Chapter 386

Charles left the celebration party for Thor before it even ended. He wanted to leave with Eva Green, but as the female lead of Thor, it wasn't appropriate for her to leave so early.

Charles had heard that Britney Spears, upon returning to Los Angeles, went straight to her mansion in the Hollywood Hills.

"Aren't you attending the celebration party?" Britney was already in bed, but Charles' phone call had left her wide awake.

"Boring. Capet Pictures hold too many of these kinds of celebration parties," Charles said nonchalantly and sat himself on the sofa.

"Hey, that's a cool statement!" Britney handed Charles a glass of water, sat next to him, and kissed him on the cheek.

Britney's white silk nightgown subtly revealed her sexy figure.

"I was going to find you tomorrow. You've just returned from New York," Britney, who had been traveling to various places earlier this year for her new album, finally returned to Los Angeles for a break.

"What about the concert? Is it still happening?" Charles recalled hearing that Britney was planning a world tour earlier this year.

Britney nodded, "Yes, but only about twenty shows starting in October. It's also a promotion for the new album.

This year, Capet Records has released many new albums. Newcomer Katy Perry's single last year was very well-received, and her first album released recently is selling very well.

Another newcomer, Lady Gaga, wrote a song for me last year. This January, her single Just Dance became a number one hit in seven countries. Her first studio album will be released in August!"

Charles chuckled and pulled Britney onto his lap, "And what about Taylor Swift, who really likes you? Her first album sold very well, didn't it? It went five times platinum!"

"Taylor, huh? I performed with her on New Year's Eve. Last year, she released three singles and was nominated for Best New Artist at the 50th Grammy Awards. This year, she's preparing her second album," Britney said with a smile.

"That girl is getting taller and taller, like a Victoria's Secret model!" Britney said, raising her hands to indicate height.

"She wasn't short two years ago," Charles said, stroking Britney's thigh.

"She's about 180 cm now, much taller than before," Britney, who is only 163 cm, noted the significant height difference.

"Anyway, you're still the top singer at Capet Records," Charles said, kissing Britney deeply.

Responding to his kiss, Britney smiled after they parted, "My new album isn't ordinary. The shooting went very well!"

"You've been to a lot of places?" Charles teased.

"Of course, I went to the scenic mountainous areas, which is what I wanted," Britney replied.

"Let's go rest," Charles said before taking Britney to the bedroom.


In late June, the 2008 UEFA European Championship knockout stage was underway in Austria and Switzerland. Although David Beckham had joined the Major League Soccer, soccer still didn't hold much appeal in the United States.

Meanwhile, Hollywood's film companies were fiercely competing for the summer box office!

At Charles' seaside villa in Santa Monica Palisades, Anne Hathaway, who hadn't seen Charles for a while, had specially come over for a delightful evening.

Sitting on Charles's lap, Anne Hathaway panted, "It's crazy. That guy is really a con artist!"

"Huh?" Charles was confused, "Dear, what are you talking about?"

"Charles, do you remember my manager introduced me to an Italian businessman in '04?" Anne said. "Raffaello Follieri. He got sent to prison this year. Thank God I met you back then, or I don't know what would have happened!"

Anne Hathaway shuddered with fear. She had been stunned when her manager told her the news.

Back then, she had quite a good impression of Raffaello Follieri. If it weren't for Charles' intervention, things could have turned out very differently.

"Oh, I thought it was something serious. It was years ago. Looks like your manager kept in touch with that guy all this time," Charles said, not really interested. After all, he was more into Anne Hathaway's body.

After a while, Anne Hathaway lay down in Charles' arms, "Charles, we've been together for four years now. Are you bored with me?"

"What are you thinking? No, I've always liked you," Charles said, squeezing her chest.

"But you like so many women," Anne Hathaway sighed, "I want to get married after thirty!"

"Stop overthinking. When you meet the right person, just marry them. You know me; I'm not into the whole marriage concept," Charles said casually.

"You... really..." Anne Hathaway bit him playfully on his shoulder and smiled, "You're perfect in every way, except you're too much of a flirt. But the happiness you bring is hard to give up!"

Charles whispered in her ear, "So, if you're satisfied, but I'm not, what should I do?"

Anne Hathaway hesitated, feeling Charles' condition. It was indeed a troublesome kind of happiness, and she laughed, "I'm going to suffer again!"

"Come on, then! Otherwise, who knows when it'll end!" Charles urged.

"Looks like I should make you tire out your energy first next time!" Anne Hathaway said, diving under the covers.
