Guarding the Secret of the Firebird Star Beings

Since the development of astronautics, two key issues have been a constant headache for scientists. The first is how to create a spaceship capable of permanent navigation, thereby crossing the vast and boundless interstellar space measured in light-years.


The second key issue, of course, is how to break through the ultimate speed limit, that is, the speed of light, to achieve the ultra-fast flight in the universe.


The first problem was successfully solved by the ramjet.


Even in what seems to be an empty environment, there are still countless subtle and barely detectable free substances, such as hydrogen atoms, and ubiquitous dust, collectively referred to as interstellar matter.


The ramjet uses electromagnetic fields to collect these interstellar substances on a large scale, and then relies on the most advanced and space-saving ion reactors to transform these substances into amazing energy, which is ejected, forming a ceaseless power. It can reach the sub-light speed of three-quarters of the speed of light, and even gradually increase to the speed of light.


The second problem was solved by the discovery of negative space, which originated from the concept of infinite universe, that is, the space we are in is just one of the levels, and the upper limit of this level is the speed of light. As long as it cannot exceed the speed of light one day, it will always be limited to this level of the universe.


But in the same level, there is also a distinction between positive and negative space.


When a powerful force field is formed in space that is strong enough to prevent light from escaping, a "black hole" will appear, which is the entrance to negative space.


Scientists are using this theory to continuously enhance energy with the positive and negative cycle power that never stops. When the energy of the entire spaceship reaches the limit, it can create an instant micro black hole, allowing the spaceship to enter negative space, no longer limited by the speed of light, and can reach an astonishing speed of one light-year per Earth hour, which is inestimably shortened the time of spaceflight.


During the superluminal flight in negative space, everyone must hide in a life-support capsule, enter a state of hibernation, and be protected by the force field of the capsule, which is called cosmic sleep.


At this moment, the Great Whale is preparing for the flight into negative space, gradually increasing its speed, strengthening its energy, and the interactive reactor is continuously accumulating power.


All personnel are standing firm at their posts, manipulating various precision instruments and equipment.


In the medical room in the belly of the ship, Dr. Matthew and Natalie are both frowning tightly, looking at the bald "Firebird Star person" lying quietly inside the transparent large round cover. His limbs and waist and neck are firmly locked by metal buckles as thick as a child's arm.


The sketch screen that occupies the entire wall of the medical room keeps changing the picture under the operation of the remote control in Matthew's hand: the analysis of brain waves, the situation of heartbeat, the strength of pulse, the excretion and secretion in the body, the endoscopic view of metabolism, but they are all negative reactions.


It was not until a dazzling human-shaped color diagram and countless colorful rays emitted from the center of this figure to the surroundings appeared on the screen that vitality and a sense of movement were shown.


Matthew sighed and said, "If it were not for the scan of the life magnetic field telling us that he has a life energy thousands of times stronger than ordinary people, I really can't believe he is still alive. But why does everything he shows is the same as death, only the life magnetic field is full of vitality, which is really confusing."


Natalie's beautiful eyes fell back on the naked body.


This is an extremely strong, mighty and wild male body. If it were not for the rough and dark skin, the face can also be considered very characterful. If there is a pair of good-looking eyes in his closed eyes, this will certainly be a very attractive man, but I don't know what he will look like when he is wearing clothes?


At this moment, Matthew coughed dryly, and Natalie suddenly woke up and looked at him.


Matthew had obviously been thinking about the problem that other scanning instruments had no response. After attracting the attention of this super beauty, he continued to say, "The only explanation is that these instruments specifically designed for us have no effect on him."


Natalie showed a great interest for the first time and asked curiously, "Could the doctor explain more clearly?"


Seeing her inquiry, Matthew felt a sense of pride in his heart. Such an attractive beauty was exactly what men dream of, but it was a pity that she always seemed to be aloof. He quickly said in a confident tone, "These instruments can only detect things within a specific range. For example, if the activities in his brain are faster than light, or if the metabolism is slow to a certain extent, these scanners will be completely useless."


Natalie was taken aback and said, "Do you really think the actual situation is like this?"


