Chapter 276: Jimmy Kimmel Live!

As 2007 arrived, Evelyn hoped for a fresh start to the new year, but she learned that her son had invested all the previous mortgage loans into the stock market. It felt like a weight was pressing on her heart.

Unable to help Charles in other ways, Evelyn focused more on the UFC events held by Capet Sports Holdings.

As for Charles, knowing that Lily Ying's team had shorted all the stocks of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae brought him immense relief.

Throughout 2006, Capet Pictures released a total of 11 films, including international movies such as The Lives of Others, Volver.

In the North American market, their market share beat Warner Bros., Paramount, and Universal, ranking fourth behind Sony Columbia, Disney, and 20th Century Fox.

In terms of the number of films released, Capet Pictures couldn't compare to the six major studios. However, it shocked everyone by becoming the fourth highest-grossing movie company in North America.

Hollywood's award season was, of course, filled with various receptions and parties. Brands, fashion magazines, etc., seized the opportunity to invite celebrities to their parties.

The Departed, The Devil Wears Prada, The Pursuit of Happiness, Volver, and The Lives of Others were all films that had hopes for the Oscars.

On the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Donald Trump was honored with a star for his outstanding performance as the host of the reality show The Apprentice, citing his contributions to the television industry.

Ivanka Trump accompanied her father to the unveiling ceremony. As someone close to Ivanka, Charles also attended.

"Last year in Las Vegas, I heard it was under committee review. It got approved this quickly?" Charles joked with Ivanka.

Ivanka shrugged, "The ratings for The Apprentice aren't low."

Charles smiled, but inside he was filled with amusement. The show's ratings were good, but Trump's financial power and media buzz were the real reasons for the star.

In the future, when Trump became president, that star was smashed or defaced at least twice a year - either painted over or outright stolen.

"What about you? No star yet?" Ivanka asked Charles with a smile.

"I was invited in '05, but I turned it down. I don't want my name stepped on by so many people," Charles shook his head. After all, the Walk of Fame is just an extension of Hollywood Boulevard, crowded with tourists every day.

The Walk of Fame honors people with professional achievements in fields such as film, television, radio, theater, and music. Essentially, once someone is famous enough, they get the committee's nod.

Many stars have also refused the honor, like Julia Roberts and Clint Eastwood.

To Charles, it was just a trivial matter.

"I see," Ivanka nodded, glancing at Charles. "The Jimmy Kimmel Live! show invited me for an interview. Can you come with me?"

"Me, on a talk show?" Charles was taken aback. "You know how many shows want to invite me?"

Charles had no interest in that.

Ivanka laughed, "We're friends. Just be a guest. You attended my dad's ceremony, after all."

Charles thought for a moment before nodding. "When?"

"Tomorrow night!"

Charles was certainly familiar with Jimmy Kimmel Live!, a popular late-night talk show on ABC.

Jimmy Kimmel was a well-known comedian, TV producer, and host in the U.S.

Charles understood that Ivanka, like others in the Trump family, loved the spotlight.

Though Ivanka was already a famous socialite, her association with Charles had skyrocketed her fame, much more than any previous producers or actors she had dated.

That evening, Charles didn't take Ivanka with him when he left. The day's public appearance had already set the paparazzi in motion.

The next evening, as Ivanka was recording Jimmy Kimmel Live! at the ABC studio, Charles arrived backstage.

"Mr. Capet, welcome," said a staff member as they greeted Charles, smiling.

In the studio, host Jimmy Kimmel sat behind his desk, with Ivanka and comedian Andy Dick on the two sofas in front of him.

Ivanka, in a black top and shorts, showed off her beautiful legs, exuding charm. On the other sofa, Andy Dick, wearing black-framed glasses, leered creepily at Ivanka's legs, nearly drooling.

Upon hearing about Charles's arrival, Jimmy Kimmel eagerly introduced him to the audience as a major guest.

However, unnoticed by many, Andy Dick couldn't contain his inner perv and reached out to grope Ivanka's legs.

Ivanka was furious at being harassed in public and smacked Andy's arm hard, but he paid no attention and didn't let go.

Charles walked in just as things were getting awkward. Jimmy Kimmel rushed over to stop it, "Andy, let go! Trump's gonna have our heads for this!"

But could Charles tolerate this? No way. Those legs should only be enjoyed by him!

Charles walked right over and kicked the persistent Andy Dick away without hesitation, shocking everyone including Andy and Jimmy Kimmel.

However, the audience was stunned, as was Ivanka, while ABC producers were likely chuckling at the ratings boost.

Ivanka finally stood up and threw her water at Andy Dick, who was on the floor.

Ivanka was already furious; Andy had tried to greet her with an unwanted kiss when she arrived. He then touched her arms and hair, finally daring to grope her legs. Now that Charles was here, Ivanka's patience had run out.

"Call security to drag him out. Harassing someone on a TV show?!" Charles shook his head and reminded Jimmy, noting Ivanka's obvious anger.

"And report him to the police!" he told Ivanka.

Jimmy Kimmel felt a mix of pain and pleasure: pleasure from the ratings boost and pain from the severity of the incident.
