Chapter 699: Expansion

At night, Charles and his team returned from the banquet to the Atlantis Hotel and sat on the suite balcony enjoying the Persian Gulf breeze. Charles was in a great mood.

"Oni-san," Kyoko Fukada and Haruka Ayase came out together and sat next to Charles.

"Ye-jin said she's a bit tired and is already resting," Haruka Ayase mentioned.

Charles chuckled. Son Ye-jin had indeed spent a lot of energy during the day; she deserved the rest.

"Hey, look! Someone's setting off fireworks," Kyoko Fukada stood up. There were fireworks being set off on the beach below, arranged into a giant heart shape.

Charles stood up too. Within the heart shape, "Elva Hsiao" was spelled out in lights. He remembered seeing Jho Low at the earlier banquet; this guy was quick and determined about his flirting. Guess Hollywood's tastes didn't suit him anymore?


After a few days in Dubai, Charles returned to the United States due to the escalating protests and demonstrations.

By mid-September, thousands of protesters gathered in Manhattan, New York. They tried to occupy Wall Street, with many even bringing tents, vowing to stay long-term.

The organizers claimed their intent was to protest the political corruption, bipartisanship, and social injustice in America.

In One Liberty Plaza, Charles stood by the window looking at the tents and crowds set up in Zuccotti Park, which was initially named Liberty Plaza Park. A fitting name change!

"They organized through the internet, claiming they want to turn Wall Street into Egypt's Tahrir Square," Ivanka Trump said, leaning on Charles' shoulder.

"It's gotten so big, even mainstream media has to start speaking up," Charles smiled. "At times like this, the two parties will definitely cooperate closely!"

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg had earlier released a written statement saying: "People have the right to protest. If they want to protest, we will be happy to ensure they have a place to hold their events!"

But now, Bloomberg had not issued any statements supporting the protesters.

"Hard to say, right now only a few financial districts in a dozen cities have protests. There are some anonymous activists and congressmen supporting this action too. Large American protest groups, such as the Day of Rage, have also clearly expressed support."

Ivanka understood that the scale of this protest was permissible under the U.S. Constitution.

"Indeed, only a few thousand people; it's obviously not enough," Charles was indifferent, but there was clearly much intrigue involved.

"Ivanka, go to Washington D.C. with Mrs. Huffington. Tell them that NBC will fully cooperate with Congress's publicity," Charles hugged Ivanka and kissed her.

Issues like poverty, educational opportunities, and unemployment can lead to class-based social crises.

America's response method was to quickly reveal an internal, innovative social contradiction to divert attention. Issues like racism, LGBT rights, celebrity scandals, or high-ranking official corruption were common.

Internal social contradictions definitely can't compare to class division; class conflict might even lead to revolution.

"I see now," Ivanka understood. "This time NBC, ABC, and FOX haven't shown deep concern. Now you step in, is it to suppress?"

"Wall Street is friends with both parties. How can Wall Street have problems?" Charles patted her back. "Let's get out of here. Since it's a normal protest demand, there's nothing we can do."


After that, news channels like CNN and FOX directly labeled the protesters as terrorists, calling for anti-terror laws to handle them!

Despite their usual conflictual stance, both media outlets surprisingly took a similar and unified view, proving the limitless power behind capital.

Unfortunately, the protest scale continued to expand, spreading from big cities to small and midsize ones!

And Charles happily attended his movie Silver Linings Playbook's premiere in New York.

This year, with the release of The Hangover Part II and The Green Hornet, leading actor Bradley Cooper was soaring in popularity. Add to that the sexy lead actress Anne Hathaway, and Silver Linings Playbook garnered a lot of attention!

At night, Charles and Anne Hathaway went back to Anne's villa in Brooklyn Heights.

"Finally back, huh? This year Capet Universal really owned the summer box office!" Anne Hathaway lay lazily on Charles.

"It's not just the summer. We've got the Christmas season too," Charles said, caressing Anne Hathaway's smooth back.

"Your Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises is really sexy," he said, touching her face, "Christopher Nolan sure has a great eye for casting!"

"Mmm, you like it too!" Anne Hathaway kissed his chest. "I was worried about not doing well. The earlier Catwoman by Halle Berry got tons of bad reviews. I was worried I'd end up like her; that would've been a big hit to my career!"

"Don't worry. Christopher Nolan's directing is trustworthy, and you can see how much Warner Bros. values him," Charles said, getting out of bed to pour two glasses of champagne, handing one to Anne.

"Silver Linings Playbook has a good reputation among critics. Have your team do some good PR this year. You've already been nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress, it's time to win!"

Charles took a sip of champagne.

Anne Hathaway, sitting on the bed without hiding her sexy figure, said, "Can I really win Best Actress?"

"Don't worry. After we get back to LA, we'll meet with the Academy judges. It's almost assured!" Charles said, putting down his glass and kissing Anne on the bed, with Anne Hathaway responding passionately.

"By the way, how will you thank me when you win the award?" Charles asked after the kiss.

Anne Hathaway glared at Charles. "You still need my thanks? Where am I not yours now?" Hugging Charles' shoulder, she bit him lightly. "When the time comes, Emily Blunt and I will keep you company."

Anne Hathaway licked her lips, "Right now, the media is buzzing about Les Miserables." Emily Blunt was currently in the UK filming Les Miserables, playing Fantine.

"Let's rest first!" Charles said.