Matthew said with a wry smile, "It is already incredible that this person can survive in such a place where no life can grow, and it is possible to have one or two more unbelievable things."


Natalie took a deep breath, looked back at "him" again, and her face showed a strange expression, but she didn't speak anymore.


Matthew looked at her delicate features, which were as if carved by a knife, and sighed, "I really hope his nerves were not damaged by the neural cannon, so that we can connect his head to the language learning machine when he wakes up, form language cells in his brain, and then we can talk to him directly." Then he looked at the language machine in the corner, which looked like a chair with a hood on top, and imagined him learning in his mind.


Natalie said seriously, "Even if he wakes up, we still can't do anything to him. This is a strict order from the research institute."


Matthew nodded, indicating that he understood.


Such an important "human model" is absolutely not allowed to be interfered with by him. At the same time, Matthew sighed in his heart that this person may be imprisoned in the research institute in the Himalayas on Earth, and only when he is completely understood and confirmed to be harmless can he hope to live a normal life. However, that may be hundreds of years later. What a tragic fate!


Natalie regained her calm and asked, "Is there any difference in his body structure from ours?"


Matthew said, "There is no difference at all."


Natalie was taken aback and said, "That's impossible. After a hundred thousand years of evolution in the Firebird Star system, how could he be exactly the same as us? At least some organs would be particularly developed, and some would degenerate because they have not been used for a long time. This is the basic law of genetics."


Matthew sighed and said, "What we are facing now is a 'mystery'. If he doesn't cooperate, or if he can never wake up, maybe we will never guess what the answer to this mystery is."


Natalie showed that strange look again, and said in a deep voice, "I have an intuition that he is listening to our conversation."


A chill suddenly rose in Matthew's heart.


Before anyone could respond, the red alarm flashed, and after a long wail, Commander Donald's voice echoed through every corner of the Great Whale: "Attention everyone, the ultra-high-speed flight in negative space will begin in one hour, please enter your life-support capsules, repeat once..."


Victoria calmly and intently looked at the undulating moon landscape outside the glass wall.


The Federal Government had not tried to transform the environment of the moon. Her negligible volume meant she did not have enough gravity to retain any air. Moreover, based on the Federal Decree, Earth and her beautiful small satellite were designated as conservation areas, which saved them from drastic man-made changes.


The surface of the moon stretched out under this beautiful woman's eyes. The strong contrast between light and shadow gave the moon's mountains an indescribable beauty.


Especially a distant crater, which can't help but recall the extremely violent scene when a giant meteorite collided with the surface. But that's all in the past. Now, any unknown object that intrudes into the moon's alarm net will be automatically shot into powder by a laser in the first place.


A passing patrol ship in the distance left a beautiful white light.


The twelve people sitting around the conference table waited patiently for her, both her admirers and enemies, and no one dared to disturb her silence and contemplation.


These twelve people represent the highest leadership of the Federation, including the Minister of Outer Space Affairs Sophia, the Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Army General Leo, the Dean of the Research Institute Lia, the Minister of Energy Vank, the Director of Transportation Beth, the Secretary of Internal Affairs Vera, the Minister of Education Freya, the Director of the Medical Department Selina, the Minister of Propaganda Dana, the Chief Justice of the Ministry of Justice Karen, the Director of the Intelligence Bureau Rachel, and the Director of General Affairs Jess. Among them, seven are women, and they are all first-class beauties of different styles, representing the models of various female beauties.


Victoria took back her gaze, looked around the attendees, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay! The meeting can begin."


With a cold expression but an inherent seductive charm, Sophia interjected coldly, "I would like to remind the chair that three very important figures are waiting outside for your instructions on whether they can participate in our meeting."


A flash of color appeared in Victoria's eyes as she calmly spoke to the beauty who had always coveted her position as chair, "No problem, I have already sent someone to notify them. After the meeting, I will meet with them to understand why they happened to come here at this moment."


Sophia smiled calmly and said no more, giving people a feeling of being unfathomable.


Everyone's gaze was focused on their beautiful leader. In fact, except for Lia, the dean of the research institute with a unique noble and beautiful temperament and an ethereal quality, even General Leo, the superior of Commander Donald of the Great Whale, was not clear about the true purpose of the trip to the Firebird Star System, let alone others.


