Chapter 554: James Murdoch

New York, Manhattan, Plaza Hotel.

Charles and Ivanka Trump were attending a small business gathering. "By the way, my father is interested in the new World Trade Center project, how about you, care to join?" Ivanka asked.

Listening to Ivanka, Charles shook his head and laughed, "I'm not a real estate company, no need to get involved in such projects! Vornado, Forest City, Kushner, Trump - these East Coast real estate companies have already made it quite crowded here. The Capet Group owns plenty of properties. We have enough for our use."

The reconstruction of the World Trade Center was divided into several phases, making it a colossal undertaking. Various companies were employing all sorts of tricks to grab a slice of the action.

"Yeah, that's true. Now you're a big shot too," Ivanka smiled, "but are you satisfied with just the Capet Center Building?"

Charles glanced at Ivanka, "Universal has a theater on Leonard Street in Tribeca. I plan to demolish it and build a new Universal Building there. It will serve as the New York headquarters for Universal Entertainment!"

Not just NBC Tower in Burbank, Los Angeles needed to be built, but the Entertainment Center Building in Manhattan, New York, also needed to start construction.

Capet Records, Universal Entertainment, and Netflix were all crucial assets of the group, which they needed to develop vigorously!


In a suite at the Plaza Hotel, Rupert Murdoch was conversing with his second son, James Murdoch.

"A full acquisition of Sky TV would significantly boost our media operations in Europe, almost as much as the Dow Jones acquisition did," said James, who had been named Chairman of News International Group in 2007, overseeing the company's activities in Europe and Asia, including Sky TV and The Times.

"Some recent newspapers have mentioned the hacking scandal involving News of the World. You need to handle it carefully, or it could jeopardize the Sky TV acquisition," Rupert Murdoch cautioned.

News Corp currently owned 40% of Sky TV and managed it, but they aimed for full ownership to strengthen their media presence in the UK and Europe.

"Don't worry, we signed a memorandum of understanding with News of the World last year. Without evidence, they can't do much," James Murdoch wasn't too concerned. The Times, News of the World, The Sun, and Sky TV had all engaged in information hacking.

As long as no loose ends were left, News Corp, with its absolute media power in the UK, was unafraid. Could any political party running for Prime Minister afford to miss the support of the News Corp?

"Avatar has been a huge hit. 20th Century Fox performed really well this time," James Murdoch, groomed as Rupert Murdoch's successor, wielded significant power in News Corp.

Originally, the heir being groomed was the eldest son, Lachlan Murdoch.

However, after a series of conflicts with Rupert Murdoch over the stepmother Wendi Deng issue, Lachlan resigned as Deputy Chief Operating Officer of News Corp and returned to Australia with his family.

Rupert Murdoch sighed, "Relying on just one movie isn't a long-term solution. James Cameron takes too long to make a movie. All of Hollywood was under Capet's spotlight throughout 2009. Now with Capet's acquisition of NBC Universal, their influence has grown even stronger!"

James Murdoch remained silent for a moment, "That young man is indeed impressive," said James, who had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth and originally looked down on someone like Charles Capet.

Unfortunately, Charles Capet had risen so quickly in the last few years it was almost unbelievable!

"I can't believe Capet acquired NBC Universal," James Murdoch said, shaking his head.

"Never mind, Capet is surely our competitor. No matter how formidable he is, he won't surpass News Corp's media power worldwide! Don't underestimate him. His achievements have already surpassed what our family has accomplished in three generations!" Rupert Murdoch frowned. Underestimating a competitor was rash, and it made him miss Lachlan even more.

"Let's go, we should go down and meet some friends," Rupert Murdoch said, since moving News Corp's headquarters registration to the U.S. in 2004, it had been because most of their profits came from the U.S.

As Rupert Murdoch and James Murdoch came down to the banquet hall, they saw Charles chatting and laughing with Ivanka.

"Hi, Charles, Ivanka," Rupert Murdoch introduced his second son to the two.

"James, long time no see," Charles greeted James Murdoch, having met him a few times in London where James spent most of his time.

"Yes, long time no see," James Murdoch shook hands with Charles and exchanged cheek kisses with Ivanka.

"Good that you know each other. You young folks should chat. I need to go rest," Rupert Murdoch smiled and left.

Feeling that James Murdoch had something to discuss with Charles, Ivanka said, "I'll get you guys some drinks."

"Thanks, Ivanka," James Murdoch nodded politely.

After Ivanka left, James Murdoch smiled, "Charles, still such a ladies' man, huh?"

"Haha, it would be better if The Sun and the New York Post published fewer of those boring stories," Charles also smiled, as he was fed up with those low-standard newspapers of News Corp.

"Youth is for dating," James Murdoch said, steering away from the subject, "The Premier League broadcast contract is up for renewal this year. Your Arsenal is one of the hottest teams in the league. Any thoughts?"

Charles squinted. The last Premier League broadcast contract was for the 2007-2010 period and worth a billion pounds in the UK region.

"With the rapid development of the Premier League, the new broadcast fees will definitely increase. This is not just my idea, but the league's," Charles said, wondering why James was asking him this, as it was the league that handled the negotiations.

"You seem to have good relationships with the owners of Chelsea and Manchester City. The owners of Liverpool and Manchester United are also Americans," James Murdoch said, scrutinizing Charles, "If you can help expedite the negotiations between the league and Sky TV, both Sky TV and News Corp will be in your debt. At the very least, there will be fewer tabloid stories about you."

"Hmm," Charles looked up at James Murdoch in disbelief, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled, "Are you threatening me?"

No wonder Rupert Murdoch chose this guy only after his eldest daughter, Elisabeth Murdoch, and eldest son, Lachlan Murdoch, left the company.

Among the second-generation rich kids, some were true airheads. Charles just hadn't encountered many of them!
