely cannot tolerate any mistakes caused by the lack of information."


Donald looked at Natalie's beautiful and beautiful face and said solemnly, "Do you still need to keep it confidential? Let our distinguished academician decide this matter."


Natalie's beautiful eyes swept over everyone at the meeting and said slowly, "We only recently learned about the existence of Ark One, it was after the Battle of Yangma Star."

Everyone listened intently with rapt expressions.


Yangma Star is located at the other end of the galaxy, in a star system that is far opposite to the Firebird Star, but it is much farther from the home solar system, with a distance of 15,000 light-years. Even the most advanced spacecraft traveling faster than light through negative space requires three Earth years to reach it.


The Yangma Sun has five planets, among which the Yangma Planet has become the 1,200th colony of the federal government after a comprehensive transformation of the atmosphere and soil.


After nearly a hundred years of unremitting efforts by the immigrants, this colony has developed modern cities, lush forests, and meandering rivers. However, one day, a space station in orbit suddenly discovered a fleet of unidentified alien spacecraft, and since then, all contact with the Federation was lost.


As a result, the long-enjoying Federation government dispatched an unprecedentedly large armed fleet on a campaign to the Yangma Star system, undertaking the extremely arduous task of reclaiming the lost territory.


The battle suddenly broke out in the outer space of the Yangma Star system, and the expeditionary force was almost completely annihilated, causing the Federation government to suffer an unprecedented heavy blow and painful loss.


This battle took place seven years ago, but they still feel as if it happened yesterday, so urgent and profound!


The strangest thing is that the enemy's spacecraft and messages all show that they are also human? It is unknown where such a cruel and terrifying human suddenly emerged.


Natalie continued, "Everyone knows that the enemy who occupied the Yangma Star system is also human, so the Federation Research Institute was ordered to conduct a comprehensive review of all historical materials, including primitive plan records excavated by archaeology, to see if humans settled on other planets before the establishment of the Federation Council, and finally found relevant clues."


The head of the space navigation department, the pretty William, suddenly realized, "That's Ark One."


Natalie's pretty face sank, and she said seriously, "Not only is there Ark One, but also Ark Two."


Everyone was moved together.


Natalie said solemnly and solemnly, "That was a matter of the ancient Warring States period. At that time, the not yet completely divided solar system government built two large-scale immigration ships, flying towards the Firebird Star system and the other end, which is 30,000 light-years apart and located in the center of the galaxy, the Black Prison Star system. Due to the incomplete existing materials, we only know so much, which is really puzzling. How could their spacecraft have a more advanced long-distance navigation capability than ours?"

The dignified and handsome Dr. Matthew said, "I understand, Ark Two successfully reached its destination, and her settlers have established a powerful nation in the Black Prison Star System, which is now waging a ruthless invasion against us. The ancient settlers of Ark One, on the other hand, met with misfortune in the Firebird Star System, and perhaps none of the settlers survived."


The tall and voluptuous Deputy Commander Chloe frowned her beautiful eyebrows, first took a tender look at the handsome Matthew, and then said, "The Warring States period lasted from 150,000 years ago to 30,000 years ago. It was followed by the most terrifying 'Dark Century,' which lasted for 20,000 years. Fortunately, the Wisdom Brain Beautiful Jade handed over the precious knowledge hidden in her database to the great Ke Jizhi, the father of the Federation, enabling him to restore the prestige of the solar system, establish the Federation Council, and let human civilization bloom and bear fruit again. So, I have a question, even if we find Ark One, what role will such a primitive spacecraft play in our struggle against the army from the Black Prison Star System? Unless, as the academician said, their spacecraft is more advanced than ours."


Everyone nodded in agreement with her view.


Natalie said with a serious expression, "No one can predict what effect this will have, but while striving to build the military and strengthen defense, we must do our best to understand the enemy and resist the enemy. Ark One provides the most important specific reference material for the most primitive army of the Black Prison Star System." She paused and continued, "The performance of the Black Prison people's warships is not much better than ours. The biggest difference is that our combat system is undertaken by the intelligent system for the vast majority of the work, while they are all controlled manually."


Everyone's faces changed dramatically.


Donald let out a breath and said, "How is this possible? How can human ability compare to advanced intelligent systems?"


Shanali Wa's voice was low and said, "This is the conclusion drawn by all forty-eight first-class academicians of the Research Institute after detailed and repeated study of the combat records. If the more excellent Black Prison people come to our colony or home solar system, we can only have the tragic fate of becoming slaves!"