Victoria has served as the top leader for three thousand years and naturally has a way to control her opponents. She did not immediately get to the main topic but said to Rachel, who was responsible for intelligence, "Rachel, please report on the recent situation first."


Calm and steady, Rachel, with her beautiful blonde hair, looked somewhat heavy as she slowly said, "The situation does not look optimistic. The twenty-eight spy reconnaissance aircraft we recently sent to reconnoiter the Black Prison Legion have all disappeared after entering the celestial latitude of 78 degrees, leaving us completely unaware of what has happened in that vast star area?"


Everyone was silent and heavy-hearted. Although so far they have only lost a colonial star system, if the star area outside the 70 degrees of celestial latitude has fallen into the hands of the Black Prison people, it means that two-thirds of the more than 100 billion stars in the Milky Way have been placed under the influence of the Black Prison people.


Rachel continued, "We have established one hundred and thirty-eight armed space stations in the border areas to monitor the enemy's movements, but we can't find the trace of the Black Prison army and can't guess their next target, which is really terrifying and makes people unable to sleep and eat."


The highest military leader, General Leo, interjected, "I still insist on counterattacking the Yangma Star System to recover the lost land. Our failure last time was due to our ignorance of the enemy, but after seven years of research by our Strategic Department, we have the confidence to deal with them."


The dean of the Research Institute, Lia, gently spoke with her cherry lips: "The general has always not believed in our analysis. The reason why the Black Prison Army can defeat us is not that they have surpassed us in technology, but that their combat nerves and mental strength are better than ours, so they can win with fewer people. When we meet again, with them having the advantage of the terrain, we will only repeat the same mistakes, and there will be no sudden miracles."


Leo's eyes flashed with a glint of brilliance, and he was about to argue, but Victoria said coldly, "The Federal Research Institute is our absolute authority in scientific research, and their judgment is the final conclusion. I do not want anyone to waste time questioning it."


Leo was immediately speechless, but everyone could see that he was still not convinced.


Sophia added, "However, there is one point I must remind the chair of. Assuming we reorganize our military forces and launch a counterattack on Yangma Star, there are many benefits. First, we can take the initiative and test the enemy's strength. Moreover, we can attack instead of defending, concentrating all our forces for a tough attack, which is far better than being scattered and living in fear every day, not knowing where the enemy will appear over which colony."


The Director of Transportation, Drini, also said, "The enemy has not taken any further aggressive actions for seven years, perhaps they have not yet consolidated their control over the Yangma Star System, or there may be some internal problems. If we do not counterattack, we may miss the opportunity."


The Minister of Propaganda, the pretty Dana, nodded and said, "The chair should have seen from my recent report that the comments in the news media are criticizing us for ignoring the lives of the two million citizens of the Yangma Star System and not taking decisive action to save them."


The Secretary of Internal Affairs, Vera, looked solemn and said, "There are recent signs that the Black Prison's spies may have infiltrated some of our colony star systems, but so far, we have not caught any of them. This matter is really worrying."


Victoria already knew that Sophia would make a big fuss about her inaction, and in fact, they did have some truth. Now, among the twelve ministers in this meeting, all are war advocates except Lia. The people who have not spoken also seem to be inclined to launch a general counterattack.


Sophia looked at Victoria coldly and said, "This is a major event that concerns our survival. I propose to submit it to the Federal Parliament for debate to decide whether to fight or defend. Chair! Should we vote to immediately transfer this proposal to the parliament?"


Victoria sighed in her heart. What Sophia was trying to do was undoubtedly a wishful plan. If the parliament votes in favor of the counterattack on the Yangma Star System, it would be the most serious blow to her prestige, and she would no longer need to be the chair. Everyone's eager eyes fell on her face.


Victoria smiled lightly and said, "Before answering the proposal of the Minister of Outer Space, I would like to ask everyone to watch a video sent back by the Great Whale, and invite the dean to provide a commentary."


When everyone showed a shocked expression, the 3D imager installed on the ceiling shot out colorful rays and projected them into the space behind Victoria. The No. 7 planet of the Firebird Star System vividly emerged, with fierce geothermal fires erupting continuously, emitting a deafening roar, making people feel frightened and their souls shaken.


As Natalie, Dr. Matthew, and the others all entered the sealed life-support capsules to begin cosmic sleep, "he" remained awake and even opened his tightly closed eyes. The life-support cover, several times larger than the capsule, had activated facilities capable of solidifying all neural activity and blood pulses, but it had no effect on him.


In fact, when the neural cannon hit him, the dizziness only lasted for a few seconds before he had mastered the energy of the neural cannon, absorbed and decomposed it, and transformed it into his own strength. Being brought to this place filled his heart with excitement and pleasure for escaping, but he did not know the purpose or attempt of these compatriots towards him, so he could only enter the state usually hidden, to observe, grasp, and learn well.


His consciousness penetrated every facility and weapon on the Great Whale, out of survival and a strong curiosity. Among them, there were several weapons that made him alert because they could destroy him before his energy could respond and understand.


This made him even more cautious. What interested him were the women on the ship, especially the one who kept observing him nearby.


After his "growth," there were still seventy-two clan members on the No. 7 planet, of which fifty-three were women. In order to cultivate the next generation, these women mated with him one by one, but all the babies died in the womb before they were born because they could not withstand the harsh environment. Even so, women still brought him great joy, leaving the most beautiful memories, letting him understand the taste of love, in addition to the solution pool.


So he hoped to study hard to better adapt to the life of the new environment and become one of them.


Starting with the language learning machine. Although he couldn't understand the words of the man and woman next to him, he could "see" the images in their minds and understand the role of the language machine. But first, he needs to break free from this cage-like cover and the metal buckles that lock his body. This is a piece of cake for him.


His consciousness is closely integrated with the spaceship, enjoying the gradually increasing speed.


The Great Whale has not yet entered the surreal negative space, but it has reached the interstellar speed, running as fast as light. The super interactive force furnace with the ion reactor hidden in the stern suddenly vibrates, and the huge magnetic energy is injected into the body from the magnetic energy center in the belly of the ship. The speed suddenly increases sharply, and finally breaks through the speed limit of 299,792.5 kilometers per second.


The spaceship comes to a halt, as if suspended in place, with endless darkness outside the ship, without a trace of light.


He can no longer feel any speed, but the whole person becomes heavy, and the eyelids fall powerlessly.


The only thing that remained active was his ability to sense, which was completely unaffected by the speed of space, allowing him to continue to inspect all the instruments and the situation inside the ship.


The temperature and pressure remained unchanged, the reactor continued to operate, and the energy continued to increase exponentially.


He didn't understand what had happened, nor did he know where the spaceship had reached, but he knew it was a strange way of traveling.


What was affected was the energy within his body, which was moving many times slower than usual.


He concentrated his mental will, condensed and accelerated the energy, trying to return to normal, fighting against the paralysis of body functions, which was an extremely fresh but extremely terrible experience.


It was as if his thoughts had completely detached from the body, a feeling of extreme emptiness. He wanted to obtain energy through breathing, but he couldn't even do this simple action.


A realization rose in his heart that in this strange space, the subjective time and the objectively existing time had lost their usual close connection, which means: here, time was distorted, and he was still experiencing and living through the previous concept of time, which is why he encountered difficulties.


After understanding this, he stopped thinking and focused on continuously increasing the speed of the energy running in the nerves within his body. He knew that when the speed reached synchronization with the interaction inside the reactor, he could once again be consistent with the distorted time and space inside the spaceship and be able to move freely again.


"His" three-dimensional image gradually disappeared, and the crowd seemed to have their souls back at this time, looking at Victoria, who calmly said, "Now the key to the whole issue lies in this last surviving Firebird Star person. He represents the proof of why humans can develop such amazing power. If we can grasp his secret, or reproduce his superman life factor, we can not only take an insurmountable step in evolution but also have the possibility to defeat the Black Prison Legion. So now we must not act rashly, and everything should wait until the Great Whale takes him back to the research institute. Does anyone object to my decision?"


After a moment of silence, General Leo took the lead to express his position: "Follow the chair's decision in everything."


Everyone expressed their agreement.