He fell heavily on the hot and hot sand at the bottom of the cliff, nearly a hundred meters high, with a gravity more than twice that of the Earth, which only made him feel a little dizzy, and then quickly recovered, rolling to one side to avoid another fire column rushing out of the crack.


The ground vibrated violently, the mountains shook and collapsed, and the sky seemed to be about to collapse, and the ground seemed to be about to collapse. In the sunbeams that could make an ordinary person blind in an instant, he exerted all his strength to jump up and quickly climbed and climbed towards the top.


His hands grabbed into the hot rocks, and every time he could rise more than ten meters high.


The rocks around cracked and fell apart, and magma was sprayed into the sky everywhere. The ground cracked with crisscross gaps, and the fiery solution sprayed out like a fountain, and then rushed down to the low-lying areas.

He finally returned to the slope just now, and ran towards the mountain top without being discouraged. His iron will and extraordinary keen intuition made him tread through the dangerous situations as if on flat ground. In the world of flames, he dodged left and right, running fearlessly for life.


What he inhaled was no longer air, but scorching flames. His lungs were filled with raging fire, and the energy in his body was gradually shrinking.




The place under his feet cracked, and a stream of air burst out faster than the magma, lifting him off the ground and throwing him into the air.


He shouted "Heaven helps me," and with all his strength, he soared more than ten meters again, coming into the air. The vast solution pool was a hundred meters ahead, calling out to him eagerly.


He spread his hands, exerted the remaining energy in his body, and glided towards the solution pool like a big bird.


With a "bang," he plunged into the icy thick liquid of the solution pool.


On the side of the entire planet facing the Firebird Sun, there were magma, raging fire, and ash sprayed into the sky everywhere.


The Great Whale arrived at a distance of 250,000 kilometers from the seventh planet and stopped.


Most people gathered in the cockpit, watching the planet's unspeakable disaster displayed on the viewing port with their mouths wide open.


On the command platform, Lieutenant Colonel Daniel of the Star Measurement Department kept shaking his head and said, "Under such an astonishing core fusion, I really can't believe that any man-made objects could be preserved."


Natalie said with a stern expression, "I don't want to believe it either. However, we must be fully prepared for all search and rescue operations, and as soon as the signal appears again, land immediately."


Donald frowned and asked Daniel, "Can you affirm exactly when the predicted big explosion of the Firebird Sun will occur now?"


Daniel responded, "It is extremely difficult to accurately predict the evolution of such a huge star. I can only say that we should not stay in this star system for more than three Earth days. Otherwise, the solar storm accompanying the big explosion will cause us to be too late to escape and be annihilated, and nothing will be left."


Natalie nodded calmly and said, "I understand, let's make it three days!"

Time kept flowing, and he kept absorbing the energy and nutrients from the solution pool, feeling that he was growing stronger and stronger. The sensation this time was a hundred times stronger than before. The solution pool seemed to be pouring all its power into his body, which was an unprecedented situation.


Only when a firestorm occurred, the material in the solution pool that was usually as hard as steel would dissolve and turn into a thick liquid. Once the firestorm ended, if he couldn't leave in time, he would be squeezed to death by the rapidly solidifying solution.


At that time, he would have to run back to the cave to avoid the cold and fierce wind of the night.


However, the firestorm this time was particularly intense, and the rock cave might collapse completely. In that case, he would lose another place where he could take refuge.


Life is nothing more than shuttling back and forth between the solution pool and the rock cave.


In the thick liquid, he freely and comfortably stretched his limbs, relaxed his body, and let his skin fully absorb the wonderful energy from the thick liquid. Only at this moment did he feel the joy and pleasure of life and its charm. The solution pool was his most ideal and only companion. When he was in her, even his spirit blended with her.


He swallowed the thick liquid into his stomach and then excreted it through the pores, and the energy in his body continued to accumulate. His physique also underwent subtle changes. After reaching saturation, he sank to the bottom of the pool and finally fell onto the extremely sturdy and huge body of Ark One at the bottom of the pool, with a heart full of love and gratitude for the solution pool.


According to legend, his ancestors came to this hell-like planet on this spaceship and entered the solution pool.


He lay on the hull, his thoughts and perceptions extended to the sky above the pool. At this moment, a strange and unique feeling swept through his nerves, making him know that other lives were gradually approaching from the void.